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导语: Guide language:年末与年初相遇,由搜狐网、搜狐教育频道联合主办的"向教育提问"搜狐教育年度盛典将于2013年1月22日北京光华路五号会展中心5号大厅盛大举行,我们将发起一场属于教育的跨年思考。盘点全年,我们抛出了六大问题:"问策-教育公平"从最原始的起点发问,关注上学累、上学难、上学贵;"问计-异地高考"讲述普通人的故事,解读概念中的深意;"问道-创新的逻各斯"带着发现的心,将教育改革先行者的勇气和成果传播扩散;"问鼎-金砖之智"在喧嚣时代以一份难得的执著虔诚守望,付诸行动用榜样案例照亮来时的路;"问君-高朋满座"对话行业掌门人,探知产业命脉;"问卷-白皮书"延续对行业的深入观察,提供专业的调查报告…… The end of the year and meet at the beginning,The sohu net/Sohu education channel co-hosted"Education question to"Sohu education annual festival will be on January 22, 2013 Beijing GuangHuaLu 5th exhibition center 5 hall held grand,We will launch a belongs to the education across the years thinking.Inventory throughout the year,We raise the six big problem:"Ask policy - education fair"From the most primitive start asking questions,Attention to school tired/School difficult/School your;"Advice - different college entrance examination"Tells the story of ordinary people,Interpretation of the concept of depth;"Asked - innovative logos"With found heart,The education reform pioneer courage and achievements spread diffusion;"Shot - nuggets of wisdom"In The Times with a rare rigid religious watch,Action with an example case light up the passage back;"Ask jun - honour"Dialogue palm industry,Discovery industry lifeblood;"Questionnaire - white paper"Continue to look deeply into the industry,Provide professional report……


Over the past ten years,The Yangtze river business school take China's economic rise trend,Clear the way of management education,Optimal business school of arts competition.With differentiation strategy and a series of original and overturning"Big romantic"innovation,Successfully created a derived from China/In the global business management education and has great influence in the high-end brand management education.


The new decade has spread,The future of the Yangtze river,For Chinese enterprises will continue to build a global learning and global resource integration platform,For China's business community culture with more global competitiveness and humanistic care of outstanding entrepreneur spirit,At the same time,Also to achieve global inclusiveness and sustainable development to contribute their knowledge and insight.

  他就是长江商学院院长项兵 一个来自月球的人

He is the Yangtze river, dean of school of business XiangBing one from the moon


In July 2008 and day,In the United States in the mojave desert of California aviation airport,Richard branson finally managed to show his long ambition - a ship used to operating space tourism spacecraft"White knight 2".Another two years,It will launch the first batch of visitors to the space.Maybe there is a Chinese name is more suitable for row in the no long passenger list,He is China - the rapid rise of the super economies - the most successful, dean of school of business,The disciples include cow/ma/Jiangnan village/guo/FuChengYu etc top Chinese entrepreneurs.


He was known as a"See the earth from the moon"/"To deal with the global world"Strategist and advocates,When the mind"The earth complex"The people standing in the space overlooking the whole world,Present in his eyes,Not only is a magnificent picture,Is a generation of China's commercial scholars and entrepreneurs to conquer the world ambitions and dreams……


Through XiangBing office large French window,You will see Beijing wangfujing after one hundred years the hustle and bustle of the noisy people,For the opened"See the earth from the moon"For the theory of the principal,This picture may also catch up with Google's electronic map.Is located in the east of the square of the Yangtze river business school doesn't look like a school,Come here with the panasonic/Morgan Stanley/gm/Cisco as,But it looks more like a company - metope is decorated with red strip,Feet are brown wool carpet,Ta in separating clip out space work,And like du/HuangMing/LiLeDe/ZhouJiRen such global top professors,As the manager's office, sitting on the same glass compartment……


"yes,This is China's first a private business school characteristics."Sit in glass compartment of the XiangBing deftly tore a packet of instant coffee poured into the cup,Appear calm and confident.Behind him,Hang a picture of a beautiful Chinese calligraphy:For the world heart made/Being made for life/For wan shikai/For all ages open peace.This section of the song dynasty MingRu zhang contained words do not know how much incentive generation of Chinese intellectuals.


Six years ago,Li ka-shing investment billions of dollars to the Yangtze river business school was founded,And XiangBing invited as the first President,For the four other proverbs,Two people in it.


In 2001 a winter morning,In a just built Beijing grand hyatt,By the invitation of the li ka shing faculty of XiangBing breakfast.Let XiangBing's surprise,In the generation of the richest man on the table was only rice porridge/Steamed bread and 4 saucer pickled vegetables.At this time XiangBing is the identity of Peking University guanghua, dean of school of business,He hopes the li ka shing can help him to establish a branch in Hong Kong,As the famous American director James Cameron that tens of millions of dollars out of the university of Chicago donations.The breakfast,He always keeps to the li ka shing describes his founded the world to top business school ambition and dreams,Each other hedge.Because before the li ka shing believe the man's history -- the Canadian university of alberta doctor/Professor Hong Kong university of science and technology/Peking University guanghua, dean of school of business/The world's top academic journal special reader/Several of the listed company in Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland independent directors and management consultant - more because he believes that China's changing,And believe the present people can affect the change.


As a scholar,XiangBing consciousness is changing,, or extended,From the early research corruption to state-owned enterprises,Today start to think about Chinese enterprises to participate in the global competition,XiangBing said his consciousness has been along with the time change.In 2000,,XiangBing put forward for the first time"See the earth from the moon"theory,Before and he grasps is"To see the world from China,From the world see China"perspective.This very six words let him look like than ayr · zebul works from the moon.He said that this sentence blanket him in this for more than twenty years gradually formed in the business world.Globalization is a huge transformation era,Full of uncertainty,The whole society is the way of change in thinking.The process of change is the most difficult of the lost inherent thoughts and difficult to discard the traditional way of thinking.so,The new era requires new thinking,And the new thinking comes from new vision - see the earth from the moon vision - thus accumulated and formed"To deal with the global world"Capital and advantage.


so,After listening to the li ka shing faculty of XiangBing after about,Invited him to join their team,The li ka shing faculty of fund investment,By XiangBing is responsible for the preparation of the Yangtze river and set up business as a director.After much consideration,XiangBing from the hands of the li ka shing received a paper letter of appointment.after,He so explain themselves over the cause of the Yangtze river:"The first,As China's first private business school,The Yangtze river is more easy to cultivate form his own independent spirit,The higher school for it,Is undoubtedly very important;The second,The li ka shing foundation strong financial support can not only ensure the independent spirit of the Yangtze river,Also can build is superior/loose/Free academic atmosphere,The third,Mr. Li ka shing faculty of hearts and feelings of the motherland moved me deeply,We all have the same dream,That is for the motherland cultivate a large number of world-class entrepreneurs."


In 2002,,The Yangtze river business school was founded,And XiangBing has thus started his"See the earth from the moon"Commercial test.


is"concluding",or"The east evil west poison"?


XiangBing have a head of natural slightly curly hair.In the lecture,After a series of gestures,He is always with my hands subconsciously will forehead hair right raked to one side.He doesn't think he is a preachers,Because he can't stand routine work,If you don't want to give him a definition of teaching style,That is what he has been trying to make these boring theories and views become more interesting.He avoided myself like scholars speak like that,His pet phrase is"N many",Such as"Napoleon N much wrong with our Chinese N many entrepreneurs are on".In addition,He is willing to""Ma bu" or horse stance"/"A meditation refers to"/"Yi jin the"These martial arts novels of word to form their own point of view,This makes him look a bit like huang Lao jin yong's evil.Even to her daughter's education,He would always behave not stick to one pattern.


In the daughter at the age of 13,XiangBing with a letter to her to speak"Love eight".The first,No man or woman is worth your to die,The second,The girl fall in love can be earlier,Because the girl fall in love of time is short,The third,Theory must be through the practice,Love is not in books and movies,But investment;The fourth,Top five boyfriend want to don't want to get married;The fifth,The purpose of love is not to get married,The purpose of marriage is not for children;The sixth,I like it or not is not important,Do you like it……


Common sense does not press the brand,Familiar with XiangBing he have such experience.On the golf course,XiangBing even started a game - item type ball method.swing/swing,A series of action is not a standard it,But in front of the ball is very accurate,In golf has become a fashion of the Yangtze river,XiangBing few opponents,Even the United States open champion Campbell to his game are scratching their heads.And he will have his own explain:People bar one Taoist type game.


so,It is easy to understand why XiangBing will be called"Reverse thinking professor brainwashed",We also easy to understand by he put forward such as"Four sections of theory"/"New westernization"These process why can always bring the fashion.


In the XiangBing thinking,Always have a new format,In his own words"In the world of leonardo Da Vinci,Picasso can never surpass leonardo Da Vinci,Picasso only create a to belong to own field of vision and space,To accomplish our."this,He will provide students a homework assignments:Why also sell coffee,The Chinese do not a starbucks?Why do the same restaurant,The Chinese do not out of McDonald's?Why do the same web site,Chinese but can't figure out the concept of web2.0?These problems,Even a few days before he got to be held in Japan's"Asia innovation conference"on,In his eyes looks,Is not only China,The whole of Asia,The whole east for more than 100 years are to follow the footsteps of the west,Debate is only what is around"Western for body,Middle school for"or"Middle school for body,For western"The westernization movement level.this,XiangBing Shouting with"New westernization movement"slogan.He thinks,The lack of creative thinking from the old view and thinking,And all of these are the root of education.


Rather than we are going through global transformation period,Rather than is going through a war.Multinational companies have in succession in the global layout,On the resources.Such as IBM,Its global procurement center/Human resources center is located in shenzhen and guangzhou respectively,And in bangalore, India, also has the world's largest research and development center.With China's global mean overrating oneself is.XiangBing of"New westernization"So he called"A set of Chinese enterprise to deal with global competition disruptive in the art of war".


"nature,New westernization top priority is to Chinese enterprises' thinking and vision problems.On the one hand,Chinese enterprises to learn‘See the earth from the moon’Way of thinking,Avoid falling into the plight of a frog in well.On the other hand,To form‘To deal with the global world’Strategic vision,From the global scope for the development of Chinese enterprises as well as the opportunity to deal with global competition solutions."


In 2006,,XiangBing lead their students to visit Japan,A line of people see the SONY former President Mr Idei,One student asked:What do you think of China enterprise the biggest problem is that???????Well Sir Answer concise and comprehensive:Chinese domestic market is too big."This is a word of philosophy,"XiangBing said,"The huge domestic market is double-edged sword,On the one hand it can satisfy the enterprise survival,On the other hand also can let we form‘XiaoFuJiAn’mentality,Before we always said win China to win the world,But in today's global competition,To win the world to win China."


A lot of people said I was a madman,But China need is a madman bottom spirit


XiangBing evaluation administer university,With four word can describe - unifying.From his management school in each strategy,Can see clearly"New westernization"Thinking and"See the earth from the moon"perspective.


From the Yangtze river at the beginning of the established,XiangBing will shout with 10 years do world ten strong,In the ten top the list,harvard/Yale/Columbia/Chicago……Carry out which one is not like Chinese giant.So many people put this guy words as the madman gibberish.


In order to achieve the goal of ten strong,XiangBing made a name"343"plan.In the first 3 years,To establish a world class the professor's team;In the next four years,Establish a by India/Japan/South Korea/Asean and Russia and other countries and regions of the Asian business system;In the last three years,Asian/The European,Even American intercontinental integration,To the world's highest global business school resources,To the world's leading business school ranks.


now,The first 3 years plan has already been passed,The Yangtze river has established a global top professors from more than fifty of super luxury lineup.Du from harvard business school/HuangMing from Stanford university business school/LiLeDe from northwestern university/ZhengYuSheng from Columbia University business school……The team was XiangBing proudly described as real Madrid."To do a world-class business school must have a world class professor,This is incontrovertible truth,"XiangBing said,"Our professor almost entirely from the ten top business school,This is the integration of global resources,to‘The global response to a global’Warfighting doctrine."


But persuade these top professor quit their dignity and well-paid job to return back to homeland for the Yangtze river effect easier said than done.Such as LiLeDe,XiangBing persuaded him five years to quit that job,And ZhengYuSheng also spent XiangBing three years."I was able to persuade them to come back,The first,Because they are patriotic feelings,For the country to cultivate talents;The second,The rapid development of China's economy gave them very interesting research direction;The third,We all have ten strong dream,And they believe that I've made progress goal and development planning is feasible;The fourth,We have adopted the western professor managing concept,This is the prerequisite for them back."


now,The Yangtze river in the continue to absorb top professors at the same time,Also in the building"Pan Asian business school system".XiangBing put this phase is called"way".In his view,"Take potential/md/Optimal operation"Is a successful enterprise indispensable necessary condition,While the western business school for decades to focus too"operation"Training - such as technology/management,And their"operation"Rooted in western"way(Traditional culture and humanistic value)"- and ignore to other countries"way"research,Therefore lead to many western companies have come to Oriental endemic.so,XiangBing puts forward"differentiation"Competition strategy,In the global business school in the first to religious culture and history as a required course,With XiangBing own words,"If you want to make the world's resources and market our advantage,We must know besides me what they are!"therefore,XiangBing please du the master Chinese humanities as chairman of the board of the Yangtze river,Even the former President of South Korea, please think ZhaoDongCheng professor."There is no doubt that,Who owns the emerging markets of Asia,Who can have the future."for"Asian"strategy,XiangBing so explained.


In ordinary students eyes,Walk to the USSR/Speed fast/Drink coffee like water is such evaluation:"He is a passionate man,I remember the first time to have dinner with him,He kept saying that the ten top dream,The second or the third time in constantly repeated.I later realized,Only passion,And believe that this dream can come true talent will behave such fanaticism and intolerance."


Being a businessman don't do sinners


now,The Yangtze river business school has cultivated more than 2000 graduates,Eighty percent is the enterprise manager,And as there is no lack of lives/ma/JiangNaChun such top entrepreneurs.


but,Now the XiangBing often reflect the society crazy for rich and paid the price.In his own blog with envy tone describes new Delhi city large forests,In a speech to Moscow repeatedly in art achievements and people's leisure life.And only the GDP followed we seem to be entered an error,Environment is destroyed,Ancient city was built and,Even people's morality in landslide.Recently happened in XiangBing body two story let him think a lot,An asthma attack in Shanghai,He came to a hospital initially,Results the doctor to offer him a day price prescription,"He even didn't check for me to do,The whole hospital the best medicine open to me.If the society even the doctors are not the bottom line words,I can only say,Our reform was a failure."There is a story is about his daughter,At a party he met a British education friend,Because XiangBing daughter always wanted to go to England one school,And the people just know the President of this school,He promised to help introduce.XiangBing pleased to call to tell daughter this news,Results the daughter said:If so,I would rather choose not to go to this school,Because it is not fair to others.Hung up the phone,XiangBing heart is not calm,He on the day of the diary wrote:"When a person was obtained after small success,Some things just forget,Even from the heart to the fair and justice and identity have also been forgotten."


"Brothers and sisters,Exchange sin will not have profit!Eternal life not by buying and selling it."In the classroom,XiangBing to the students so that says.He hope that from the Yangtze river out not only has the global vision and fresh strength,More must have the sense of social responsibility and the spirit of humanistic care,This is the Yangtze river educational standards,Great enterprise and great man,Must be based on the constant on the standard.
