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重庆一大学生因跟帖被刑拘 因到春节要“凑数”--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  原标题 The original title [  [“哈儿”浦志强:一个律师在2012 "Ahab son"PuZhiJiang:A lawyer in 2012] ]重庆一大学生因跟帖被刑拘 因到春节要“凑数”本报记者 王峰 北京报道 Our reporter is reports from Beijing


On December 20 at nine o 'clock in the evening,Beijing snow,Lawyer PuZhiJiang sitting in the office,A chongqing began recording his latest detention personnel interview video.Chongqing youth HuangChengCheng interview objects is 29 years old,On December 17, canceling the detention has been return,He is the Numbers of the cancellation of the detention decision(2012)No. 77.


"This is all I know,The latest one persons detention has been cancelled",PuZhiJiang said.


In the afternoon,HuangChengCheng PuZhiJiang has just entered the office,Then he smiled and said to him,"Finally see help benefactor",Bowed and then.Height of less than 1 m 7 HuangChengCheng,In the height 1 meter 88/Before the weight be 220 catties of PuZhiJiang slightly short,PuZhiJiang light marked said"should,should".


On April 18, 2011,HuangChengCheng due to subvert the state power was the detention for two years,Distance and the expiration of three months,HuangChengCheng was lifted a detention.Out in advance the cause of the unknown,But on November 6,,PuZhiJiang and HuangChengCheng sister HuangHaiYan,Took a interview video and on the Internet,This period of video is PuZhiJiang named chongqing detention file of the third set,Among them are introduced in detail HuangChengCheng by the reason of detention and passing by.


PuZhiJiang let HuangHaiYan well prepared,"Even if HuangChengCheng detention period of two years,He also can not come out".But after more than a month,HuangChengCheng suddenly got free.


HuangChengCheng chongqing this year is the 77th revoked the detention,According to the statistics of the PuZhiJiang,"Wear on the right is 75,Tianhong purpose among serious is 60,RenJianYu no. 59,Thanks SuMing 41,LiuShiYin 40".


Or they are PuZhiJiang of his client,Or is the detention of video interview,There's just contacted PuZhiJiang.They cancelled the detention,"The reasons behind the all because of me,But on won't admit it",Pu said.


And the human body of these files,All have the same label:detention.

  第一单 The first single


PuZhiJiang micro bo for himself"Ahab son"."Ahab son"Means a lot/fool,He said he"Understand the political/There are skills,The law was".ShenGaoMaDa PuZhiJiang claim"Outside the system of two things:",Can be seen from his words and deeds seem to,This is a hero complex characters.


September this year,In an interview with a fashion magazine,PuZhiJiang said,"Now I do all the things are in trying to practice of speech and freedom of expression,Implementation of article 35 of the constitution/Article 41/Provisions of article 47 of the basic rights.Including this year, I pay attention to the detention system,Attention is also related to freedom of expression".


Before this,He is good at acting reputation/News infringement cases in this field,Such as yu qiuyu against XiaLin shaw,Such as[Chinese farmers survey]The case,he"Think you can at least into the first five".Agent for these cases,"It is based on the citizens for the environment/The humanities/History and real sense of responsibility,Is based on the expression of pressure",Pu said.


In this year,PuZhiJiang agent for a number of chongqing detention,The first is FangHong case together.


On April 28, 2011,Chongqing government reeducation through labor management committee to make a decision,FangHong"Because in tencent network spreading rumors,Disrupt public order",Is sent for re-education through labor for a year.


Detention expired after release,Obdurate FangHong immediately seek"His conviction",Find the PuZhiJiang lawyer.It is unexpected,This thing is.On June 29, 2012,The intermediate people's court in chongqing has been sentenced,Chongqing labor education punishment FangHong detention decisions in a year"The fact is not clear/Insufficient evidence",Shall be revoked.


This is[Southern people weekly]Report that was to take a trip to political ride.


 因劳教而拍的视频 For the detention and shoot the video


At this time,Hunan TangHui event will receive system on the wave of public opinion.Because his daughter was forced to prostitution,Hunan YongZhou man TangHui many times petitions seeking justice,But in order to"Disturb the social order"On the grounds,Be given reeducation through Labour or 1 year 6 month.


TangHui incident opened a door to public opinion against detention system,Plus PuZhiJiang influence,Chongqing detention case began to reveal the tip of the iceberg.PuZhiJiang this is medium"star",He had for media rights,He agent case,Even his behaviour,The center of the are a lot of reports."I've red a lot of reporters",Pu said.


What three feared had the idea of shooting video at this time,He just wanted to record PuZhiJiang work."The original idea is,Old pu do,I will follow it again",He said.


In the summer of chongqing,PuZhiJiang spend 500 dollars to rent a van,Pulled a few families of detention molecular rush about everywhere,Have RenJianYu dad/My girlfriend,FangHong,The weather is hot,Big PuZhiJiang is a cat in the car.What three fear to see the scene,"Think should be recorded,Who will be moved".


The first subject is thank SuMing,Time is on October 11, 2012.


Thanks SuMing find PuZhiJiang is in September this year,At that time,PuZhiJiang/What three fear and for forwarding a black comic was PengHong detention for two years,In the end of the community to do an interview about the detention.In the process of interview,PuZhiJiang received thanks SuMing wanted on the phone."I said do you want to attend this interview,What's the problem can be open,He said that I think about it",PuZhiJiang memories.


Thanks SuMing find PuZhiJiang before,"Ask me all the information,He is a very careful man",Pu said.But xie SuMing timid,"And want to get and can't get,I'll be vexed,Said to him, you on the video,I also in the video".


Thanks SuMing's story as well as the detention of the other,Ordinary and not common.


Because a don't see any specific pointing in the direction of the post,He spent seven months in a labor camp.


When start recording,Thanks SuMing to PuZhiJiang said,I leave my wife phone to you,If I because video interview with this thing,Who is missing,Then you have to ask my wife.


"Thanks SuMing trembling before,Even pull at my sleeve",PuZhiJiang said,"He found after we see the situation,Now who all dare to scold".later,Thanks SuMing also attended the hearing RenJianYu,"Thought highly of my presentation".


Were also to others and work in a securities company after graduation from the university of tianhong purpose among serious,He bought the chongqing economy is applicable the room,But due to the developers of the relationship,Can't make a room,Tianhong purpose among serious in QQ group"Vomit slot",Be detention a year and a half.


"At least now, I want to say in their heart,No matter he is hatred or hatred,At least I have, "he said",In the face of PuZhiJiang lens,Tianhong purpose among serious said.

  业余团队 Amateur team


Thanks SuMing is PuZhiJiang about chongqing detention file the first interview of the object.As a matter of fact,PuZhiJiang is not the first time shooting video.[SMW weekly]In September this year,In a documentary in 2009,Pu had the dew face,And win a lot of fans.


In the documentary of the spread in the network,PuZhiJiang a suspected male 2 of the play,A documentary that left a lot of net friend to lawyer PuZhiJiang first impression:Tall fierce/The pursuit of justice,And eloquence good.But he insisted to[SMW weekly]said,Myself before the documentary is popular.


In the archives of chongqing detention,The role of PuZhiJiang ACTS as a reporter,His words,Is the auxiliary of the narrative interviews,Or into some questions."When and xie SuMing interview,My questions very well,In the process of asking questions also did some legal solution",Pu said.


This period of video is in chongqing,PuZhiJiang and xie SuMing inclined sitting on the bed in the hotel,What three fear squat down in front of them,Your samsung mobile phones.


What three fear is present in all video,Even PuZhiJiang said,"Three fear into the".The team has no fixed members,What three fear to take,Later thanks SuMing also joined in."No assistant,Taken in nanjing was the detention LiuShiYin,Is to find a brother of my relatives,Didn't find a level of good,Posts or oblique",What three fear said.


The original participants and a teacher at the university of chongqing local,But with took two PuZhiJiang after work,Can't continue.


To thank SuMing interviews was named[A post of detention],"No kind of preparation,Also don't know what to take out a thing",Pu said.He and three fear is blind,He even store video of apple computer on the table are not.But the video on the Internet after effect is very good,A famous TV host said to him,"Your video out,Just let us these professional didn't eat for rice".


One reason is that with good effect,The amateur photography team behind,Have a professional team of late,"Heidi BBS of video team is my exports",PuZhiJiang said.Their first meeting because PuZhiJiang interview a through long audio,Heidi team will be the late period of the subtitle and audio processing,Heidi on the BBS.

  视频的效果 The effect of the video


The effect of the chongqing detention file included,It really effect is good.


HuangChengCheng since be detention has been charged,To put on record is more than ten times,But the court didn't accept it,When PuZhiJiang interview after the video exposure of his sister,HuangChengCheng unexpectedly 3 months in advance.


22 October this year,PuZhiJiang took the second character of the chongqing detention archives LiuShiYin,On October 23,He sent a new forecast on the Internet,On October 24, video available on the day on the Internet,LiuShiYin detention decision was dropped.


This seems to be in the video of supporting PuZhiJiang played a role,"Chongqing is to attend to face",What three fear said."The chongqing public security is very not happy to me,Never DaZhaoMian with me",PuZhiJiang told reporters.But don't meet each other on behalf of no communication.


Game is still behind,"These video hard work it out,Sometimes one day on the Internet,Sometimes put a few hours,It was deleted,Then again hair up like hide and seek.Participation of people to tears to flow into the belly."A who took part in the video making said.


But this sad than those when the protagonist in the video is to others,To experience the desolate loneliness and despair.


On October 28, 2009,Arsenal LiuShiYin workers by the chongqing public security is to assist in the investigation.After the event,He didn't know because he a few days ago at the end of the Posting a chongqing community edition,And with a post.Posting the topic[Chongqing play black should be over].He was the detention for two years.


Upon receipt of the detention written decision,Was the detention have the right to apply for administrative reconsideration in two months,In three months can bring an administrative lawsuit.LiuShiYin into - the second day to see his brother,First thing is to let my brother to help find a lawyer."There are a lot of lawyers is not willing to take the things.At that time I remember chongqing lawyer agency detention in has an internal regulation,Requirements are not allowed to do and carefully",He said.


Administrative reconsideration no accident were rejected,LiuShiYin subsequently filed a lawsuit."The court is the final bottom line,If it don't argue,Who is alone?",He said.PuZhiJiang immediately asked in the video,"When did you realize that the court is the last of the bottom line?"


But the court is the final decision"Sentenced to not",because"Major complex and termination of the trial".


LiuShiYin is warm,Thanks SuMing in apply for administrative reconsideration is rejected,There is no mentioned administrative litigation.PuZhiJiang asked him why he?Thanks SuMing answer,Felt that the atmosphere,Sue also useless,Can only for human again,And money.He thinks Sue"Is not absolutely sure,But definitely not sure".


On July 1, 2010,Thanks SuMing out - because they get sick,To the outside.He will regularly report to the police station,"If you don't go to,Will make a phone call to ask where are you",He said.After the expiration of the detention,He throw away the phone card,Leave for chongqing.


In detention system of dubious legality,The majesty of the law is not complete.PuZhiJiang relates to a person who is two years in detention,He wrote an article on the net the writings in classical style,Criticism at the time of chongqing's largest person.After being detention,He sued the labor education,Court to labor education committee hearing,But slow down the sentence,During the security personnel to discuss with him,"You dropped,I let you have the execution"."The people now work in wuxi",PuZhiJiang said.




By others is not only the tragedy of a single,Also have the project.


On November 7, 2012,PuZhiJiang in a tea house in chongqing,See the YangYuHan sichuan foreign languages institute graduation of college students,Her administrative penalty,She is 2011 沙坪坝 public security bureau punishment the first person.She is unfortunate in anyway,Is not to others,Custody is just 3 days.


YangYuHan is a member of the 112 project in chongqing has been processed,This project is due to the November 2, 2011, a young man named HuYong sent a post,Content is in the end of the community of chongqing"Scattered about chongqing television makes the red channel",YangYuHan a gentie is considered to be of the seven words"Dealing malicious gentie,Disturb the social order".


In custody three days,YangYuHan know"This project is to dine"."For January to immediately after the Spring Festival,How many people like WangLiJun provisions before the Spring Festival to catch,To last.


It seems to PuZhiJiang,YangYuHan is"The luckiest","Because you said the seven words of very heavy",This post directed at someone is cultural revolution monstrous sons.YangYuHan the said to jail in prison room with them,A more than 50 years old aunt said,"Oh my god,You this before that counter-revolutionary,Sin is very heavy oh".


There are four people for Posting a common was the detention.On January 11, 2011,Five a construction site clean the part of the old man is killed by a police car,Project management department of the four wang wei/杨坤/XuLiFeng and WenLi sea after taking pictures of evidence,The second day to discuss send a post on the Internet.


"This thread has two mistakes:One is they don't know what hit and the police have a drink,2 it is killed by the not sanitation workers",PuZhiJiang said.The results,Four people have been to disrupt social order a detention.PuZhiJiang said,The specific division of labor is of four disrupt social order,"A man taking pictures,Another person to post,The third one you send,Then the fourth individual point the mouse".


On dec. 20,,HuangChengCheng to see PuZhiJiang day in Beijing,杨坤 also sent the PuZhiJiang own case material."Many remove detention you think there is legal procedures can go,But in fact is not",PuZhiJiang said,杨坤 has sued the time limit."A lot of people can't in time,Feel in the age of WangLiJun also impossible",He said.


PuZhiJiang group events are occurring in video record of the victim.In March 2011,YongChuan area beishan middle school girls XieYuHong missing,Body appeared reservoir.Public security as suicide,Owing to the constant"hype"The matter,The dead man's, who was two years in detention,The adoptive parents and provide clues to the dead the imprisonment for one year,The newspaper story was the detention for one year.


This year in December[The southern weekend]Published reports revealed it.WangLiJun know after this matter at that time,Call YongChuan district public security bureau chief,Request immediately XingJu families.The director didn't catch the person,But for families and schools to negotiate for compensation.WangLiJun asked for detention relatives.The director did not carry out the instruction from detention,soon,WangLiJun forgave him,Transferred to the command center when the common people jing of 9 months.


now,PuZhiJiang often to regain free telephone.On December 20 late into the night,Beijing of heavy snow in the sky,PuZhiJiang facing the camera,Regrets ten thousand.
