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梁山警方破获特大贩卖婴儿案 揭背后黑色利益链--亲稳网络舆情监控室

梁山镇孔庄村何某云花5.4万元买了一个男婴。记者 张晓科 LiangShanZhen kong zhuang village 何某 cloud spend 54000 yuan to buy a baby boy.The reporter ZhangXiaoKe


recently,Jining liangshan police uncovered a heavy selling baby,Yunnan qujing and liangshan traffickers in collusion,Brought from yunnan babies born just a few days to liangshan,To find buyers through intermediaries……At present,,All six were sold in the name of the baby,The trans-regional selling baby six members of the gang has been criminal detention.


On December 18,,Beam public security bureau to get clues, dec. 4,Yunnan qujing city two babies were trafficked to liangshan.After get the clue,Beam public security bureau immediately start investigation,Through technical means will target beam punch shop town LiuMouLe farmers."LiuMouLe is a release after serving staff,In 2006 by selling baby won the penalty."Handling the police told reporters.


That night at eight,Liangshan police will LiuMou and their associates in a capture.then,The police according to the clues will sell baby participants zhang Ming/Yang LAN and broker work his way up shun and arrested.


LiuMouLe account,On September 13, this year,He from yunnan traffickers hand to buy a baby boy,And with 58000 yuan price sell to Ann shan town building village zhang chrysanthemum.The night 11 o 'clock,Handling the police come to zhang chrysanthemum family,Successful rescue a six months old baby boy.


"The identification of,The rescue of the boys is not clues in one of two babies,We realize that the gangs of selling baby number may be larger."Handling the police intensify the trial of the six suspects.Suspects and statement,September to December this year,Three months they have purchased from yunnan lured six baby,Were sold to liangshan six local farmers.According to the statement of information,Handling the police successively to free five sold other babies.


According to the LiuMouLe statement,The whole process of selling baby including yunnan local recruiter"Supply of goods",Will send the baby to liangshan,Liangshan traffickers buy from their hand,Broker to find buyers,To choose time site for sale, and other links,Traffickers clear division,And according to certain proportion layers for illegal money.At present,,Six of the criminal suspect has been liangshan police criminal detention,The case is under further investigation.


孩子多为亲生父母所卖 解救后如何抚养成问题 After the children for biological parents has sold more save how to raise a question


On December 27,,Beam LiangShanZhen kong zhuang village 何某 cloud home out of the baby crying sound,The dissatisfaction on baby boy is lured from trafficking in yunnan province.


何某 cloud 28, the son of people with intellectual disabilities,Daughter-in-law, hemiplegia and barren.All the family,Everywhere to borrow money in the price of 54000 yuan from LiuMou musicians buy the baby boy.


何某 cloud said,Son get married two years ago,His family is around two about which have sell the children's.To buy from a boy,They don't know anything.


Handling police said,For many children is their biological parents,Even after the rescue find their own parents,Willing to accept is also a problem.


延伸调查 Extended investigation


孩子转手一次价格涨1万 Children changed hands a price 10000


贩婴背后暗藏惊人黑色利益链条 Selling baby behind hidden amazing black interests chain 犯罪嫌疑人接受审讯。记者 张晓科 Criminal suspects for questioning.The reporter ZhangXiaoKe


Selling a baby can profit of ten thousand yuan,General to broker 1000 yuan,Embrace the child's 1000 yuan.


After purchased yunnan lured from the maternal infant resale to liangshan traffickers,Liangshan recruiter to find buyers through intermediaries,For secondary resale……After the success of the transaction,Traffickers according to certain proportion layers for illegal money.The seemingly simple selling baby behind the case,But hidden a black in the interests of the chain.


"In August this year,I and the village of zhang Ming driving down looking for online sellers."Prime culprit LiuMouLe said,Their first choice is yunnan qujing city HuiZeXian,"There are many pregnant women giving birth to sell,Don't have to‘Supply of goods’To worry about."Will arrive after ze,They first with local recruiter wang mou a/XiaoMou one contact,And reached a preliminary selling baby plan.December 4,,XiaoMou a contact LiuMouLe,Say have a newborn baby boys and baby girls all can be changed hands,The final price for the baby 45000 yuan/Baby girl 25000 yuan.


"To avoid the guard of the inspection,XiaoMou a didn't take the train,It took the children on the long distance bus from yunnan to liangshan."LiuMouLe said,Are generally responsible for sending the recruiter will choose on the road to get off of the child,Went by his car again.When that XiaoMou one has after the children get in,LiuMouLe/Zhang Ming went to the bank account designated on the money twenty thousand yuan,See children after they personally to XiaoMou a 50000 yuan.then,LiuMouLe cousin work his way up shun do middleman,In LiangShanZhen find a house to buy baby buyers.In the end,Baby boy with 54000 yuan price for sale,Baby girl with 37500 yuan price sold to another company.To sell the two babies,LiuMouLe and profit of $21500.


"From yunnan to buy a baby boy for the price of 30000 yuan/Baby girl price 15000 yuan.Normally they changed hands a profit of 10000 yuan or so baby."LiuMouLe said,Second hands profit after,General to broker 1000 yuan,Carrying children follow transactions of the women's 1000 yuan,The rest of the share with zhang Ming.Sell six baby he and zhang Ming profit of $50000,He had twenty thousand dollars.


对话案中人 Dialogue in human


“都是买家主动找我买孩子” "Buyers are actively looking for me to buy a child"


主犯刘某乐卖了6个孩子挣了2万元 Prime culprit LiuMouLe sold six children earned 20000 yuan


On December 27 afternoon,Reporters saw the case prime culprit LiuMouLe beam in jail,In 2006 he was sentenced for trafficked children.His ex-wife also jailed for child trafficking,Still in prison.In jail LiuMouLe again filled with remorse,The temptation of profits as a set of his neck rope,Made him desperate consequences in the end.


Reporter: you have to sell baby with punishment,Why do this?


LiuMouLe: 2009 out of jail after I opened a small hotel,Then closed down because of bad management.Zhang Ming this year to find me,Let me dry old field,Two people on average cent.He knows the money fast,Buy low price to sell,As long as there is supply, not demand.It was because I can't stand firm,Don't hold live,And 重走 old road,After we went to yunnan.


Reporter: how do you know yunnan have a source?Anyone wants to sell children?


LiuMouLe: one of my friends gave me a woman of family name is Chen's mobile phone number,I contact her.A few days she found a baby boy,We talk about good price for 42000 yuan,Chen, was hired a girl more than 20 years old baby from yunnan to liangshan,After I with 58000 yuan price to sell out,To some people wouldn't,I earn thousands of dollars.


Reporter: are you from the six children to earn how much money?


LiuMouLe: a total of 20000 yuan.


Reporter: how to contact your buyer?


LiuMouLe: I've done this before,Many people know,People in need will be subject,Buyers are actively looking for me,Talk about good price after I didn't dare to buy.


Reporter: do you know these children come from?


LiuMouLe: I don't know,Haven't asked.


Reporter: you know this is why crime is still desperate?

  刘某乐:为了钱。我知道我犯下多大的罪,现在后悔也来不及了。(记者 岳茵茵 姬生辉)

LiuMouLe: in order to money.I know just how much I committed the sin,Now regret too late.(Reporter yue before her)
