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企业概况 General situation of enterprise
卓越教育目前每年就读学生超过30万人次,拥有一支逾3000名优秀教师的师资队伍,开设了包括辅导班、一对一个性辅导、全日制高四(高考复读)、全日制初四(中考复读)在内100多个校区,遍布广州、上海、深圳、成都、佛山、珠海、东莞、中山、揭阳等城市,2010年、2011年连续两年入围 “德勤高科技、高成长中国50强”,多年来获得多项来自政府、社会、媒体授予的奖项和荣誉。
Outstanding education currently enrolled students each year more than 300000 people,With a more than 3000 outstanding teachers of teachers,Including the open class/One to one individual counseling/Full-time high four(College entrance examination answer read)/Full-time 4(Tests answer read), including more than 100 campus,In guangzhou/Shanghai/shenzhen/chengdu/foshan/zhuhai/The dongguan/zhongshan/Jieyang city such as,In 2010,/In 2011, named for two years "Deloitte high-tech/China's fifty strong high growth",For many years from the government/social/Media grant awards and honors.
目标与理念 Goals and ideas
办学理念:愉快教育 成功教育 愿景: 学生最喜爱、家长最信赖的学习成长之地! 使命:培养成功素质,助力国家未来! 核心价值观: 质量至上 学生为本 激情工作快乐生活 持续学习 合作发展
Teaching ideas:Happy education success education vision: Students' favorite/The parents in the land to grow and learn! mission:Training successful quality,Power the nation's future! Core values: The quality is supreme students for this passion work happy life continuous learning cooperation development
以人为本的企业文化 People-oriented enterprise culture
Cultural construction is the outstanding education fast yet steady development important magic weapon,We have been committed to establish people-oriented,Let staff working passion,Happy life,Outstanding achievements in life.
In the outstanding education training center,Employee training and development with science/Complete system.Administrative function development channel/Business and teaching development channel/Full-time teacher development channel is the employee career development three channel,Personal can in three channel in the linear development or cross development.Employees through the goal setting and management,With the boss's effective guidance/Team fully communicate and share,And pertinence/Systematic training,To realize the individual performance and personal development agreement.
Outstanding education not only pay attention to the cultivation of the employees,More focus on the construction of enterprise culture,Staff cultural activities/Staff mutual funds/Staff multi-channel communication three big enterprise culture landing platform to show excellent education vigorous and influence of the enterprise culture,Moment feel"home"warm!
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