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【六】举例:在康师傅的亲身经历 [six]For example:In the kang teacher experience


I would like to give you a speak my real experience,I am in kang teacher do PM/Product manager,Somehow is also a cadre,Then there was a time kang teacher planning department said you guys inside in the office know folk sufferings,On practice;I was sad reminder were assigned to the most bitter of the team,The somebody else to pay business group/Characteristic through group/Stores group somehow in the air conditioning,I was assigned to the terminal shop group to practice,That is the most bitter group,Give me sent a teacher he and I practice,I am a manager he is industry zone position than his high down with his practice,The first day out for I'm dead tired,At that time in summer 42 degrees high temperature,A front teeth are tanned,Grilled outside the coke tender,I tell you that hard degree with very simple methods:Big bottle of coke seen no 1.5 litres of,Go out in the morning filling a bottle of water,Morning drink,The noon eat a meal in the hotel again inside filling a bottle of water,A drink in the afternoon,Such a large coke bottle two bottles of water,A day to drink two bottles of night back a drop of urine all have no,42 degrees heat from morning till night,Each shop to stick posters/Hang lac/Whole display,I am a manager with the industry zone also embarrassed to slack off,One day down limbs weakness/orz/went/Seven roar to want to scold a sound,One day down to tired,I really admire the industry zone,I said"We used to in the headquarters really don't know you work so hard,You are too hard,I don't know you so tired?""Ashamed ashamed."As a result, I such a big dose in praise the staff,Put him to death to boast,I found the staff don't appreciate,He also don't smile he asked me"Wei manager you tomorrow is not to?"I at that time, little don't know how to speak"come,Planning department let's practice with you a month to go."go,The second day, dry day,And from morning till night,And two bottles of water to drink out of the coke,Is tired,Do a week off,I said"That won't be possible,My waist is almost broken,You he is made of steel.""My waist also fast break."But I found that this process has been asked me"Wei manager you go? What time?"I will see,There have.We also do business people still can not understand,The table will give him pass words"What the manager,Is the elder brothers,I am planning a product manager is not your manager,Are all brothers to invite you to dinner,Literally eat."Then please him to eat dinner/Smoke a cigarette,Because I am a manager hung manager CARDS down to eat/Eat watermelon/Buy smoke/Buy beer is me the check,Slowly after two days relations department well,One day to eat a meal on a bottle of iced beer drink happy.Mouth with a"In fact not so run."This elder brothers first give me support detonation of???????Kang teacher requirements to each shop to tick,What is the cargo hook,"Don't in each store hook,Trouble is dead,Every store has what goods our hearts there are,Basically, we are not in the store hook,The noon meal,With eyes closed and hook it again is pretty close."This is the first time.


And after two days,And then eat meal to drink wine in the relationship and good,And with a mouth"In fact not so run,Our manager heard is planning department to send someone to tell us,A headquarters to make him,The most is that I can run,Say with me hard to run,A week to this boy Max,Get rid of him;Results a week down didn't you miserable I'm miserable."After two days and a wipe mouth"In fact not so run,Lao tze so many years didn't give him a run.""What do you mean?""Street so few shop,Run so long time which shop have quantity which shop no quantity I still don't know it?"He only run a amount of shop,Then with a mouth"In fact isn't running,The farthest that street I haven't been to the half a year.""You don't go to the old,How do you finish sales?""That you don't understand,I do business who hand few elder brothers/customer,I do business on a line which is not a few big customer,At ordinary times the gang to worship a little frequently,Elder brother/Elder sister that sweet little,Gift to send some more,The other shop gifts of down to his house to point,Can not return the goods back to his back point,Good policy to his point,As long as this a few big shop maintain good relationship,I tell you quantity of tasks to finish,You go to find him,What time looking for him,He what time to goods."Is this?This is their truth,You this is the truth of the terminal sales team management,And why I said the visit time is the real key management in here,Once you let these people in the visit on time made false,Immediately the thousands of people/Tens of thousands of people fell through,This book is for the million and the national more than 9000 home,Kang teacher water and add up to more than 20000 people across the country,More than 20000 people in the most is the terminal sales representative,And the terminal sales representative how do they visit?How do they management is in this crowd,The people most vulnerable thing,He is visiting time fraud,One day he give you run along while,One day run two hours,Some individuals one day run one day,Finished with eyes closed and write call time.


You put it catch,Not to improve the quality of the visit,Now to improve visit quantity,Ask everyone today a few weeks,Thursday,Why Thursday?Because the week four line manual is take the salesman,Wednesday in,General week three line manual open the first page is what?map,The second page is the customer list,Open the first page yesterday you run know,Open the second page customer list,What are the last run customers know,Open the third page each customer time to go,What is the inventory/What is the gift/Some part of the left also know;I said sales management difficult difficult in the remote control,And remote control often out of control,If you want to remote control not out of control,The remote control will be realized,How to put the remote control realizable control?Very simple,Not call,The ideal state take my video the man yesterday work record down the second day return,The man in the street yesterday which appear/Went to the other customers/In some part of which shop do what action will record all,The second day competent as long as a return visit a check,To the store to ask"Elder sister my salesman is yesterday afternoon 4 PM come?"She can not remember?can,"Elder sister my salesman is morning or afternoon come?"She could not remember all haven't seen you for half a year,Or morning it,Good morning results of writing at 4 PM,The results show that after the meeting in the morning early will run at the play CARDS this wine drinking.Good you you are just starting to let them fill in the table,The gang have a false impression,This help if the salesman to cheating will get you joy dead,This help to write a false call time:The first shop 9 PM,The second shop 9 twenty/The third shop 9:30……The sixth shop 9 sixty,No tear up to ten points,Really seen someone give me write 9 sixty pull away to 10 o 'clock,Which then quasi ten minutes a shop,Back scold your meal false,This man is cautious"Can't write,I have to write uneven."The first shop 9 point 17/The second shop 9 31/The third shop 9 47/The fourth shop 9 and,Do not even,Otherwise WeiQing said I fake no experience,Made to the last shop found at half past two in the morning,Finished the pull away weight change;As long as the visiting time it catch dead,Catch the things there are so many ways to die,The first one as long as the second you shop once access to some;The second many methods in check subject inside"Our competent in the shop is there cooked the shopkeeper?"To the shopkeeper said"The salesman to some,You send me a message."Take the time to visit with the message.


For example:Excuse me the day after open early will time is fixed,Visit sequence is fixed,Means that the store time basic also fixed,I know you probably 3 PM will be in China wall road red cherry stores appear in advance where latent,To 2 point and 55 minutes make a phone call"Wang where?Be in China way? Wall?""to.""I also in?,5 minutes appeared in front of me."This elder brothers in the McDonald's is coffee,At that time can't wait to put a fly wings,After come?Hand what bring table for a fine,After the table for you think on the spot to find his watch there will be several results?three:The first didn't take,The second kind of haven't fill in it,The third kind of have to fill in at 6 o 'clock.You why we spend so much experience to catch visit time?Only the visit time grasp taken to make the gang at half past eight in the morning,Dry to 6 number at visit to guarantee,Visit the quantity can guarantee/Visit quality can be guarantee,Do you want to improve the call rate will have to improve the quantity and quality of visit.


This is the staff fixed classical tradition,This a link to my lecture about to speak for more than a day,Here only speak more than ten/Twenty minutes everyone understand spirit will do,Employees work to fixed,A chart two table line manual focus on visit time this is a classical approach,But should pay attention to some people is no line manual,Visit terminal shop salesman have line manual,Area manager/There is no line of the manual,That not line manual how fixed?Also have a way,Conventional method is to let them fill in working days statements;Every day I like every supervisor will report to the days in my mailbox,"I yesterday morning at half past eight to ten in LiShuiQiao to all the staff at the meeting,Say what??????;Half past ten to twelve o 'clock visited several stores,2 PM and 6 PM dry what."Let the salesman the day his work with very simple a daily to company headquarters to.That they will not cheating?Really cheating is very funny.There is a regional manager,To write daily very troublesome,Looking for an inside job for writing,But the office work in a professional,All of my regional manager is back at the meeting,A day for daily can't break,Even if back will also have to write,The meeting today in the headquarters,As a result he Lou farcing,All regional manager's daily are written"The meeting today in the headquarters."He is the only one's daily hundreds of words,"Today I see where is the market,Find what's the problem,Go down for a long time our market will be how to end?"I saw the said"Is I'm crazy,Or are you crazy,You are not I this meeting,How still ran a trip to market,Your second pulse through?"The manager is very honest,He said"Miss wei first you don't,Immediately the New Year,Over the years to make."In order to write daily photo?Now China mobile/Unicom mobile monitoring with GPS,Very simple with mobile and unicom run a package,Every China unicom or China mobile to help me to monitor,Such as work eight hours,Monitoring 24 times you,Automatic through the background put you in what position I come back,The two data a pair,I know your daily is true or false.


The man today's daily is not honest,why?You said you eight a.m. to half past ten in the LiShuiQiao,2 PM and 6 PM in visit dealers,But I found out you at 4 PM in the chaoyang district baosteel,In baosteel,3 point fifty blue sky kindergarten,4 PM in Beijing fifty and penthouses?,China unicom and China mobile give us of your whereabouts and your daily written in the track is not the same,Don't immediately Lou farcing;Then each month will come out so a table,After class you are interested in to this station will know who is a good man/Who's bad.Daily and GPS monitoring two a head who is a good man who is bad,Be clear at a glance,I use color to show,Yellow is the number of days rest in the company,Green to represent the number of days on Sunday,Red represents the number of days lie,Just this person is telling lies,Daily and GPS monitoring is not the same,Blue represent the number of days the market,White for the number of days in office,Shallow blue to represent the number of days to visit the dealer,You go to the station will know who is bad.
