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记者 韩垒 Reporter Korea base

  晚报讯 昨日下午,东方卫视《东方直播室》召开新闻发布会,公布“直播转型期的中国 传播中国梦的能量”的2013年新主题,同时宣布文化名人于丹受聘担任特约评论员,于丹在现场接过了骆新手中的聘书,成为节目组致力打造的意见领袖联盟的首位签约名人。在回应前不久发生在北京解读昆曲时遭嘘的事件,于丹表示:“但求问心无愧。 ”

Evening news yesterday afternoon),Oriental TV[Oriental ZhiBoShi]At a news conference,announced"Live in the transformation period China's communication China dream of energy"In 2013 the new theme,At the same time declared cultural celebrities in Dan himself hired as a guest commentator,Yu Dan in the LuoXin took the hand of the letter of appointment,Become obsessed is committed to building the opinion leader alliance signed the first celebrity.In response to recently took place in Beijing reading when kunqu opera was hiss of the event,Yu Dan said:"But beg a clear conscience. "

  11月17日晚,一场由10多位国宝级昆曲艺术家表演的昆曲专场在北大举行,表演结束后却出现了意外插曲主办方邀请于丹做最后总结发言时被观众高呼“下去”,于丹不得不尴尬离场。这一事件在传播过程中被传成“于丹被北大学生轰下台”,因此于丹连发三条微博解释,“首先这次演出是面向社会的,不要误会了北大的同学们。其次大家虽然因为时间太晚喊了几句,但绝对没有不雅或过激的语言。再次,有些朋友对汪老师把花给我有些不满,并不知道我和汪老师来往26年,2007年我在中央台讲昆曲也是受汪老师之托。17号这个精彩绝伦的夜晚,大家买票是来听演唱的,不是听演讲的,我完全理解,何况已经坐了三个半小时,但我也还是理解主办方要我向老艺术家致意的初衷,毕竟,这是无法言表的一份深深恭敬! ”

On November 17, late,A by more than ten national kunqu opera artist show special kunqu opera at Peking University held,After the show but there was an accident episode organizers invite yu Dan do speak concludes when the audience shouted"down",Dan had to leave in embarrassment.This event during the process of transmission is spread into"Yu Dan is students of pku off the stage",So in Dan volleying three micro bo interpretation,"The show was the first to meet social needs,Don't misunderstand the Peking University classmates.Secondly we though because time too late shouted a few words,But absolutely no indecent or ultra language.again,Some friends to wang teacher put the flowers for my some dissatisfaction,Don't know me and wang teacher with 26 years,In 2007 I speak kunqu opera is the central by wang teacher of the holder.17 this fantastic night,You buy a ticket is to listen to the concert,Not to listen to the speech,I fully understand,How much more will have sat for three and a half hours,But I still understand organizers want me to the old artist regards the original intention,After all,This is more than I can tell a deeply respectful! "


yesterday,A reporter mentioned this matter again,Yu Dan responded that,This all in micro blog make myself clear,Everyone will happen he is unexpected,Can do only oneself have a clear conscience.

  而说起特约评论员这个新角色,于丹称赞《东方直播室》是“国内最具价值的新闻评论类节目”。从20多年好友骆新的手中接过《东方直播室》特约评论员的聘书,于丹仔细看过聘书后问,“这上面怎么没有期限啊?”骆新反让于丹“自己加个期限吧”,于丹笑着说:“那就一万年吧! ”

And speaking of guest commentators this new role,Yu Dan praise[Oriental ZhiBoShi]is"The most valuable news commentary programs".Twenty years from the hands of LuoXin friends received[Oriental ZhiBoShi]Special commentator's letter of appointment,Yu Dan read after the letter of appointment to ask,"The top how there is no deadline?"LuoXin reverse let yu Dan"His add a period it",Said with a YuDanXiao:"It's ten thousand! "
