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上课铃声响起,部分班级依旧没有老师上课摄/记者王勇博 In class the bell rings,Part of the class is still didn't come to the class teacher perturbation/reporter WangYongBo
  作为石家庄市深泽县堤北学校的学生家长,王先生有点儿气愤。4日上午,孩子突然提前回家,他一问才知道,原是校长家办喜事,老师们都去喝喜酒了。“难道校长家办喜事,就不给孩子们上课了?”王先生说。4日下午,记者来到堤北学校,有老师证实,上午确实提前放学了,“老师们都去校长家帮忙了。”此外,与该校临近的方元村小学也出现了类似情况。 As the shijiazhuang shijiazhuang airport dike north the parents of the school,Mr. Wang is a little angry.4 in the morning,The child suddenly go home ahead of time,He didn't know the way,The original is the home to do board,The teachers went to the banquet."Is the home to do board,Don't give the children in class?"Mr. Wang said.4 in the afternoon,Reporters came to the dike north school,A teacher has confirmed,Morning did school in advance,"Help teachers to the headmaster's home."In addition,And the school is near the fang yuan village elementary school also appear similar situation.


老师要赴婚宴 上午提前放学 The teacher to go to wedding school early in the morning


4, 13 when 50 points,Reporters drove to shijiazhuang airport north bridge township dike school,The school,Many parents are sending their children to school.


Parents say,Dike north school consists of kindergarten and elementary school,On weekdays,The school 30 normal school time is 11 o 'clock in the morning,And yesterday's school ahead of time to do it for an hour.Among them,Kindergarten classes a parent told reporters,3, she will see the school to school in advance of the news."My little child,Need to transport,The teacher in advance."To advance the cause of the school,The parents said:"The headmaster son get married,The teachers want to go to eat."


this,Many parents think,The headmaster son getting married is a private matter,Teacher to go to the wedding banquet and not give students in class,really"Not so good".In addition reporter understanding,Fellow of the party school yesterday morning and yuan village primary school,The school security guard the teacher,Because the teachers are going to eat dike north school principal son's banquet.


下午该上课了 仍有老师没回来 It's time for class in the afternoon there is still a teacher didn't come back


Yesterday and when,Dike north school prepare the bell rang,The reporter sees in the campus,There are still many students in the corridor/Playing on the playground,The guard room/The teacher's office/The headmaster indoor empty.After nearly 10 minutes,Only with the teacher.14 when 10 points,In class the bell rings,There are still a few class without the teacher in class.


The school in grade five(2)class,The first lesson yesterday afternoon should be science class,But because no teacher,Some students with books reading silently,Others talking and laughing together.The same,Grade 3(2)Teacher didn't come back."Do you know the teacher where to go?"Reporter inquired."Don't know."The students chorus.Your said,Yesterday morning it came home from school early,"At ordinary times,The teacher will be here at two o 'clock in the afternoon class".14 when 30 points,By a reporter from the school,The above two class teacher is still not come back.


校长称 “周六会给学生补课” The headmaster said "Will give the students make up a missed lesson on Saturday"


15 when xu,Reporters came to close to the dam village, north village temple head,In the dike north school principal ZhaoMingShuan home at the gate,Reporters saw the cauldron and cut vegetables, cook with chopping board, etc,Nosocomial leaned on the table,Many people are eating LiuShuiXi.

  对于学校提前放学一事,赵明栓称并不知情,“可能是学校其他负责人向学区申请了提前放学。”他证实,堤北学校大部分老师确实来家里帮忙了,同时承认,“下午两点后,确实有几个老师在这儿帮忙,但我催促他们去上课了,不多久他们就回去了。”赵明栓说,目前,学校已决定在周六对学生进行补课。(河北青年报 文/记者蔡丽 实习记者朱洪园 李萌)

School to school in advance,ZhaoMingShuan said don't know,"May be schools, school districts other person in charge of to apply for the school in advance."He confirmed,Dike north school most of the teacher do to help at home,At the same time that,"After at two o 'clock in the afternoon,There are several teacher here to help,But I urge them to class,Not long before they went back."ZhaoMingShuan said,At present,,The school has decided to undertake to the student make up a missed lesson on Saturday.(Hebei youth daily article/reporter CaiLi practice reporter ZhuHongYuan LiMeng)
