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2012教育公平大步迈进 虐童事件仍引人思考--亲稳网络舆情监控室


(年终生活观察)2012教育教育公平大步迈进 虐童事件引人思考 (The end of the life to observe)2012 education:Education fair stride child abuse event is thinking

  新华网济南12月23日电 (记者 陈灏)教育投入创新高、校车安全管理条例出台、“异地高考(微博)”破冰……即将过去的2012年里,我国的教育事业取得了一系列引人注目的成就,教育公平与保障大步迈进。但与此同时,以虐童事件和学生体质下滑为代表的事件与现象也引人思考。

Xinhuanet jinan on December 23 report (The reporter ChenHao)High education investment in innovation/The school bus safety management regulations/"Different college entrance examination(Micro bo)"Break the ice……Will the past 2012 years,China's education career has made a series of remarkable achievements,Education fairness and guarantee stride.But at the same time,Represented by child abuse event and students' physical decline of the events and phenomena also is thinking.


教育保障力度空前 Education unprecedented security efforts


In 2012,,China's education in hit a record high.The ministry of finance budget report in 2012,The national finance education spending will amount to 2.2 trillion yuan,Break through 4% of GDP for the first time.Although in the early 19 years ago in China was put forward that goal,But affected by various factors,The proportion of education investment to GDP will achieve until this year.


Education investment reached 4% of GDP,Marks the attention of governments at all levels of education is improving step by step.But compared with developed countries,The proportion of education spending in GDP in our country there are still gaps.


While increasing investment,Education department continue to punch,Management of the phenomenon of education collects fees in disorder.In February, 2012,The ministry of education along with the national development and reform commission/The combination of audit[Management school collects fees in disorder the eight measures of compulsory education stage],In order to"Class of pit""择校费"As a representative of education fees become a key management of the project.


For more than four months of emergency deployment/Drafting and reasoning,In April this year,Come on stage formally school bus safety management regulations.Regulations put forward,Transport pupils of the school bus shall be in accordance with the special school bus national standard design and manufacture of elementary school students for the school bus;The local people's governments at or above the county level shall take measures,Guarantee to receive compulsory education of the students for the school bus service.


 “异地高考”破冰 高考政策向寒门学子倾斜 "Different college entrance examination"Hes ice policy of the university entrance exam to family students tilt


With the increasing of urban floating population,SuiQian personnel children in defined accept education and the problems to attend the university entrance exam is becoming more and more urgent.Through the social from all walks of life for many years,"Different college entrance examination"System this year finally have a new progress:The end of August,The general office of the state council for 31 provinces(area/The city)By the end of different college entrance examination specific policies adjust measures to local conditions.


So far,,Have 24 provinces throughout the country(area/The city)established"Different college entrance examination"scheme.Among them,Put forward in chongqing,Since 2013,To meet the requirements of the registered permanent residence of chongqing migrant workers SuiQian children will be able to register to attend the university entrance exam in chongqing.Attention of Beijing/Shanghai/Guangdong native"Different college entrance examination"It also has been basically formed."Different college entrance examination"The ice,Will be created for children of migrant workers and urban students equal policy environment in the college entrance examination.


At the same time,Issued by the education department in April this year[About the implementation of the directional recruit students of the special plan for poor areas]Put forward,Since this year,"1025"During the year were born in the special arrangement about 10000 special plan in the plan,The concentrated special difficult areas of directional recruit students,Guide and encourage the students after graduation to return to poverty areas of business and services.


According to statistics,In 2012,,Students in poor areas in China more than 1 million.The implementation of the plan,Hes to family students enjoy the high quality of higher education to open a new door.


 虐童事件及“体育会考”引人思考 Child abuse event and"Physical examination"Is thinking about


In education reform step forward at the same time,There are also some event is thinking.


Kindergarten child abuse scandal torture kindergarten management.The second half of this year,zhejiang/Shandong and other places has to expose the kindergarten child abuse scandal,Kindergarten management of widespread social concern is caused.In recent years,The kindergarten"It is difficult to in the park"The problem has been effectively,But in the rapid expansion in the number of nursery school,Teachers lack/Some teachers others problems emerging;Some kindergarten management,Turn a blind eye to the violations education teaching.Although a network public outrage teacher was fired and arrested,But this event of thinking and not the end.


Let a person worry and the health of the students.This year,Many colleges and universities to cancel the sports meet in the exercise of the 5000 - meter run, etc,To entertaining stronger project,Reason is that students' physical decline,Officials worried that too much for students.Early November this year,The ministry of education/General administration of sports departments jointly issued[Several Suggestions about further strengthening the work of the school sports],Require schools to students' physical health level as the important indexes for evaluation of students' comprehensive quality,To explore in the high school level test more subjects.


Whether university reluctantly cancel exercise of the big project,Or the ministry of education/General administration of sports push"Physical examination",Source is in"In captivity"Under the mode of,The school and students"cur/Light sport"Ideas lead to students' physical decline continuously.In the"An army that wooden bridge"Under the competition of,Sacrifice physical quality perfect scores become the first choice of schools and students.What is students' quality lame leg,It is standard selection"Lame leg"the?Improve the students' physique,May have to start from the college entrance examination and enrollment system reform.


