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兰考官方:未救助弃婴因无强制执法权   开封第二人民医院,袁厉害的女婿郭海洋在重症监护病房门口踱步,事故中被烧伤的孩子正在接受救治。新京报记者侯少卿摄 Kaifeng second people's hospital,Yuen badly son-in-law GuoHaiYang in intensive care ward door pace,The accident was a burnt child is undergoing treatment.The Beijing news reporter HouShaoQing perturbation 兰考官方:未救助弃婴因无强制执法权   事故现场衣服棉被散落一地。火灾造成7人丧生,其中6名儿童,1名成人,并有1名儿童受伤。王中举摄 The scene of the accident clothes quilt on the floor.The fire which killed seven people,The six children,One adult,And have a children hurt.WangZhongJu perturbation


追访 After visit


“遇难孩子不能行走火中殒命” "Children killed in the fire can not walk's"


失火时袁厉害正在送部分孩子上学途中,幸免于难 When the fire is much yuan send part on his way to school children,survived


It is understood,Yuen badly over the years has been in the hospital LanKaoXian people sell sell things,To adopt orphans and abandoned baby is famous,For the orphans and abandoned baby place close to the LanKaoXian health bureau and LanKaoXian people's hospital.


Reporters asked about four or five yuan a bad neighbor,You are very good to her evaluation,"Person is very simple/kind","good","Maintain speak,and".And her relatives, said,Don't understand what she did,But if she needs help,Everyone will help her to take care of the children.


被收养孩子曾分居两地 Adopted children have two separated


Yuen badly eldest son DuPeng home and yuen badly home less than meters apart,DuPeng told the Beijing news reporter,Fire broke out in the eight point about 30 points,When yuen badly are sent the children to school on the way,So and this a few children escaped the fire.


DuPeng said,A recent period of time,Yuen badly to adopt children in and around the name,Last year has been divided into two place to live.The body of the relatively healthy living in yuen much home,And a mental disorder and serious disability living in the north of the people's hospital of a place"garden".The so-called"garden",Is yuen badly up a place,In a small space between the two buildings.


LanKaoXian civil affairs bureau chief YangPeiMin says,On September 9, 2011,County civil affairs bureau and a number of units joint action,Abandoned children to salvage,because"garden"condition,Will move out of the kids here.By taking yuen bad work,And one of the five sent to kaifeng welfare homes,The rest of the children because yuen badly don't agree with giving away,So they moved to yuen badly home living.


失火的两层楼是自建房 The fire of two floors of the building is the


DuPengShui,At present yuen badly home about adoption with eighteen children,Older live on the second floor,Age small live on the first floor.Fire up,Yuen badly is to send a few older children go to school,So and this a few children escaped the fire.


According to the last year has repeatedly visit yuen badly home henan university students learning small said,The fire of two floors of the building is the,Kitchen and toilet other built in outside.On the first floor of the house is a sitting room and a bedroom.Only in the bedroom, there was a TV set a bed,Children usually on the first floor in the sitting room in the game.From the bedroom have a narrow stairs to the second floor,The second floor has two bedrooms,Inside put finding a wooden fluctuation bed.


The children at home,Murry has most years old,Because there are mental disorder didn't go to school,Fire up when he ran out,survived.


Yesterday afternoon,The Beijing news reporter in the DuPeng home saw murry.He did not know what has happened at home,Inquired about their name/Age information,He grinned,Then babble,"I don't know!"In addition,He just said one day didn't have a meal.


一小孩能爬动幸免于难 A child can climb dynamic survived


The injured children are small ten,Yuen severe of a relative said:Yuen small ten can climb still did not be burned,Several other children can't walk,So in the fire lose their lives.


In the fire of the largest children killed in YuanShen called,Yuen badly called"Five children",He has a mental disorder and polio,Although can move,But very difficult.


According to yuen badly family is introduced,Before the,He has been at home to take care of a few young children,This can't escape.In addition, there are two children,Because of age is too small,On the morning was yuen badly brought to the son DuPeng home by DuPeng daughter-in-law care,And therefore avoid fire.


Before the,Yuen badly sometimes in live,Sometimes live son home.She also from the village hired a sixty old woman at home to take care of the children.


After the incident yuen badly brother yuen nine star said,"Home three children and school children were LanKaoXian civil affairs bureau direct car picked up from school."LanKaoXian civil affairs departments of the researchers said,At present the child was sent to rescue station,And the two child to kaifeng welfare homes.


追问 ask


兰考回应“袁厉害靠弃婴赚钱” LanKao response"Yuen much money on abortion"


县民政局和宣传部称,听过类似说法,但未掌握相关材料 County civil affairs bureau and the propaganda department said,Listen to a similar statement,But not the related material


According to media public reports,47, yuen badly,In LanKaoXian people's hospital in front of a spot,Since 1986,Adoption of abandoned babies already more than 100.On September 8, 2011 media reported[Real yuen badly]After the,LanKaoXian responded that civil affairs bureau:Media reports yuen badly orphans after the event,LanKaoXian civil affairs bureau attaches great importance to,LanKaoXian civil affairs bureau a those named li account director said it will take measures to safeguard and improve yuen badly that foster the quality of life.


是否借收养孩子骗低保? Whether through adoption lie low?


袁厉害享低保合规 Yuen badly at low compliance


Yuen badly to adopt the abandoned baby,Some had questioned said yuen badly do not have to adopt the child's condition,She put the healthy children who sell to want to adopt,Also some people questioned her use of adopted children diddle subsidies.


For yuen badly"To adopt children as their money"that,LanKaoXian civil affairs bureau and the propaganda department response said,Really heard like that,But they didn't have the relevant materials.Yuen badly enjoy subsidies is in line with the provisions of the relevant policy guarantee.


民政部门为何未救助? Why not rescue departments of civil affairs?


民政局无强制执法权 Civil affairs bureau no forced perform


According to previous media reports,Yuen badly family condition is very common,The children crowded together to sleep,Wear the clothes sent man,YuanGu smell smell all the year round,Because of poor health conditions,And no money to heal,Part of the child die.Yuen badly why can adopt so many children,The local civil affairs departments why not help?The Beijing news reporter interviewed LanKaoXian civil affairs bureau chief and YangPei competent rescue of the civil affairs bureau deputy director LiMeiJiao.


Chief YangPeiMin explained,Yuen badly to adopt the first 35 is 1986 years,There was no related laws and regulations.By the end of 1991,[Adopt method]issued,Civil affairs bureau to regulate activities gradually adopted.Deputy director LiMeiJiao said,[Adopt method]provisions:The adopter may adopt one child.But the orphans/Social welfare institutions for disabled children or who can't find reach the age of 35 and children,Can not be adopted a man without children and adopt a limit.Therefore yuen badly can adopt many abandoned baby name,But she never do foster procedure.


A few years ago,LanKaoXian civil affairs bureau learned that yuen badly after things,Find yuen sore"Adoption ability"Co., LTD.,,Have to do YuanGu,In the past few years had several children to the welfare of kaifeng,But the older part because children and yuen feelings deep,Are not willing to go,Due to the civil affairs bureau did not perform compulsory,So can't force children to go,Only through the work means to convince and advice.


On September 9, 2011,County civil affairs bureau joint public security departments,In kaifeng with welfare homes,Joint management county 35 adoption non-standard conditions.Through the persuade,Five children will be sent to the welfare of kaifeng,But the rest of the ten children yuen badly resolute don't agree to take away.Civil affairs bureau decided to appease conflict,Work slowly,so,Will the children stay in YuanGu.But didn't expect that accident.In order to solve the county does not have special adoption point problem,The day is still in LanKaoXian JiuZhuDian established LanKaoXian JiuZhuDian children,After the establishment of JiuZhuDian children,The name of the street children abandoned babies and to the welfare home.


被收养孩子将如何安置? Adopted children will be how to set?


部分送福利院部分上学 Part of the welfare home school send part


2011 years after the management job,Yuen badly yourself will also be a few people to JiuZhuDian abandoned baby,But she secretly left a baby,Is death list 7 months of that.About the situation,Civil affairs bureau is not informed.The fire,Yuen much common adoption took and people,Including 17 children and one adult.


YangPeiMin said,Fire happens,Civil affairs bureau for the first time for the rest of the kids,Two young children have been sent to kaifeng welfare homes,Residual eight children,In JiuZhuDian county,Five of them in elementary school,Two reading deaf training school,Waiting for in kaifeng looking for primary school.Otherwise a mentally handicapped children(murry)Talk about how to make appropriate arrangements for.


说法 statement


收养儿童应向民政部门登记 Adopted children to the civil affairs department shall be registered


yesterday,A Beijing area county civil affairs bureau relevant controller introduces,[The law on the protection of minors]specified:"To beggars and runaway minors,Civil affairs department or other relevant departments shall be responsible for send them back to their parents or other guardians;Unable to verify their parents or other guardians,Established by the civil affairs departments shall raise child welfare agencies asylum".


This person in charge said,Civil affairs departments of child welfare agencies are holding raising gu incomplete children abandoned baby or special department.If the social public found or temporary adopted this kind of children,It should be sent to child welfare agencies.


According to introducing,[Adopt method]provisions,Children under the age of 14/It cannot find an abandoned infant or child/His or her parents have special difficult to raise children can be the social public to adopt.orphans/Social welfare institutions for disabled children or who can't find reach the age of 35 and children,Can not be"Adopt a man without children"and"Adopt a"restrictions.But governments at or above the county level shall be adopted to civil affairs department registration.If it cannot find were adopted, reach the age of 35 and children,Registered in civil affairs departments should also be announced before the registration.The Beijing news reporter ChenBo
