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择校风难除暴法律落实不到位 切断利益链是关键--亲稳网络舆情监测室
The lack of high quality education resources,Is make some famous schools all over the interests of the arena,Especially in"after"fierce.So derived from the interests of the chain,Is wrapped around the original purity of campus.Will process is summarized"Spell dad"/"Spell the child"/"Try very hard to".The new compulsory education law introduced accountability system,For more than six years, however, there is little accountability.To completely cut off the interests of the chain,Only in the process of promoting the reform of education,Establish education accountability system.
视点关注 Focus attention
Shenzhen city, guangdong province some high school started to charge a high school without the registered permanent residence of deep 择校费,And ask the students will 择校费 directly into shenzhen finance committee account.Last month,A warm-hearted public welfare of young LiuXiao tiger that after 80,Think this behavior is suspected of household register discrimination,Decided to shenzhen education bureau/The finance committee put forward disclosure of government information application,For public charge 择校费 basis/Pay the number/Information such as balance of payments situation.recently,Shenzhen education bureau has to make a reply to the application for the above.
school,In recent years has become a very sensitive words,Any actions related to the attention.The reporter understands,School behind the phenomenon include the interests of the complex factors,At the same time also exposed to the implement of relevant law does not reach the designated position.
争议不断的择校现象 Dispute continuously usual phenomenon
We all know that there are 择校费 exist.Because the students in the school as a mortgage,Don't have a parents' meeting say how much money I made.择校费 sensitive to this thing,It's(Investigate and deal with)Difficulty is here
The reporter understands,Shenzhen education bureau reply said,择校费 at present only in high school,All shall not collect 择校费 compulsory education stage.Because ZeJiaoSheng increases the burden of your school,So by charging 择校费 appropriate make up training costs,The census register in shenzhen city/Non - deep 择校费 census register students will be charged,Since 2007,The annual charge 择校费 41.2 million yuan.
According to the shenzhen bureau of education[2007-2011, shenzhen education funds table]display,Past five years,High school education funds is 2.582 billion yuan respectively/2.986 billion yuan/3.501 billion yuan/4.396 billion yuan/4.893 billion yuan,According to the city bureau of education to provide 择校费 total calculation,择校费 nearly five years with the high school stage education funds investment ratio of 1.5%, respectively/1.6%/1.3%/0.8%/0.8%.
LiuXiao tiger told reporters,Since public data shows,择校费 amount of education funds proportion is so small,Suggest to cancel directly.
"Cancel 择校费,This is a good suggestion,But don't think school,It is really hard to."A parent told reporters,"To understand parents what is looking for?The goal is the guarantee of children admitted to a good school,The direction is in order not to let the children lose at the starting line.In order to the‘ChongDianJiao’,Children into primary school after parents began to inquire after the rules of the game,Can parents and children to these certificates to the key work,Everything is in order to children can go‘ChongDianJiao’."
The parents told reporters,At the beginning in order to let their children go to a ideal school,Easy-going to children of the packaging."I gave the child a 50 pages of beautiful resume,Also filmed the photo album.Send your resume to go up after,I will hug every day of your cell phone."
For the cost of the school,In the 21 st century education research institute researchers YuanYanFang examples of a data,A famous key primary school,"After 择校费 amount 500000 yuan to 800000 yuan".
In the 21 st century education research institute staff told reporters,The above data by the media after the disclosure,The head of the primary school is put forward,And to maintain the rights and interests through legal channels.
Reporters access relevant reports,To disclose the 择校费,The elementary school principal said publicly,"......Like our school,Children don't accept any donation for tuition fees.You can look at and rushed in,Find any parents asked,Look at our charge have no,Almost no."
this,In the 21 st century education research institute YangDongPing response said,"We all know that there are 择校费 exist.Because the students in the school as a mortgage,Don't have a parents' meeting say how much money I made.择校费 sensitive to this thing,It's(Investigate and deal with)Difficulty is here."
A person involved in the research, said,"This is not the highest."And further said,They are evidence through three ways: one is to visit parents,2 it is to the bank 蹲点 investigation,3 it is related to the parents and teachers in a school to verify.
择校背后利益纠葛复杂 School behind the interests of the Oscar film
Spell dad,Spell it money,Spell relationship...In addition to the class of the pit,There are"To build life"and"The blade was born"And so on:.Even after find relationship,Money is also cannot little
YuanYanFang will select summed up in the process of school,"Spell dad","Spell the child","Try very hard to".
In 2012,,Because many of the policy documents issued,By many educators think is Beijing management school fees in one of the most serious,But the situation is not optimistic.
The reporter understands,Select factors behind the interest of the school is very complicated.A parent said to reporter,For the children to go to"ChongDianJiao",Choose several school training"Of pit".
"Of pit",Is Beijing after school in the special terms.In the 21 st century education research institute staff told reporters,The so-called"Class of pit",Refers to the public the key school oneself or jointly and social institutions/For elementary subject training institutions,To select outstanding junior high school students to the university.Many students since third grade the test into the training school,After a few years,Constantly test/screening/qualifying,Only part of the top in the sixth grade students can enter a key school.
As far as to"Class of pit"Specific need how many money,In the 21 st century education research institute in 2011 and found that after the investigation on the earlier,More than 90%"Class of pit"Money spent to parents of students each year in 8000 yuan of above,Most of the"Class of pit"Students will choose 2 to 3 or so"pit",and"Class of pit"The cost is only"after"Part of the cost of smaller.In order to ensure the"Class of pit"In the passage,Also participate in many training institutions of the course,Including the parents alone"Saving class"(According to the needs of children,Recruiting teachers teaching by the parents).Each course costs about $2000 to $3000 in each period,4 a total of 8000 yuan to 8000 yuan per year.If language/The number/The 3 on the course,Each year more than 30000 yuan.Because in"after"In the assessment of,Accounting for the largest proportion of mathematics,Many students want to go to the three to five math class(With parents save class),Will increase the cost of twenty thousand yuan of above.
In 2011 and earlier usual phenomenon in the process of the investigation of the Beijing,In the 21 st century education research institute researchers also found some other phenomenon:
"To build life",Refers to large enterprises and key school through cooperation,So as to meet the department worker children to enjoy"High quality education resources"The needs of the,This is typical"To the right school".The investigator that,Build strong confidentiality,Information is not transparent.Beijing several area all have"To build life"policy,But the recruitment of students scale has never released.
"The blade was born"The so-called"After his pupils",Parents through special social relations,Make children get key school admission opportunity,This is the"after"In the process of the way is unfair.District of Beijing in a few key schools to every year"The blade was born"Reserve quota.The investigator found,Some of the key school"The blade was born",Accounting for about 8% to 10% of the enrollment.
"Computer 1 school places allocation",That is all"after"In the channel,Is considered one of the most embody the entrance fair way,That is, through district scribing/By way of computer random wave number distribution degree.but,The investigator found,Since 1998, Beijing cancelled"after"The test,Take the student to"Computer 1 school places allocation"Near to the entrance after 3 years,Computer 1 school places allocation were widely questioned,Even joint appeared the following strange like: a lot of weak schools"A school half fewer people in the class";The more big school,1 school places allocation proportion is smaller;In the middle layer of ordinary schools,Practical for most computer 1 school places allocation of the students.
Even after find relationship,Money is also cannot little."Parents born as vice-president level of contribution of $200000."YuanYanFang said.
"To realize the education fair system environment has not yet been built.According to the size of the school of power and to pay how much will have existed phenomenon.Some parts of the school‘after’Extended to‘Young/small’,Even extended to choose the kindergarten;Some primary and middle school students near the entrance rate less than 20%;Also in some places‘Urban and rural integration’/‘Education modernization’Under the slogan of the,In merging of rural schools,Only do the schools in the city."The Chinese institute of education sciences reservoir from zhaohui analyzes the status of the current school.
择校治理还需依靠法律 School management still need to rely on the law
With the constant revision and perfection of compulsory education,In recent years all over the school of management efforts are in increasing.But should be completely cut off the interests of the chain,Still need to in the process of promoting the reform of education,Establish education accountability system
The reporter understands,The ministry of education recently held to promote balanced development of compulsory education TongQiHui typical cases,Said management school fees should be under the punch for all parties,And hope that will be one step ahead of the zhejiang experience to promote the country.
Reporters came to Beijing to attend"TongQiHui"The zhejiang provincial deputy head of the original ZhangXuPei,He told reporters."I think school is related to the interests,So select one school must be cut off in the interests of the chain,One is the school,One is the government.The local government financial conditions are difficult,The hope of a more school,Can charge,Can set off the public finance of education investment.If the fee is he in school,He also have enthusiasm.In hangzhou city, zhejiang province,Basically the school over the past few years this article interests chain cut off,We take up the money and does not return to the school,So now the school school in hangzhou's enthusiasm is not high."
The reporter understands,With the constant revision and perfection of compulsory education,In recent years all over the school of management efforts are in increasing.Reservoir from zhaohui think,Law school one of the key is to ensure that near the entrance.
"In 1986,,China has issued the first part of article 9 of the compulsory education law stipulates that‘Local people's governments at all levels set appropriate primary school/Junior middle school,Make children/Young near the entrance.’[The detailed rules for the implementation of the compulsory education law of the People's Republic of China]The provisions of article 26:‘The implementation of the compulsory education of the school setting,The cities divided into districts or municipal people's government at the county level of overall planning,Reasonable layout.Primary school shall be conducive to the establishment of the school-age children/Young near the entrance.’Article 12 2006 revision of the compulsory education law clearly again:‘School-age children/The young an exemption for admission.Local people's governments at various levels shall guarantee school-age children/Young school in census register seat near the entrance.’These provisions,Clear the school-age children/Young right near the entrance,Clear the local governments at various levels shall guarantee the rights of census register seat near the entrance of the obligations and responsibilities.Near to the entrance of the policy goal is to provide every child equal right to education,To ensure the fairness of education principles."Reservoir from zhaohui said.
In addition,Reservoir from zhaohui think,Cut off the interests of the chain,In the process of promoting the reform of education,Still education accountability system should be established."The new compulsory education law introduced accountability system,Contrary to the above legal requirements across a large number of occurrences,For more than six years, however, there is little accountability.Actively promote education legalization accountability system/programmed,Gradual improvement education administrative accountability system,Chinese education can go on/Road of the reason."(The reporter DuXiao)
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