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当前,我国流动人口占全国总人口的17%,其中农村户籍流动人口约占80% The current,China's floating population accounts for 17% of the total population,The rural household registration of the floating population accounts for about 80%
流动人口的平均年龄约为28岁,“80后”新生代农民工比例已达到44.84% The average age of the floating population is about 28,"After 80"The new generation migrant workers rate has reached 44.84%
Large-scale population flow is an important characteristic of our country society,The floating population is the vitality of the economic development"vane"/Social harmony and stability"barometer".Along with the industrialization/The rapid development of urbanization and agricultural modernization,The rural labor force to cities."The flow force"Whether you are happy or not,Affect the happiness index of a city,Also depends on the happiness index and stability and harmony of society as a whole.How to conform to the floating population groups new look forward to/Effectively solve the floating population management service problem,Has become China's economic and social structure transition a: in the process of the problem,This test a social managers at all levels service attitude of the people/Determination and wisdom.
从子女入学到社会保障,一项项平等相待、充满热度的政策措施,让流动人口备感温暖 From their children to school to social security,One equally/Policies and measures of heat,To feel the warmth of the floating population
December 15,In tianjin binhai new area KangCui community supermarket,Reporters saw the boss XingEnGong supermarket.Since 1994 from shandong home came to tianjin,He has never taken place.XingEnGong of its main business is selling food,From the stall at the side of the road to contract community supermarket,As in 1.3 million"The floating population"A member of the,XingEnGong found here"home"The feeling of."Here no one take me for other countries."XingEnGong told reporters.
Tiancheng middle school is the centre of longgang district of shenzhen city public schools,The most growth in 2011 was named the national middle school of school.Is the beautiful environment of the school,Children of the floating population accounted for 81% of the whole school.
“没有借读费,更没有学杂费,上学一分钱都不用花。”自己的孩子能在这里上学,这让在深圳打工多年的黄 国珍无比激动。像黄国珍 (微博)的孩子一样,在深圳,60万流动人口子女和深圳人享受完全一样的免费义务教育。
"No tuition,No tuition and fees,Go to school don't have to spend a penny."Their children can go to school here,This job in shenzhen many years of yellow guozhen so excited.Like HuangGuoZhen (Micro bo)As the children,In shenzhen,600000 children of the floating population and shenzhen people enjoy the same free compulsory education.
In many parts of the country,"Children of the floating population equal compulsory education",Is not only a rigid policy,More practice.
In ningbo in zhejiang province,A copy of the"Social security package"Let 1.57 million migrant workers eat the"figure".This is mainly composed of enterprise"bill",Collection of migrant workers inductrial injury/Medical treatment of a serious illness/Provide for the aged/Unemployment and the unity of the five risks such as fertility"Social security package",Once solved the problem of the basic social security of the migrant workers.
And the new"Good news"is,In some places on the way,"Guarantee the room"Is no longer"The locals"The enjoy only,The floating population is also included in the scope of housing guarantee.
In July 2012,The national basic public service system"1025"Planning issued by the,Put forward"Speed up rural migrant workers, such as basic public service system for the floating population,Gradually realize basic public services from the census register population to the permanent population expansion".
It is one equally/Full heat of the people's livelihood policies and measures,Let the floating population feel warm.
从“外地人”到“新市民”,流动人口成为建设城市、管理城市的主人翁 From the"outsiders"To the"New citizens",The floating population has become a city construction/Management of the master of the city
November 23,,Farmers from jingdezhen spare XueQin did not dream of,I had to be able to work in the city, guangdong dongguan was elected to the National People's Congress of guangdong province.
Migrant workers from the hubei ZhaoShaoBo also"I didn't know",On May 27,,With 18 candidates campaign after speech,He was elected as chairman of the ohm electronics shenzhen co, LTD trade union.
Is not only the people's rights and interests,today,All the political rights of the floating population have been fully respect and safeguard,many"Floating population"In a variety of ways"The masters of the country"The joy of.
"City dwellers/Rural areas","The locals/outsiders",These with a strong contrast of color words are gradually faded out of the line of sight of public,Instead, the"New citizens"and"New residents".Call reflects the changes in the concept of urban management,Also reflects the Chinese civilization and progress of the society.
today,A city of managers in mapping out the economic and social development planning,Census register population is no longer a decision basis,Including the floating population, the population has become a basic considerations.To solve the floating population in employment/The social security/Children in the park entrance/The problems existing in the medical and health, etc,Gradually realize basic public services from the census register population to the permanent population complete coverage has become all over the world"Required course".It is trying to make the floating population be respected/Enjoy the fair,The floating population to become urban construction/Service to the city/Management master and active power of the city.
today,"A temporary residence permit"Are faded from historical stage,Are many policy of progress"Residence permit"Is for the people are familiar with.
In many parts of the country,With the increasingly improvement of integral door policy,The floating population in cities of dream will no longer be unreachable.
带着感情做工作,理性引导公众心态,让流动人口共享改革发展成果 Work with emotion,Rational guidance to the public,Let the floating population share in the fruits of reform and development
In anhui home relatives of the eyes,In Beijing xiushui street fight DengGuMing is of more than 10 years"characters".Seven years ago,He bought a junior in Beijing,10 years have been the son of the primary school of Beijing.but,Without the account of his most care or in Beijing"Different college entrance examination"The things."We all live in Beijing,The child go to school in Beijing,If the university entrance exam, let him back to the strange anhui home test,Not only children think impassability,I also think impassability."Deng family said.
and"Different college entrance examination"The same as,The media focus on recently"small"The problem,Also let many"The flow"Gens heart feeling:Outsiders or with locals"Not the same".
"Into the easy"and"In difficult",Is the characteristic of the floating population.Although across a variety of positive measures,But due to the places and defined in the economy/social/culture/custom/Lifestyle factors such as the differences,Especially because of the existence of urban and rural dual system,To migrant workers as the main body of the floating population still cannot have the same equal rights and defined the residents,Can't really blend in the local.
On the other hand,Although in recent years all over the service management of the floating population have made positive progress,But the system construction/Laws and regulations/Organization construction and so on are still facing some problems.How to regulate involves the various requirements of the service management of the floating population and behavior,To all regions/Each department to service management of the floating population base/rising,is.
Should promote the reform of household registration management system,Promote the residence permit system,Is important to strengthen the management of floating population service direction.How to deal with respect for the benefit of the floating population as a whole and the development of China's urbanization level/Urban basic public service supply capacity,Take more widely in the country to establish and implement the residence permit system,Step by step to solve the floating population in residence and employment/Children go to school/Public health/Housing rent for/The actual problems of social security, etc,To prevent the formation of dual structure in the city,Promote the floating population to better share the fruits of reform and development,Is still an unanswered question.
Services to the floating population,Not only you,More in love,Truly floating population as a member of the family,Management in service,In the management of services,Obtain the greatest understanding and trust of the masses.Of course,,The management and service must be based on the situation of the floating population,The limit of the economic basis,The limit of the capacity of the city,Hope in the short term thoroughly to solve the problem of floating population concern many,Is not real,Is not scientific.Reform and opening up and economic development,That today we have conditions gradually solve the problem of floating population.But to solve the problem of the floating population,Still need to deepen the reform and opening to the outside world/Stable economic development,Create a more solid foundation.
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