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video:WeiQing:Terminal sales sunflower treasure dian? ?? ?


开场: opening:

  营销咨询顾问  魏庆:“日经一事必长一智”,每个人都应该比昨天更聪明,意思就是做销售既要低头拉车,还要抬头看路,同样做销售,为什么这个人过几年成长很快,那个人过几年成长很慢,差别在哪?他做了一年可能有三年的经验,他做了十年可能只有一年的经验,这个人白天做事,晚上在思考,这个人白天做事晚上打牌,“日经一事必长一智”善于总结的人才能快速成功,每个人都应该比昨天更聪明,好谢谢。

Marketing consultant  WeiQing:"The nikkei will gain in your wit",Everyone should be more clever than yesterday,It is not only to do sales head buggy,And looking up at the road,To do the same for sales,Why did the person grow quickly in a few years,The man in a few years to grow slowly,Difference is?He made a year may have three years of experience,He made ten years may only have one year experience,The work during the day,Night thinking,The man do during the day evening playing CARDS,"The nikkei will gain in your wit"Be good at summing up man can rapid success,Everyone should be more clever than yesterday,Ok. Thanks.


Presided over:Warmly welcome WeiQing teacher.

  营销咨询顾问  魏庆:感谢各位,今天很惭愧只有一个多小时的时间,昨天在网上知道还有从南京、石家庄专门赶过来的朋友,非常感谢,在短短一个多小时、两个小时的时间里面,我跟大家介绍一个题目,一个是这本新书的内容,一个是跟这个新书配套的一门课程的内容。书的内容叫《终端销售葵花宝典》,这个课程的名字叫“终端销售团队管理核心工具”,时间很短直接进入正题。

Marketing consultant  WeiQing:Thank you for your,Today very ashamed only more than one hour,Yesterday in online know how from nanjing/Shijiazhuang special drive to friends,Thank you very much,In a short span of more than an hour/Two hours of time inside,I to introduce a topic,One is the content of the new book,One is with this new book matching a course content.The contents of the book that[Terminal sales sunflower treasure dian],This course name"Terminal sales team management core tools",A very short time to get down to business directly.


First of all with everyone to explain the terminal sales team management core tools this course its cause and its basic ideas,Let everybody to this class have a profile on overall grasp.The words from my work before about career,Terminal sales team management core tools here refers to the most the most the most grass-roots consumer goods industry run small supermarket/Run small catering,Run a small retail pieces of the group of the most basic sales migrant workers,This group of team their workplace pessimistic,Their career,How do they manage/How do they visit is mainly the contents.Also this course is also open about the topic.



【一 [a】职业生涯:“十几年奋斗造就成功” ]career:"More than ten years struggle makes success"

  我觉得我在营销行业我的职业生涯是幸运的,因为我大学毕业之后在一些自己不是很喜欢的国营单位待过、工程企业待过,后来很快就进入了康师傅,为什么我幸运呢?我感受了康师傅的第一轮通路精耕,中国的快销行业的人都知道康师傅的通路精耕,我感受了康师傅第一波通路精耕,康师傅第一波通路精耕跟国际私营公司合作通路咨询案的时候,我在康师傅做企划,那个时候我是小弟,负责给人家打字、给人家牵马坠蹬 、订机票、打下手,在康师傅做了几年的时间,虽然在康师傅职位不是很高,但是我觉得有一点很幸福,通路精耕从开始启动到第一次失败、到第二次重新启动中间所有的过程、所有的人脉、资料全部要过我的手,在康师傅几年学到很多东西,我出来的时候很自豪,我想康师傅通路精耕的所有文案、所有报表、所有教材我是最全的,后来又进了可乐。进了可口可乐之后,刚开始年少无知,刚开始进可口可乐,觉得可口可乐这帮人特别没文化,非常看不起可乐的人,为什么?美式管理和台式管理最大的区别是什么?台湾人特别喜欢填报表,你们在台湾企业干过的都知道,台企、日企特别喜欢填报表,在康师傅一个小小的营业所做经理,一个月月会的时候用四十几页ppt,我们每个月在康师傅熬两个通宵是肯定的,开会前一个、开会后一个通宵,两通宵是肯定的。

I think I'm in the marketing industry my career is lucky,Because I graduated from university in some he is not like the state-owned unit for/Engineering enterprise for,Soon into the kang teacher,Why am I lucky?I feel the kang teacher the first round of the path fine tillage,China's fast pin industry people know kang teacher access fine tillage,I feel the kang teacher the first wave path fine tillage,Kang teacher the first wave path fine tillage with international private companies access consulting case when,I am in kang teacher do planning,That time I was the younger brother,Responsible for the somebody else typing/Give people lead a horse fall tic /Book ticket/Act as assistant,In the kang teacher made a few years time,Although the kang teacher position is not very high,But I think it is very happy,Path from start to pure tillage first failure/The second time to restart the middle all the process/All of the contacts/Material all over my hand,In a few years kang teacher learn a lot,I came out very proud,I want to kang teacher path fine heavy all copy/All statements/All materials I am full,And then into the coke.After into the Coca-Cola,Just began to young and ignorant,Just start into Coca-Cola,Think Coca-Cola the gang special have no culture,Very look down on coke people,why?American management and desktop management the biggest difference is that???????Taiwanese like fill statements,You're in Taiwan enterprise do all know,Taiwan enterprises/Japanese enterprise especially like fill statements,Kang teacher in a small place of business to do the manager,A month will use their page PPT,We each month in kang teacher have two all night is certain,Before the meeting a/After the meeting all night,Two all night is certain.


In the kang teacher through so many PPT torture/So many reports of torture,A into coke happiness so suddenly,Coke don't fill out a form,Coke a regional manager for a month pay not a few tables,At first I in coke,Think coke so have no culture,Look at these manager to fill in the table can not fit to be seen,So have no culture the.I took kang teacher reports to our manager present a treasure,"The manager you see,This is our kang teacher reports,Our report more scientific."Our manager after finish"Let me fill in this thing I'll quit."I found that American enterprise do not fill out a form can also sell goods,I work in the coke think with kang teacher is the biggest difference Coca-Cola manager belong to the dry to regional manager,Regional manager position,He see terminal market faults are thick where love is thin,Let the salesman take over a ladder,To take over his climb up the ladder/He hung banners,With the salesman said"seen,Should so hang",They are simple looks rough,In fact is very effective,They are straight forward to the target/Don't play with practice,And kang teacher is rational,All things are requirements database/Data base of support/Background strategy and so on,They more data analysis,No intention is kang teacher and coke who is right or who was in the wrong?I just tell you,I have seen kang teacher/Coke business,I found their management style is completely different.But I am also very lucky,I am in coke and catch a thing,You fast pin industry know that Coca-Cola's 101 system,101 start-up of time I also in doing a major participants,Or pilot office,I did a few years in coke.


Leave kang teacher/From coke,When you feel very happy/Very cow,Because of the Taiwan I,The American idea of the I,Channel fine tillage ability I have/The 101 system copy I have,Not only do planning and doing real operation,The world who know more than I visit terminal retail management,Who think you know everything,Then I went to a private enterprise,Private enterprises in JiuJi long ago,Salary is relatively high has the several hundred thousand,The private enterprise that time out at the beginning of the foreign capital enterprise the calves are not afraid of tigers the strength,The heart want to put the private enterprise from the local brand to make the national brand,The coke/Kang teacher will have learned to use in all this while,I think everybody here is sharp,You all know,Want to put the things in all foreign private enterprise use,Not to use?The bad to use,The results to the private enterprise to give me the flounder,First half dry and every day/16 hours,From eight a.m. every day do till midnight 2 point,Anyway, everyday tired vomit a lotus,I this person special tired,Spleen is not very good,The doctor of traditional Chinese medicine with my temperament is not so good,Especially when tired to vomit.Once the speech of the leader with us,Leadership is bald,Leadership sitting,I spoke with leadership reporting on activities about a sick,"wow"For the leadership of the whole,The whole company shocked,"WeiQing,How do you do this job?"In the private enterprise is very tired very tired/But the first six months of almost no rise,Even the downturn,In the private enterprise through a very hard,Had just started his doubts"WeiQing sales or not?In the foreign capital to learn things can use?"In the private enterprise and about more than two years,When the director,Later learned to ask great order and chaos,The foreign capital enterprise original things in private enterprise is not can't do,Alternative is to do,He left the private enterprise.


Chance coincidence the stage when the teacher/Made consulting,I really thank,I do consulting very good,Just into the consulting industry first order is received hebei hualong group,Such a big enterprise,The hebei hualong group all the establishment of the office,Including the arrangement of the housekeeping office/Including the establishment of the model market/Management manual/Training manual/Standard manual/Salary evaluation system,The whole the things I want out,Not only I want out and I have to give them personally implementation model market and model city.Just arrived when I HuaRong is ambitious,I think table of I also will be,American I also will be,Reasonable I played/Brutal I played,The private enterprise I did,What make uncertain?To hualong a look and no,why?


Terminal sales system in the kang teacher/coke,They are in a city can have a lot of dealers,A city has a lot of dealers,A dealer just a small piece of distribution,So according to kang teacher and coke system take orders/Into business/Delivery is very smooth.Hualong was a city only a distributor,The jinan is a distributor,Good guy in a single distribution business under the system,We a team to help them do terminal sales,We took the order,We get an order this elder brothers don't finish to a week.Then in hualong and reflection said"How is it in a single distributor under system,How to realize terminal sales/Manufacturers and distributors to cooperate?"In hualong and toss about a few years,Then a lot of cases,And to give jiangsu a enterprise to do the same thing,Do the terminal sales management system,And not on the,Jiangsu this enterprise boss heart especially urgent,The private enterprise I estimate this elder brothers sent money,I am here to help him with terminal sales,I came into birth day,He was just behind in the bottom asked"Quantity??Quantity??This quantity zha haven't up?"You all are not fast pin them don't understand,Fast pin people understand it?Do the terminal which may do this,Ming a amount of?How also get after three months,But I later reflection,The somebody else is the boss,People ask me to give somebody else dozen furniture,The somebody else say furniture legs to carve one flower,You can't say no,I don't give you carved.At this time to want to adapt to the needs of customers,I have to ponder over there,How to change my original fixed dogmatic terminal visit management mode,Let my terminal visit mode step up step quantity,Step up step quantity,Let a boss see hope,Or you here? Not out results?There have been impatient,You and the tiger who is hungry fast you are a loser.


In this enterprise flounder after I came out I want to,This should now,The amount of/Not amount of/Fill out a form of the form/American/desk-top/Private enterprises/The foreign capital I practice after,There are single distributor/Many dealers I practice after,What handle?And I received an enterprise in shandong province,The enterprise take a long time,After the enterprise after,I just have this enterprise in some area of the platform is weak,I according to kang teacher/Coke practice,Kang teacher/Coke a salesman one day run 30 shop,Because of its brand support a day to bring back twenty order,The enterprise in disadvantaged areas,It's a day run 30 shop,Perhaps only a shop to have the goods may be?The salesman one day run 30 shop,29 a store said"roll/Don't",The salesman one day run 30 shop,There is only one store to cargo,29 shop refused to him,The salesman run 3 days will collapse.A good faith,Not because he work tired don't want to do,But today I one day run 30 shop to the dry goods and more brilliant,And run 30 store only a shop to cargo,The salesman will slowly collapse.So just started in the enterprise do when he met a lot of problems,Finally I was wondering in the weak brand under the influence,How to change my terminal visit wit and terminal management system,In the weak under brand can manage business team,Let them in the terminal can get the order,Can raise work the team,Can activate the market and so on and so on is not said.you,Come up to me to tell you I do small and medium-sized terminal sales team management from this project to work on the platform/Do consulting more than ten years,To work more than ten years up over the years, I've experience,Not with you brag,Because I tell you just two hours of class fate,And I will not give you do not blow consulting projects,All is vanity do down regardless of you and me,Two head road finish listen to lesson are each to rush the thing with you I can blow.
