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3岁女童遭父亲女友毒打身亡 颅骨被打碎--亲稳网络舆情监测室




Qingyuan three years old girl was killed after father beaten his girlfriend


22 years old mother said,Many times to see her daughter's face is swollen

  采写:新快报记者 陈海生 曾泓 谭欢 实习生 钟梓毅 吴娟

titled:New express reporter ChenHaiSheng CengHong TanHuan interns ZhongZiYi 吴娟


小丽佳死了,她差一个月才满三岁。 Xiao li is dead,She sent a month is only three years old.


In the afternoon of New Year's day in 2013,Xiao li is due to keep crying,Lead to"stepmother"Produce dislike,And hit her with the hand,The small beautiful beautiful fall on the ground after injury,Then be treated in hospital.But because of his injuries treated invalid died jan. 7 in the afternoon,The doctor identified as skull fracture.On the evening of New Year's day,"stepmother"CengMou caught in qingyuan city people's hospital.Because CengMou pregnant,The public security organ according to relevant provisions,Has set up a file of the guarantor pending trial in accordance with the law.


CT显示脑部受重创 Computed tomography (CT) showed that the brain hit


Yesterday afternoon,New express the reporter comes to qingyuan city people's hospital.According to intensive care. The nurse is introduced,Xiao li is due to the deterioration,Has set up a file in the afternoon went to rescue invalid death."Child was playing miserably,The head/Face is hurt,We see all feel love dearly."One of the patient's family said.


According to the qingyuan city people's hospital intensive care to introduce, director of the two area,According to xiao li jia family members,In the three days prior to January 1,Is probably the last December 29, xiao li jia has began to appear have a headache,vomiting,Mind is weak,But her parents didn't notice that.New Year's day that day in the afternoon,Small beautiful beautiful mind,Vomiting and coma,Parents feel a larger problem,Just sent her to fresh county people's hospital.According to CT results show that,Small beautiful beautiful"Top left frontal hematoma under the hard mode,Subarachnoid hemorrhage,Left the occipital bone fractures,The left cerebral hemisphere density decreased,Suspected cerebral edema".In view of severe cases,Xiao li is on January 1 at ten in the evening,Is turned into the qingyuan city people's hospital.At that time xiao li jia has been in a coma,Breathing and blood pressure is not stable,Pupils are also began to appear SanDan phenomenon.And there has been no spontaneous breathing,Blood pressure has been supported by a strong blood,Belongs to the brain stem failure.In critical condition,Hospital to xiao li jia craniotomy surgery right away."An open skull,Xiao li jia have started to take out of,That serious cerebral hernia."The director said,After the operation,Xiao li jia was sent to critical care.


曾被“后妈”推倒 Used to be"stepmother"Knocked down


Since small beautiful beautiful was sent to the ICU,Xiao li of parents have fully outside the hospital for seven days,The thought of daughter dangerous situation,Mother's tears dripping down the surge.She cried and said:"Tears are crying,Just hope she can open my eyes to see me……"


On January 2,,Doctors found small beautiful after checking of the brain has been all black,"Her under pressure of time longer,The brain has been ischemia".On January 5,,Xiao li is diagnosed with brain function failure,That people often say that the closer to the brain death.Jan. 7 in the evening,Xiao li is declared dead.


Xiao li is how can be so serious injury?The director said,The child's injury is caused by brain hit by external forces.According to xiao li jia family members said,Was the child of his father's girlfriend pushed on,Xiao li jia immediately fall on the ground,The head may hurt.But at that time you didn't care,Until her physical discomfort.

  邻居: neighbors:

  经常一巴掌扇过去,她下手太重了 Often a friend slapped in the past,She laid is too heavy


Last night,,New express reporters came to the old xu and CengMou rented place together,Located in fresh county tai town east CunDong south courtyard area on the second floor of a no specific number of the article.One house,There are no people,Closed the lamp.


Area doorway ShiDuoDian owner said,Yesterday afternoon,She saw the old xu small beautiful beautiful clothes and all move out,"May be to get to the funeral home burned".According to the next door neighbor said,They often see CengMou playing children,And play badly."Often a friend slapped in the past,I once saw her push xiaoli is almost come downstairs.Our neighbor said she laid hands on him too often,Not like a woman."The neighbors all feel xiaoli is very cute,But you never seem to see her happy.


According to the CengMou aunts,CengMou ranking eldest brother at home,At ordinary times is very listen to parents' words,As long as parents said her,She did not make any noise,Has been very good."Don't know why here is a personal,Like a little bit nervous disease."


35个月的一生 35 months of life


Still have a month time,Is a small beautiful of three years old birthday.But she never wait till that day.Small beautiful beautiful after birth,She didn't like the other children in the kindergarten,Never back bag.Let alone to receive a birthday present.Other people's children are the parents of the baby,But she didn't enjoy the happiness of the day.When their parents,Her parents quarrel a lot of time to bear,Parents separated,She endured"Quasi stepmother"The beaten.She this life is only a short 35 months,But full of so much misery and misfortune……


非婚生子 A natural


Xiao li jia parents are migrant workers.22 years old mother xiao lu from zhoukou, henan province,16-year-olds was down to work.In 2009,,Xiao lu wash his feet in dongguan when younger sister,Old xu met xiao li is father.Old xu from hunan hengyang,Working at the construction site in qingyuan,He is 19 years older than xiao lu.In those days,Xiao lu accidental pregnancy.


In February 2010 xiaoli is born.Because xiao lu from parents divorced,She tasted no parents love the pain.After the daughter was born,She truly love to his daughter,Even in the bathroom to take children.


Although gave birth to xiao li,But because of the tight finances,Xiao lu and old xu two people never married.


家无宁日 The house no holidays


Because the old xu often work on the site,Very few gu,Let alone to take care of the children.So two people also often quarrel with each other."His temper is too bad,Some of the great man's doctrine,I even have no chance to speak at home,What is he have the final say.There is a,I hold the child to go shopping,Come back with a man to walk together,Got home he was a hit."


Xiao said,Coupled with the old xu's income is not high also,Each monthly salary is only 1000 yuan,Life very bitter,Two people had not go down.so,When children come to a year and a half,Two people break up altogether.


外公排斥 Grandpa rejection


after,Xiao lu with a small beautiful beautiful home,But her father is not going anywhere.Xiao lu had to take the child back to guangdong,Give children to old xu.


But old xu want to busy work,Will small beautiful beautiful to brother sister-in-law, take care of,To give them 1500 yuan a month.Then it is difficult to for renewal,Had to bring their own children.Xiao li is out in advance with the old xu rented in fresh county tai town east village of the article.


“后妈”出现 "stepmother"appear


On May 1, 2012,By an aunt,Old xu and huaihua woman CengMou acquaintance,Two people live together soon.After two months,CengMou pregnant.During this time,Xiao li is also the fate of the change happened.According to the old xu memories,He and CengMou know of the first month,CengMou to xiaoli is also quite good,But don't know why then CengMou the attitude of the sudden change,She began to often play small beautiful beautiful.


Xiao said,Her many times see small beautiful beautiful face is swollen,Children have always said before she was beaten by CengMou."Later children in front of her is always afraid,silent.She said,Children are,Every time beaten and silent,Will not call a person."According to xiao memories,Once CengMou said xiao li jia steal to eat cookies,The home of the bed is dirty,Beat small beautiful beautiful again."She said she also useless to xiaoli is good,Think children feud,So more intense treat children."

  曾有转机 Have been transferring


For this,Old xu and CengMou still noisy over a few times,And the state of,But it still has not changed.later,Old xu have several times to take children away from home,But didn't succeed.The following,The heart of the CengMou have alert,Don't let small beautiful beautiful with old xu away from home.Old xu go out to work every day,CengMou is in the home care xiao li,Often make a phone call to ask old xu when go home.


警方通报 The police report

  打人者怀有身孕 取保候审 DaRenZhe pregnant guarantor pending trial


yesterday,Qingyuan city public security bureau report said,On January 1,,Fresh county occurred a ShangHaiAn intentionally,Injuring a child,The hospital treatment is invalid died jan. 7.The day of the crime,Fresh county public security bureau immediately established as an investigation,The night about ten,Arrested suspects CengMou in qingyuan city people's hospital.


The preliminary investigation,On January 1, in the afternoon,The criminal suspect CengMou(female,35 years old,Huaihua city in hunan province,Rented in fresh county tai town east village)Alone in the article XuMou and take care of her boyfriend's daughter by his ex-wife XuMou(Hengyang city in hunan province,Was born in February 2010),Because XuMou better keep crying,The CengMou to dislike,He played with his hand XuMou,Injuring XuMou better after fall on the ground,Then the treatment in hospital,But because of his injuries treated invalid died jan. 7 in the afternoon,The doctor identified as skull fracture.


After the trial,Criminal suspects CengMou deliberately hurt on the day of XuMou criminal confessed when.At present,,Case related work is under further investigation.Due to the criminal suspect CengMou pregnant,The public security organ in accordance with the[The criminal procedure law of the People's Republic of China]The relevant provisions of the,Has set up a file of the guarantor pending trial in accordance with the law.


律师说法 The lawyer said

  “后母”属故意伤害罪 "stepmother"Of intentional injury


Father if not protect the obligation,May form of abuse


Beijing Pacific century(guangzhou)Law firm HuangXiaoQiong lawyer says,Due to abuse of crime subject necessary for the legal relatives of the victims,Relatives or grace close relationship between each other,And CengMou and old xu is not husband and wife,So she to xiaoli of abuse act doesn't constitute crimes,But belong to deliberately hurt.According to the different case,Intentional injury maximum punishment shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than can be sentenced to ten years or life imprisonment,Even the death penalty.Given the CengMou pregnant,Can be the first in accordance with the guarantor pending trial,Stay a year later the incubation period for sentencing.


And old xu as xiao li is the legal guardian,The protection of small beautiful beautiful have a legal obligation,If old xu informed but not take appropriate remedial measures,Old xu may form of abuse.
