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高雷雷资助学生忘留车票钱 出资20万购买校车--亲稳网络舆情监控室
"I - from - north - Beijing - to.""You - to - to - in which -?"
"I - to - hill - top - - small - learn."Yi autonomous county in sichuan mabian of the mountains,The children kept to this backpack scoot man shout,Their dialogue once again echoing in the mountains.He flew from Beijing to chengdu/Sit ten hours of coach/More than two hours to climb the mountain road,Look at the other side of the mountain for children.
See the school bus for good,GaoLeiLei trust smiled.(source:Jinghua times)高雷雷帮助孩子做晚饭。(来源:京华时报)
GaoLeiLei help children to do dinner.(source:Jinghua times)
Funding students forget to leave the money for tickets
He is a former national security GaoLeiLei star.In 2007,,GaoLeiLei through the crop planning and the mountains children become attached to,For mobile communication that sand cavity township need to build a school,GaoLeiLei spent more than 100000 yuan,For the children at the top of the mountain built crop ten small,And as the crop ten small and the foot of the sand cavity elementary school's physical education teacher.
Although GaoLeiLei know mabian poor,But when he first came to mabian,The scene was shocked."The hills at the age of eight children,DaDongTian still bare bottom jelly,No clothes to wear.They see me special be afraid,Kept crying."GaoLeiLei recalls.
Two days,GaoLeiLei visited 7 students home,Each go to visit a family in students' home,He will give students plug money.After the visit to leave mabian to sit coach,He found that more than 9000 dollars of pocket all the plug to the students.Thanks to the road meet kind volunteers,Give him a sixty yuan ticket,He was able to return to chengdu.
the,GaoLeiLei mind constantly emerge out of the children's picture,Heart more determined.He said:"Must help this help the child out of the mountains."Six years,No matter how busy,GaoLeiLei will take time to mabian to lend a hand.This year,He is down Beijing's restaurant,Mabian to education,Now for more than three months.
Take cream cake is reserved program
Crop ten small is January 2008 to build,But because there are dozens of villagers' spontaneous help children cover school,March was finished.
A new school,But the children to school road was muddy,And GaoLeiLei became a piece of heart.See the children go to school every day/At least school to go three or four hours,The most to go 6 hours,November,GaoLeiLei spend 200000 yuan on the Internet,For the students bought a school bus.
December 3,,GaoLeiLei in chengdu to see their purchased the school bus.After field survey later,He a hanging heart finally fell down."The school bus,Every day the children can't take 1 hours of mountain roads".
After watching the school bus,GaoLeiLei sit up to the coach mabian,Back to see his children.Arrived in mabian county is six o 'clock in the afternoon.Eat dinner in a hurry,In spite of his vessel and vehicle fatigue,And took to the streets to find a cake shop.Every year with cake to school,Is his reserve program.
In the mobile communication business street,GaoLeiLei find a cake shop,Bought three biggest cream cake.then,He ran to the supermarket for the school's teachers a man bought a hair dryer.He said:"Where the teacher is also very hard."
Turn morning,GaoLeiLei and local teachers together with bamboo bag will be cake/Hair dryer and electronic sound back up the hill,More than two hours of steep mountain road,Go less than forty minutes,You are wet.GaoLeiLei doesn't feel tired,He said:"When I see the top of the mountain,The children stood out‘High teacher’,I will bathe in the matter!"
"High teacher,We love you"
The second day after came down from the mountain,GaoLeiLei to the foot of the sand cavity for primary school students badminton class.The children meet high teacher very excited,All cried out for physical education teachers on high.
After class,A group of five children,Do the evening meal.Although and high teacher have a meal together means that every child to make a copy to him,But these children or hard pulled GaoLeiLei eat their own cooking rice.GaoLeiLei always eat special support,But never refused the invitation of the children.
The children often make GaoLeiLei very touched.once,GaoLeiLei after class to back to Beijing a few days.Because it was already in the long-term mabian education,The car pulled up to the GaoLeiLei also mabian,The car is full of soil,But the children in his car with the hand written:"High teacher,We love you."GaoLeiLei see the heart special touched.The children sometimes give him pass small strip,written:"High teacher,Thank you!"Or secretly handed him won't eat moldy cookies.
Not only students welcome,Teachers are like GaoLeiLei.A teacher said,GaoLeiLei never put a shelf,The total active and teachers together to chat,And put forward a lot of good Suggestions for the school,Such as let students do broadcasting gymnastics/Let the teacher every day to check the children to wash their hands often health habits."He is so good conditions,Can with us in such a harsh conditions but eat to live,And no complaints,We really didn't know."
Charity is not only money
Primary school to dead father
Jinghua times:Why I have to spend more than 10 ten thousand yuan for students to build crop ten small?
GaoLeiLei:In 2007 the national security to leave Europe before playing,I find the hope project,Want to build a primary school,Get in touch with crop plan.They went to the mountains to visit back heel,Through the investigation I think they are the most need to build primary school,At that time the village level there is a school,But the fifty meters is landslide site.We chose a safe place to build the school.
Jinghua times:Crop ten small in your father's name donation,He has a great influence on whether you?
GaoLeiLei:His father died in 1999,Built the first crop plan ten elementary school,Also want to the school as a gift for my father.Father's strong influence on me.He is a helpful person,He that s still no"charity"The word,But he will sell a watch/Sell bicycle,To help those conditions difficult students,Sometimes the purpose is to let the children in the sports meeting has the unification the clothing.
Jinghua times:The family education to support you?
GaoLeiLei:No support does not support it,Is what I want to do.My mother at first is not support me to do this,She thinks I
After the place of a lot of money.But then she also identified with the.In 2008,,I play in Europe,Don't have the time to,She also give my donation of 150000.My girlfriend also follow me mabian to lend a hand,She when music teacher,The children all like her.
Spiritual supporting is more important
Jinghua times:After education,On your economy and consumption have any effect?
GaoLeiLei:Must have influence,Learn to conserve the,But this does not affect my quality of life.economic,I'm retired,Currently running a Japanese cuisine restaurant.I am in the education,The restaurant business no one tube,Is actually the loss.Six years,For the school into nearly 600000.
Jinghua times:How to understand the charity?
GaoLeiLei:Just began to,I saw the poor children and want to give them money,Want to give them help.But the actual do charity to know,This is not helping,So it is against them.Because you didn't tell the child,The money is how to spend,They are just in the material for help,The lack of spirit is still the same.I hope to have more people pay attention to charity,True to spare the time to accompany them,Teach them how to study and life,Know the truth that be an upright person.
Jinghua times:Education so hard,Why do you want to stick to it?
GaoLeiLei:I don't think hard,I enjoy,I will do everything I can to do it.I think this is our every citizen's responsibility.I also hope to be able to drive some of the football players do charity,Let everybody to football player image change,At least let you know GaoLeiLei are good.
(原标题:高雷雷资助学生忘留车票钱 出资20万购买校车)
(Original title:GaoLeiLei funding students forget to leave the money for tickets given 200000 buy school bus)
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