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【四】举例:铺货率与拜访率 [four]For example:Shop goods rate and visit rate


For example:Leading to the angry scold your meal"I let you sell new products,Last month only sold 1000 cases,This month to sell less than 1600 cases,Lift head to see me,wrong,I raise head to see you."Leadership to ask head to see you more scary,The man said"I come to see you market you only sold 1000 cases,Sell less than 1600 cases,I raise head to see you,Kill your family."Leadership with a stream of abuse,Ask everyone is there a way to let the person immediately sold more than 1000 cases?Sold more than 600 cases?Is there any way to?Pressure cargo is conventional thinking,But conventional thinking pressure not go out,I hint everyone a,Is there a way to make the area manager immediately sold more than 600 cases,I'm not the direct interaction with you,You remember:Dealers not tube to sell goods,Who is the tube to sell goods?Dealer employees,Not really selling goods dealers boss is dealer's staff,We joked that under a word,Dealers said that help the boss have do table not introduced,Sales this line I understand this sentence mean it?The boss just labor time,The climb down the ice snow/lane/Remember the titans that is to make a living,Every morning at 4 o 'clock up loading/More than 5 points a/When a porter have personally?A little bit bigger scale to the sat I'm the boss,I have the end,I have a sales manager,Go to the store in a sat listening to the report,remember,Dealers not tube to sell goods,Is to sell the stock(Tube for the first time the purchase),Master should understand me the meaning of this sentence.The dealer told you what your company sells the trifle not move at all,The boss told you these things which come of?He salesman said"The boss the goods sell did not move",You listen to me how to let him sell more than 600 cases,Find dealers very somber told him"Zhang elder brother,Liu2 zong3 come today.""Liu2 zong3 come why not call me?""Call fart,Liu2 zong3 finish see market said,Next month to sell new products less than 1600 cases,He will lift head to see me,This is make me to death,I told you he doing before I die,First I make dead a I don't say who?You guess",Then speak to him"Eldest brother I will not let you dry wine,New product sales next month I have let's local new shop goods not more than 400 outlets blank shop to pull out,A shop in new product into the box,600 cases,Is not one hundred shop?You blank shop and 400,Next month eldest brother don't let you dry wine,You give me a shop shop,sales/rebate/So you get commission,Outside the first,This 400 blank shop as long as you go in a shop,I prize 30."Understand have no,We put the blank inn name is singled out to he told him that this is blank shop,You put the new product in shop,Not only make sales/Maori outside a shop for an additional 300000 shop goods reward,Excuse me, are you interested in this action dealers?Because the network is good for him/New product can earn money ah,How much more will open network/Sell new products and reward it?Dealers said that the line,Good note that this 300000 to who?Can't give him,Gave him no,The 300000 you leave 50000,Leaving 250000 to brothers can points?Did he may promise?have,Some dealers is bar,"I add twenty a shop to give them fifty",Hurriedly meeting,Never overnight,Understand not,Don't this said at that time is very good,In the evening a figure,To understand the thinking,Especially the wife of shop-owner beside a blow,Why to say the wife of shop-owner is the king of beasts,Wife of shop-owner beside a blow,"My money is not the white,My mother still want to order it?"Dealers to"yes,Aspects is my friend/My brother,By what let you earn too much?"The second day morning"yen"Hurriedly meeting,Announced what?Brothers to take out money to see what is this,Familiar it,This is the chairman sketch,Boss said,The store dry in a prize XianDaYang fifty,Excuse me, does this help the driver have interest,The dealer sales that help you interested in?Play this day,Them out of the door to see these shops are not shop is???????Fifty anyway I for the first time when working, what were the results?Is the day I didn't go,That help the driver to the Hao I said I the store address is not clear,They took I said I store address is not clear,Shows that they have interest?Absolutely the.


You put these people started to help you shop goods,Than you shop goods manufacturers,Is fast?/Or fast?? Or fast?quick,Because these people saying offensive point,They can sell on credit,Put some put point can not sell out to me,His hand a gold sorghum sell very well,You take two boxes of gold sorghum take this,I have seen the zhichang purchase,For example:Imagine if this person who called nie aunt,Nie aunt do in a local business for twenty years,Everybody face,I give nie aunt on shop goods to the store,Because she is old timer store all face,The day is not the daughter,Nie aunt during the unloading time,The timid girl asked 1"Nie aunt this cargo can not sell?"Is this a,The old lady was angry"You ask your mother dare so talk with me?I sell goods sold 30 years,You just a few years,Can you sell I don't know that you know,I give you drink a pot,Next month I will not sell out all drank,discharging."There's no such dealers?have,But you manufacturer people dare to dare not to do it,If so dry leg was interrupted.So to dig a hole,I started the dealer employees open a door prize 30/Open a door prize fifty,Could a month down the gang opened 100 stores,Is it possible to?have,Note had an accident?what?This elder brothers had five car/Ten people,Tube 300 shop,Now five car/Ten people/Tube 400 shop,Expose the problems immediately:Delivery in.So was the first one to remember"Dig a hole",The second remember"go".


Know to seek what things?To store inside asked,Q: what?You answer me to give a book,Joking with you,To store inside delivery timely don't ask?Can't ask,You ask"Delivery timely don't?"A lot of people might say"ok".Want to ask so"Eldest brother have once in delivery?"The two ask method is not the answer?It is not the same,Have BuKaiYan said"Basic can also,Basically still line""Is ok??Have been all right?Twenty years has not a delivery not in time?"I will not citic prudential thought ask asked not to come out,go,Who said not timely delivery to stem?a"Dig a hole",two"go",three"To chant buddhist scripture",Looking for distributors to chant buddhist scripture.Read what the?Give dealers read"You are not/Car is not enough/Delivery can't send………Do you think you can't send off season,To the season and bad,So again and then open the dealer,With extra trains to",Dealers his music does not enjoy,Full avenue can't deliver the goods.Good you a"Dig a hole",two"go",three"To chant buddhist scripture",four"reckoning".He is now fully realized,Because the person is not enough/Car is not enough,Terminal shop delivery are not in place,aware,Once with extra trains was annoyed,why?This thing to spend money,Will do.This how to calculate?Teach a skills by the day calculate do not calculate monthly,Monthly calculate a month a car cost a high,According to the day to the,For example:"Eldest brother and one day how many money?""Fifty dollars""Add a car one day how many money?""Fifty dollars""Add a car/One day a total of how much money?""100 dollars""You sell this wine a case of how much money?""Twenty dollars""Are you a day to sell five cases can earn back?Man is not meningitis,People go out to sell five cases,One day to drive out to sell five cases,Can always sell it"Understand not?Of course I calculate so don't count him out of the rain not to day,Also don't count the car of the cost of maintenance,Don't count the car oil cost,In a word you want to know what I mean,To get through to the other side feel I add one full speed again,One day to sell five cases this will be back this,I add one extra trains to earn back the cost.You ask"Is it possible to him go out a box can't sell?"Really have,You let him and people/Full speed again is to visit the new development of the network,Especially the development of new outlets to cargo quantity is little,Distribution of people especially like flaunt one's old age outlets,Because the old site an enter a door"Elder sister hello,And sent,purchase",Very familiar/Very polite,A new outlets in the door,Excuse me"To a terminal shop inside a door,Terminal shop on striking table for you,Your company this wine is out of date,Now will not give in,You say how to do?",A door terminal shop will strike table,Excuse me the store and did not play?have,why?Are adept,Strike table quarrel is that the problem was not solved,To solve the problem you both still into the elder brothers.Fall in love with a truth,I ask you what kind of shop no,After the door which shop no?is"Uh huh/line/know,The card left something for you",This shop no.Fall in love with the same,Fall in love with your wife quarrel,cry/Broke the table/Smashing up/Return to/make,You two have not play?games,Your wife if"You put the card left something for you?"You have not play?Designated no,So a dig a hole/Go two/Three to chant buddhist scripture/Even with four,When I do tell him add personal add a car one day the money can earn back may dealers out,Yet to make new running back,Is it possible to?have,You but this time I think of my dealer said a word,"Miss wei,I add a person add a car one day a total of 100 dollars,I one day a box don't sell a compensate how many money?One hundred,A month to compensate how many money,Three months compensate how many money,Three months this car and three months to run a case of don't sell,I might lose ten thousand dollars,Compensate the undead,But I the car down and how can three months is not sell?Is it possible to?"Can't,The first go back to deal with the store you are not ripe,You are holding the thigh cry,He will not?Don't?You just tell him not to demand,"Big sister don't cargo too normal,I understand,You have fixed purchase customers,See my head with what purchase,nothing,You don't trust me is normal,Is me less,I later for more than a few times let's for a long time,Know me,Trust me,What you want the goods at any time to call me and."More this shop,To half LCL hurriedly to send in the past,The more the store service to do a bit,The more the store display reward to cash it.a/two/Three times/Ten times/Thirty times he will don't?to,Unless long owe too much flat.


A dig a hole/Go two/Three to chant buddhist scripture/Even with four,Let them work out,Feel the car and people put money can earn back,If this time still hesitate again a subsidy,Subsidies what mean?Let's say you buy a car, our company give how much allowance,Buy you spray advertising,If buying a car on margin,To finish the required deposit business to you back,Our company give you promotion knowledge,Let him see me with full speed again later,Not only is good for my sales company to support another subsidies,If came here a dealer or don't want to add one full speed again,I'm sorry JingJiuBuChiChiFaJiu only,FaJiu is to add pressure,FaJiu is generally three kinds of practice,The first kind of figures and pressure;The dealer is over,"Tell you a good news/Tell you a bad news,You listen to what?"The dealer heard the words he wept"literally","The good news is you this month growth rate was 25%,The bad news is that we in the shandong region grow 75% this month,Pull you in our shandong region fifty points back,Growth rates in shandong region is the second to last,The last one is yantai,Yantai this month has been killed,Congratulations to you this month the title."The second kind of direct with a fine and pressure,Don't talk to me about feelings,Talk about feelings hurt money,You love and don't add,GanMingEr since I visit terminal,Catch a terminal shop delivery less than I button you fifty dollars rebate;And the third way with the boss to add to the pressure,The boss came to see the market to call the dealer"Liu's owner,Our company zhang came."The general dealers will say???????"did,This evening I arrange."Then took the boss look one day,The evening go to the boss,Don't go to,Then you go alone one person eat two people of the rice,Then the dealer in the private room inside the whole of smoke/Whole wine/Whole food,Sit there are want to,What with the boss to cry poor cost,You came in,"XiaoWei,The boss??""go","Took money to go,The boss said if again appear this kind of things,I can keep silence,But if I open every word be last words,The boss said again next month if do not arrival, you can kill some people family,Is who he didn't say."Basically, you do one thing light to hard useless,It's no use soft light for anyone to use both hard and soft tactics,Let him look forward,Applause flowers red carpet,Looking back the fart dian bonds spike,The wall two head blood dripping.You so dealers came down,He first first through the network to dig the disappearance presupposes a change against,And then to chant buddhist scripture reckoning the car and added,Just five car/Ten people,Now add a car a person that is 6 car/11 the,Then tell him"We help you develop township."A new story and pulled open,And help him open 100 outlets,And then look for a job,The car is not enough people with full speed again,We have to tell him,To help you develop xpress highway,Development service area,And opened 100 service point,The car is not man enough,And on a car,To help you develop the school,The car is not man enough and a car,So go round and round,After three years of dealers regrets say"With wei manager cooperation this three years too enriched the,Earn some money to buy a car for all,This is the famous personal resource questionnaire part ii lights theory."


The dealer is a lamp,I am a fire,With my point your light,Burn your oil shine on me.You have to let the dealer to make money,At the same time let his ruin,But you do you think I do really sad slightly,It is not good to the dealer,For they have benefits?Dealers out every day"I want to be the market,To do market."Tell me what is the dealers do market?The first/My hand grasp a brand;The second/Have a team in a regional sales;Brand can change?can,Don't do kang teacher do kang teacher niang,Don't do and doing and not straight,Do not add much do not add more treasure,Brand can change?Team who is?Is his??Area is who is his own,Now I try every means to force you with full speed again,Expand the network is to give you hard,Although these years you may earn some money to improve personal life did not have a car,But maybe three years later you will become the local industry network distribution terminal visit the most powerful dealers may have?This is a special love for special you,With blue means show bodhisattva heart.


Terminal somebody has to go,We talk about terminal visit rate,Someone has to end,The first man is factory visit,The second is the dealer with full speed again,Good you take me this method on measured find a shop to see me,"The boss hello,I am our company headquarters,I ask our local dealers who is?Our local total dealers who is?What name/Call what/Long what kind/Don't you know how much phone?"If ask ten stores,Answer up ten stores,The dealer name is wei called WeiQing,Black buckteeth shanxi 1 meter 75 high,Which street wide neck tree that shop is inside,Number is how many?find,If ten shop nine answer up shop,Quote us dealer's phone/name/contact/Address this shows the dealer terminal visit ability is very strong,Is it possible to this elder brothers said"Your company dealers I really don't know?""The eldest brother you don't know if dealers have a telephone,Have telephone also line?"This ok"Telephone was not?""The eldest brother you didn't telephone,This cargo is which come of?The store is not have our wine,Goods which come of?""I don't have,The bus is coming I will discharge two bags,The car to me is not removed."There's no such dealers?have,Well you,A manufacturer to no one,No one to two dealers,Ghost give you shop goods??You know the worst is the hotel?Is you don't know you this room last tenant is what person?And this man went without?You want to improve sales to improve shop goods rate,To improve the shop goods rate someone have to,Who go??Not to go to factory is dealers,The results to the terminal ask"The salesman in your factory?People don't go to your factory?"Ask distributors,The dealer I also don't know no one to go to the who?No visit rate which have shop goods rate it?A third possibility is there is a distributor,I don't care a city in shandong province have died a dealer,I'm not of his own death,I am in the city of shandong Qingdao speak a public class[Terminal sales],Results the dealer estimate belongs to Leo/Type B blood,Comparative impulse heard my morning lesson is crazy,Noon to give me to propose a toast"Wei teacher listen to you a seat class,The bullet hole in my head.""Show that you read too little.""I listened to your lesson is excited/Will urge to action.""You have listened to walk again in the afternoon?""no,I'm excited no,In the afternoon I have went away."Listen to the morning go,After 3 months,Face a footprint/Tie a bandage to seek me"Miss wei,broke."You know why he bankruptcy?Because he didn't listen to lesson in the afternoon,Because I afternoon speak that morning the content is wrong,Is really,In the morning I speak terminal sales menu,I afternoon speak terminal sales trap,This elder brothers didn't listen to trap back off well,In the morning I speak dealers should hold control terminal,I say this not wrong?I say I want to comment on?Yes,,To hold control terminal,Results this elder brothers to listen to the morning class didn't listen to the afternoon back to crazy.


The local city cross into forty area,A sigh of relief for forty a salesman,Bought and a electric tricycle,Opened and a electric tricycle to terminal hotel a bottle of wine,He put the second batch of city used to be what,He covers 1000 hotel and 10 2 batches,Each of the two batch of hand has 200 hotel,And somebody else's coverage of the hotel he delivery back money,You deliver the money does not necessarily bring back,After listening to my class crazy,"With what say you two batch,Put your license to write out the second batch no?"No license to write ah,He put the second batch of all killed him to hold control terminal,Three months after the bankruptcy.I don't say high and low cost,High and low cost most fingers point,Do the person of wine must be I hold control 1000 hotel,There are ten 2 batches,Help me to control in every 2 batch control 200,10 2 batch control 2000,We are a total of 11 control 3000 hotel,why?Hotel checkout is how to "?Monthly financial credit,Before we 11 people at the same time assume that thousands of the fund pressure,And they kill a person take the 3000 hotel pressure,I don't say profit level,Soon capital chain will be ruined.


So you,Terminal visit but three categories of people,A manufacturer to master cheng yen,Two dealers should master cheng yen,But you will note that there is also a kind of is distributors.Now many manufacturers put forward a concept,Want to go straight to terminal I'm here to tell you knock alarm,Can't,why?I say this with don't agree with you"All the Chinese dealers have a is a,Don't have a dealer in local have full channel network covering power?"Agree that?There's no such dealer said that in the local schools/Expressway service area/Internet cafe/catering/retail/Hotpot restaurant/township/rural/urban/Outer suburbs/The integration of urban and rural all network to cover the have?Not at,He must have some dealers do good circulation,Some dealers are good at making food,Some good at doing downtown,Good at doing some suburban county,So the second batch of dealers, it's a make up for the deficiency of the dealer network coverage,But two of the most easy to hit frame,So you want to remember,When you want to improve the terminal visit rate is three people to visit,Here a manufacturer/Here two dealers/Three distributors,The concept of the distributors here can only make an introduction,Can't say more than that,Distributors with two of the biggest difference is that???????This person is the second batch of the goods I sell to you,You sell this is the second batch.The 120 outlets row to you understand not?Could you help me with this 120 outlets delivery and my hand grasp your rebate,You want to delivery not in time I will buckle your rebate.


Distributors with two group of the difference between the two,a:The second batch of no networks do not area,Distributors to a network and regional;two:The second batch of cannot manage,Because hand didn't grasp the second group of rebate,Distributors hand we have mastered it rebate,In fact you don't think it's called distributors distributors is a distributor,It's just that we give dealers leave face call distributors only.Your terminal team management first foundation is to realize the terminal visit rate,Terminal visit rate including manufacturer do visit here,The dealer with full speed again,Distributors distribution,You pay attention to,There are a lot of traps,Here is not about the time,Otherwise this topic after 12 o 'clock this has 11 o 'clock.
