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On January 4,,Henan LanKaoXian of a fire,Took private adoption within seven child's life.The painful tragedy let a group of abandoned babies and orphans,In the harsh way to enter the public view.Fire householder yuan badly because long-term adoption of orphans and abandoned baby,There are"Love my mom"Known as.Yesterday in the morning,"Love my mom"Yuan badly because of sudden onset of high blood pressure,Was sent to the lankao in people's hospital for treatment.Although lankao officials believe yuan much adoption behavior is not legitimate,But the reporter understands in the interview,Around her a lot of people still support yuan much adoption behavior.


“恨不能自己钻到火里去” "Hate can't go through to fire"


After the tragedy,The head was on fire/Long-term adopted bangladeshi and orphans of yuan severe has not appeared in public.After many efforts,5 days late into the night,Reporters saw the finally at a hotel"Love my mom".This is also the incident ever since,Core party for the first time appear in front of the media.


Yuan much said you have two days didn't get a wink of sleep."When the fire,Home didn't adult.I get up more than six o 'clock,Send their children to school,And then by the outside to do something.I got the phone call from the girl outside,That caught fire.I will hurry back.When the door of the,The girl/Son-in-law to have a lot of neighbors,In the fire.I a high-flying in that,The eyes are black.I hate in the heart can't go through to fire."


Despite the fire has been in the past dozens of hours,But the yuan strong whole person looks still immersed in great grief,Look tired and depressed.She said:"Close my eyes,Is full of fire scene.Even burned child,And I live together in the nearly 20.Heard that the rest of the is picked by the government,Must arrange very well.An accident to the present,I have seen three children,Many haven't seen.These children for a walk,Just like pulling my heart."


“20多年收养百名弃婴” "More than 20 years to adopt the abandoned baby"


Yuan good said she adopted bangladeshi since 1989,"Even death with live"Cumulative have 100 or so.She said:"Lankao was a poor county,No welfare home before.I am at the gate of the county hospital business,After watching some children born,This don't,That don't,Is very poor.I just want to let the child have a alive.If you throw it on the street,Don't see dead love panic?"


Adopted for someone says she borrow money abandoned baby,Yuan good said:"I have heard of the claim.Before the interview,Have also been asked to sell the little boy's questions.At that time I said,If I sell children,Caught my shot.And said I fool low fool what,I say you who to support better than me,I will give you a child.Before the child for adoption,I don't their money.LanKaoXian no children's welfare home,Civil affairs bureau often help me."


When a reporter asked about the future plan,She said:"That you said,Later if someone throw the children into the street,Watched by freezing,You say good??As long as I have breath,Such children in future,Still have to tube!How much power,With the size of the force."


火灾事故通报文风怪诞 Strange fire accident report style


LanKaoXian"1, 4"The situation of the fire accident report released on January 5, through a variety of channels,In seven children die of grief before the fact,Bulletin of style more fantastic.


A report of the accident,Considerable become the leaders of done.There are not only city and county leaders"Attaches great importance to""Important instructions",And leaders at all levels"Close to the scene""Visit lankao guidance work""To a line",Its commanding/Since the l/c by the taste of the panel.


Says the yuan strong adoption abandoned baby this key,Bulletin is the responsibility of the local government to the residual outcast,But take voluntary citizens of love more than 20 years of three yuan adopted is not in conformity with the conditions.Is known by its citizens not to,The government fell like a bystander.


As someone said,If no yuan of love and last,She adopted dated more than perhaps ranging fire had already been lost.She added local public welfare institutions lack of,Is anyone can't deny the fact that.Without saying it directly acquiescence on folk love behavior is good to make mistakes,But to tell the world clearly,The government department"Lack of supervision/Are wide to management"Is the work of the holes.According to the inference,If the relevant departments to strengthen supervision/Not wide in management,These children are likely to be adopted/Nobody perceived to have died,Won't focus died in the fire.This is how the logic of the cold.


兰考县为数据偏差道歉 LanKaoXian apologize for data deviation


Reporter 6 from henan LanKaoXian many confirmation,So far the statistical,And bad to live with the child is 18 yuan,Including eight in the fire accident casualties.


4 lankao private adoption after fire,Local civil affairs bureau for the first time to provide a material,At present and a total of 34 yuan bad to live with children.The material is still marked in detail:"34 children in,The boy of 21,The girl 13,The disabled child 16."Material leave for January 4, 2013.


this,LanKaoXian said YangPeiMin, director of the civil affairs bureau,"Adoption of 34 people,Should have a special background of time.In recent years, in a certain time period,Yuan adopted much number of abandoned babies could reach 34 people,Some house later,Grew up some migrant workers,Also some handed over to the civil affairs department."


5, in the evening,Yuan good I also made it clear that in the xinhua news agency reporter when the interview:"Even burned child,And I live together in the nearly 20."


Provide materials LanKaoXian civil affairs bureau deputy secretary LiMeiJiao told reporters,After the fire broke out,Rush to report to the leaders yuan severe adopted the basic situation of the abandoned baby,Just got a material from the computer.I later found out that,"34 people is the first two years of data statistics,At that time too much in a hurry,So the deviation."She mistakes in the work to cause the misunderstanding of the apology.


According to the xinhua news agency


权威表态 Authorities said


民政部:对收留孤儿情况大排查 The ministry of civil affairs:To shelter the fatherless, and the big side

  晨报讯 民政部昨天要求,各地区用一个月的时间,对个人和民办机构收留孤儿情况大排查。对个人和民办机构不具备养育条件和安全保障的,尽快将孤儿接收并集中安置到儿童福利院。

Morning news yesterday, the ministry of civil affairs,Regions with a month's time,Of individuals and private institutions shelter orphans a big side.For the individual and private organizations do not have support conditions and security,As soon as possible put orphans receive and focus to the children's welfare home.


The ministry of civil affairs issued yesterday[About the initiative to strengthen the management of individuals and private institutions shelter orphan notice],For the civil affairs departments at various levels deep from henan lankao"1, 4"Fire incident lesson,Abide by the principle of children's rights and interests maximization,To do well the management of individuals and private institutions take orphans.


The ministry of civil affairs demand,Begins in early January,In 1 months time,A personal and private institutions in the shelter orphans a big side action.Civil affairs departments at all levels should be drafted,Widely mobilize the/The village committee,Carry out LaWangShi perils,Comprehensive grasp individual and private institutions shelter orphans special difficulties, such as children.On the basis of testing,Of individuals and private institutions shelter orphans in raising conditions and security,To do a good job of shelter and private institutions,To concentrate orphans received and placed in the child welfare agencies;To foster conditions,I and adhere to the raising of the fatherless,Civil affairs departments shall jointly with signed agreement,Clear ZeQuan,Into the civil affairs department;For jointly signed agreement,Regularly found in safe hidden trouble,To rectification within a time limit;To meet the requirements for the adoption and have adopted the will of people,The adoption registration formalities shall be in accordance with the law;To borrow shelter orphan fundraising profit or manipulate orphan engaged in illegal activities,To actively coordinate the relevant departments,In accordance with the law to crack down on.Local civil affairs departments should make full use of the opportunity to us,Perfect orphans protection network,Fundamentally solve the problem of individual and private institutions illegally take orphans.
