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湖北公布异地高考方案 满足两项条件可参加高考--亲稳网络舆情监控室

  新华网武汉1月1日专电(记者俞俭、黎昌政)湖北省异地高考方案2012年最后一天正式公布,2013年起,外省户籍进城务工人员及其他非本地户籍就业人员随迁子女(下称随迁子女),具有省内高中阶段教育学籍并在省内完成三年高中阶段教育学习,且监护人有合法稳定职业、在现居住地有合法稳定住所(含租赁)的,可在湖北参加高考Xinhuanet wuhan January 1 special telegram(Reporter YuJian/LiChangZheng)Hubei province college entrance examination scheme different the last day of 2012 officially announced,Since 2013,Provincial census register migrant workers and other non-native household employment personnel SuiQian children(Children under SuiQian said),Has the province high school student education in the province and finish high school three years education study,And the guardian has the legitimate stable occupation/Be in reside a dwelling place to have a legal stable residence(Including leasing)of,Can be in hubei province to participate in college entrance examination.


On December 31, 2012 issued[About migrant workers SuiQian children receive compulsory education in hubei province after in the measures for the implementation of the entrance exam(trial)]provisions,Since 2013,Hubei to receive fresh/Go to SuiQian children in hubei in common the university entrance exam/Higher vocational skills and unified college entrance examination registration.In addition to conform to the common the university entrance exam sign up the basic conditions,Also conform to the student/Learning experience and guardian career/Residence requirements.


At present,2013 in hubei province, the household register the university entrance exam is over,Meet the conditions of the SuiQian mainlanders children,But on February 26, to March 1, owed.In 2014 and later SuiQian mainlanders children application,Hubei province college entrance examination candidates with household synchronization.Conform to the register condition the fresh SuiQian children in the school student registration;Go to SuiQian children at his father(mother)Or legal guardian work location county(city/area)Education test agency registration.


According to the regulation,SuiQian children in hubei province after participate in college entrance examination,The recruit students medical/Fill volunteer and admitted to cast archives and the synchronization of the hubei province census register.In hubei province to participate in the admission SuiQian children,Enjoy the ministry of education of hubei province unified rules and implementation of the optimal policy for record,Enjoy the college entrance examination registration to the city/State university enrollment plan for the local optimal points policy record.


