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16页纸写18年爱 厦一中千名学子昨跨“成人门”--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  “从这一刻开始,坐在这儿的同学们,再不是小孩子,你们成为大人了,而成年后第一件要做的事,应该是感恩!”……昨天早上,厦门一中的操场上寒风凛冽,但1100多名学子却用行动让家长们如沐春风。这是厦门一中为高三学子隆重举行的“成人礼”。 "From this moment,Sit here classmates,Don't is a,You become an adult,Adult and the first thing to do,Should be grateful!"……Yesterday in the morning,Xiamen a on the playground in the wind,But more than 1100 students but with the action to get parents a breeze.This is xiamen one for high school students of was held"Adult ceremony".


All the students are accompanied by parent and come,Parents and students in exchange of letters,The students for parents,Bowed deeply,then,They affectionate hug.This moment,Let many people's tears burst into tears,Parents regrets in a child's growth,The students gratitude in parents' pay……


three(1)Class XuReLin father,Spent several days wrote a letter to his daughter,This letter took 16 pages,It filled with a father those years of her daughter's love and expectations,Mother and daughter for so many years to say,Concentrated in 5 pages in the paper.


"The parents had we raise our adult,today,We want to put down the so-called face,Put down all the scruples/temper/shy,To their parents express heart buried years of love!"One student said.


so,Adult what mean?


Xiamen one principal ZhouJunLi for students described the future life path:tomorrow,Will you make for the college entrance examination toil day and night,After entering the university,Faced with the choice of test or employment,Out of the social,Your life really began……Adult means choice and responsibility,Means that the struggle and frustration,And in the adult,First must understand the gratitude,then"democracy/responsibility/emotional/honor".


This year,Xiamen middle school students to a symbol of their adult first step,Is through the way"Adult door".Across the"Adult door",The students know the future still have a lot of difficulties and hardships must go through."But the ceremony more strengthened my determination to overcome difficulties."Said he.


"Adult ceremony"on,In addition to the parents of the students,Xiamen one for students invited their elementary school and junior high school teacher,Because the school think,gratitude,Is not only confined to the parents,The students also grateful to care their all.Honest Abe,To take responsibility.

  为纪念这一天,校方还请来了邮政局工作人员,为分发给同学们的每张成人卡、明信片都盖上一个 “十八岁的成人戳”。在厦门一中看来,“成人礼”不仅仅是一个仪式,更是孩子生命的里程碑。(东南网-海峡导报 记者 梁静 通讯员 谢凯灵 周艳茹)

To commemorate this day,University officials have called in the post office staff,For distribution to the students' each adult card/Postcards are cover a "Eighteen years of age or older prod".One looks in xiamen,"Adult ceremony"Is not only a ceremony,Is the child life milestone.(Southeast of the net - channel reporter gaining LiangJing correspondent XieKai ZhouYanRu spirit)
