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  南都讯 记者张舟逸 因持续上访遭到劳教,备受社会关注的永州母亲唐慧是否能够得到国家赔偿,结果将在近日内揭晓。唐慧昨日向南都记者透露,湖南省永州市劳教管理委员会相关人员已于1月5日与其约谈,询问唐慧在赔偿诉求、赔偿方式上的相关要求,并告知其赔偿决定书也将在近日内送达。

SMW reporter ZhangZhou escape because of persistent petitions were the detention,The social concern YongZhou mother TangHui whether can get state compensation,The results will be announced in a few days.TangHui yesterday to SMW reporter said,Hunan province, which the detention management committee relevant personnel already on January 5 instead of questioning,Ask TangHui appeal in compensation/In the way of compensation requirements,And told that their compensation decision will be delivered within recently.

  唐慧:希望会有个道歉 TangHui:Hope there will be an apology

湖南永州上访妈妈唐慧被解除劳教 Hunan YongZhou petitions mother TangHui lifted the detention? ?? ?


On January 5th night,TangHui received residence rich bridge ZhenZhen government workers after a phone call,Came to the cafe near the house,"With two police officers,Which is the work of education,They asked me‘Your application for state compensation to the things what appeal?’"

  “我说我的诉求都写在了当时提交的书面申请上,没有什么其他。”去年11月5日,唐慧向湖南省永州市公安局劳教管理委员会提出正式书面申请,要求国家赔偿。在该份申请书中,唐慧提出的赔偿诉求主要有两项:一是要求永州市劳动教养管理委员会赔偿其侵犯人身自由的赔偿金1463 .85元(根据国家2011年度职工日平均工资标准×9日),二是要求永州市劳教管理委员会向申请人进行书面赔礼道歉,并支付精神损害抚慰金1000元。

"I said I appeal are written in the written application was submitted on,No other."Last November 5,,TangHui to hunan province, which the public security bureau detention management committee formally put forward written application,Requirements of national compensation.In this part of the application form,TangHui proposed compensation appeal mainly has two:One is the requirement of reeducation through labor compensation management committee which the infringement of personal freedom in compensation 1463. 85 yuan(According to the national 2011 year worker average wage standard, × 9),2 it is to ask which the detention management committee to the applicant in written offer an apology,And pay 1000 yuan mental injury solatium.


TangHui said,In his claim for compensation in the appeal,Mainly is the hope which the detention management committee to apologize.And in the course of the exchange,Which law education commission staff TangHui want the apology way to ask,"They asked me to apologize to the house,Or online/television,Or other place to apologize."

  律师:如不致歉或起诉 A lawyer:If you don't apologize or prosecution


According to the revised last October/On January 1st execution[The state compensation law of the People's Republic of China]Article 23,The organ under compensatory obligations shall, from the date of receipt of the application within two months,Make a decision whether to compensation decision.meanwhile,This clause:The organ under compensatory obligations decided to compensation,Compensation shall be made for the decision,And since the decision within ten days of date of delivery the claimant for compensation;The organ under compensatory obligations decides not to compensation,Shall make a decision within 10 days written notice to the claimant for compensation,And do not grant to compensate for that reason.


Control law to see,The meeting, which is just the detention committee needs to decide the legal time limit.This means that in a week,TangHui will know whether oneself can get the compensation and expect to apologize."If labor education commission a written apology,Will be quite meaningful!If there is no,We consider the prosecution."TangHui attorney, XuLiPing said,TangHui is"A statement",To TangHui mental compensation and the value of the apology,How many far outweighed the damages.

  唐慧事件回顾 TangHui event review

  2012年8月2日 2006年,永州发生一起幼女被强奸被迫卖淫案,案件受害者的母亲唐慧因不满判决结果连续上访投诉,2012年8月2日,湖南省永州市劳动教养管理委员会以扰乱社会秩序为由,对这位“上访妈妈”做出劳教一年半的决定。此事经其代理律师在互联网上发布后,舆论哗然。

On August 2, 2012, 2006,YongZhou happen girl together by rape forced into prostitution case,Case the victim's mother TangHui because of dissatisfaction with the verdict continuous petitions complaints,On August 2, 2012,Hunan province, which reeducation through labor management committee to disturb the social order for,the"Petitions mother"To make the decision of the detention a year and a half.The matter with the attorney after posted on the Internet,Public outcry.

  2012年8月7日 唐慧不服劳动教养决定,向湖南省劳动教养管理委员会提出了书面复议申请。

On August 7, 2012 TangHui reeducation through labor is not decided,Hunan province to reeducation through labor management committee proposed the written application for reconsideration.

  2012年8月10日 唐慧的劳动教养决定经复议被撤销,唐慧本人自白马龙劳教所被释放。2012年11月5日,唐慧正式提出国家赔偿书面申请,提出赔偿金以及致歉诉求。

August 10, 2012 TangHui reeducation through labor of the reconsideration decision revoked,TangHui I confessions Malone work camp is released.On November 5, 2012,TangHui formally put forward written application for state compensation,Put forward compensation and appeal to apologize.
