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调查称过半求职者为简历“美容” 折射就业压力大--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  求职季,精美的简历令人眼花缭乱:丰富的社会实践经验、跨行业和多领域的实习经历、在多个学生社团担任过职务、文体活动样样“突出”……然而,这些简历的内容有多少是真的,又有多少是编的?用人单位和求职者各有苦衷。本期“校园话题”联合“半月谈社情民意调查中心”做了一份调查,结果显示…… Job season,Elegant resume dazzling:Rich social practice experience/In the field of cross-industry and internship experience/In a number of student associations as a duty/Style all activities"outstanding"...however,The content of these resume how much is true,How many is compiled?Unit of choose and employ persons and to apply for each have difficulties.this"Campus topic"joint"半月谈 public opinion research center"Make a survey,Results show that...


In fact,A resume is a self promotion materials.In the job search process to the last laugh,Or those who have made people,Not a"injection"resume.


学生论坛 Students BBS


扎实提升能力才是正道 Solid hoisting capacity is the way

  武汉大学 朱成龙

ZhuChengLong wuhan university


A season to job,Copy shop is filled to the print your resume classmates.A good resume can help job seekers through the first hurdle,So a lot of people will be on your resume to do some"modification",Spoken parts in an opera is particieboard"injection".


Some students might say,The present employment situation is very serious,Unit of choose and employ persons frequently requires a relevant conditions,This is a lot of graduates can't one,In order to make your resume through the screening,Can only try to"Cater to".I think it is not all right.A unit of choose and employ persons,The many candidates in the selected the most suitable for their employees,Preferred employment of course it is more common,Of course like a candidate the better the more good.


resume"injection",It's just ignoble means to compete,Let oneself have more advantages and opportunities.In fact,As a qualified interviewer,A man with their years of experience,Very easy to see that flaw.Have the human resources director said,They pay attention to is the students' potential and plasticity,Pay more attention to their learning ability and thinking ability,Once people found the fraud must be eliminated.


University four years,There is enough time for college students to go to improve their comprehensive strength,A genuine ability and learning are not sorrow could not find work.resume"injection"But in order to find a better job,Fraud and,As in the school solid hoisting capacity,The preparations have been made,Natural follow.


简历“注水”是一种无奈 resume"injection"Is a kind of helpless

  浙江工业大学 傅秀娇

Zhejiang university of technology FuXiu jiao


Open the resume is to apply for a job,A good resume can let you from so many competitors.


Of course,I really hope that with the most real most inornate resume to apply for the job you want,Also very willing to believe that as long as you have the strength to get a good job,But always backfired.For even a little largest market sales staff for all need to have corresponding work experience and served the post of student cadre experience,Although there is no lack of outstanding university,But it was still a few people.


Most people don't have the experience of student cadres,Not one of the highest scores,Just ordinary through the university time,Unfortunately I am one of them.But we these people also need to work ah,"injection"Although your resume will bring you a certain risk,But usually can give us a chance to interview,Rather than those who did not"injection"Resume are as dead as a door-nail tidings.


so,resume"injection"Really helpless raise.If unit of choose and employ persons not to see the strength of the certificate,Not to resume see ability,Each applicant for an interview,So your resume"injection"The wind would not be so popular.


The teacher view


“缩水”简历的启示 "shrink"Resume enlightenment

  河北省泊头职业学院 吴宝平

Expert in hebei province WuBaoPing vocational college


Our school has opened"Employment guidance"This course,In the teaching"Employment skills"when,I am from the personnel department collect some all the professional college students' job searching delivery resume,to.


Write the first letter of recommendation is that adhere to the principle of seeking truth from facts,Objective to introduce myself;Resume the most basic requirement is true.I can read my students do after resume,Some don't believe my eyes.The students are resume studies well/Ability outstanding/Practice experienced talents,If not familiar with them,Really want to be attracted,As the most outstanding talents come to me here.


I saw a student when the resume,Worry for her.This is a very good children,Results have been row in the top grade,Served as a monitor/School scie minister,Often on the stage performance,Every holiday all to participate in social practice,And well received.Remember her second grade when summer internship kindergarten say with me,The student did a good job,Back to the kindergarten row of dance.But now her classmates all results"placed",Everyone is"Class cadre".Then she how to make people believe it yourself?


The student later in the recruitment of a medium-sized city signed a good kindergarten,For the small city for vocational school,Is a good way out.I asked her the job situation,She said she was a look at other students make fine resume,A few of his hand.On the,Her handwriting is very good.


She didn't list their student cadres experience,But a detailed description of yourself in a special field scie minister responsible for the performance of the specific matters.As a role/The achievements, etc,Outstanding is their practical experience,The specific job description clearly.Because of her resume particularly strong sense of reality,So get the favour of the unit of choose and employ persons.


The students not only not resume"injection",But through the"shrink"Won the recognition.This gives us some enlightenment,Is your true performance,To win the trust of the employing unit.


家长谈心 Parents speaking


我是不是把女儿给坑了 If I give our daughters to the pit

  河北省涞源县 李国婧

LaiYuanXian LiGuoJing in hebei province


Daughter to write good resume,Give me look at the time,I have no mercy to those false things"Make corrections"the,I think a person is to seek truth from facts,Not as a student cadre I don't give yourself,Not so much talent I don't brag.


So the daughter took such a simple resume delivery out of a few dozen of,To now also didn't get any response.And those at ordinary times is not strong than her classmates,It is found a suitable job.Daughter in July 2012 after graduation from the university still unemployment at home,There are many complain to me.


I start to practice suspicious:If I give our daughters to the pit?But thought,If not in your resume"injection"Can't get a job,Seeking truth from facts that this a few word is stem what of?People's life has been able to rely on"injection"Go on??


过来人语 Person come


真才实学才可靠 Reliable gain some real knowledge and ability

  江西省安福县幼儿园 黄春妍

Jiangxi anfo county kindergarten HuangChunYan


In 2002 I graduated from normal,With bags and resume from my job.In the dongguan a large demonstration the probation period after 3 months,I become a full member become a formal teacher stretch.When going through the procedure for become a full member,The principal told I had are willing to try me,It is because the interview one of my words:"I am the technical secondary school degree,Is also far from the rich experience,But my ability and strength will tell you about my choice is correct!"My open and confident touched her.


In 2007,,I took to jiangsu preschool education advanced vision of the came to Shanghai.I to the pudong new area a noble kindergarten for your resume,Three days later they notice I interview.A few years work experience makes me confident,Thought is the kindergarten interview link so straightforward:harps/dancing/Tell a story and improvisation class,This requires the interviewer comprehensive quality must achieve a higher level!Finally, I successfully passed the interview,The zoo the work!The personnel director of the zoo:"What we need is a real thing!"


In 2008,,I went back to my hometown to county public garden teacher recruitment,I finally to the total score first result to back to hometown to work.Has been five years,Work has been seriously diligent,colleagues/Parents give high evaluation.I use my strength proved herself.


I think,A diploma/A pile of honor proves nothing,Only made to be able to let the person standing firm stand firm.


微调查 Micro survey


过半求职者为简历“美容” More than half a job seeker to resume"beauty"


As the depth of winter,Campus recruitment is carrying on.Face to the recruitment unit of choose and employ persons,Take what kind of resume to open the gate workplace?Resume in guarantee the authenticity and through the resume screening between shut,What job seekers?半月谈 network online survey"my‘Resume jun’"display,In 1014 participants in the survey,54% of the people said to resume done modification,4% of the participants in order to increase the interview chance to resume"Modification in the".


"Resume jun"Be beautification and even false,There is the cause of the deep.On the one hand,The job seeker to resume the cognition,More than seventy percent of the participants think and work experience/character/Reputation than such as,Resume is very important or more important,A good resume is worth words,This is the direct cause of resume they modify.


On the other hand,Employment discrimination in real life,Give the job seeker to bring the necessary pressure.The lack of relevant working experience(31%)/Degree is not enough(16%)/Foreign language level is not high(14%)The several reasons would be considered can lead to job seekers in resume off elimination.


resume"beauty",Seem to belong to the employment pressure of the inevitable choice.In answer to"How to write a resume can increase the interview"when,In addition to recognition"In the face of different enterprise emphasis on his own different characteristics""Education and social experience to strong enough"outside,11% of the people surveyed think"To cater to unit of choose and employ persons needs,May, when necessary, to resume‘injection’".


but"Waterflood resume"After all, and the integrity of quality deviated,For individual comprehensive quality and experience excessive beautification,The long term career development to bring bad influence.The road from where to apply for a job when started?Everyone in the workplace can walk far?The answer is in every moment of choice.

  (记者 许小丹 韩晓萌;本次调查由半月谈社情民意调查中心、半月谈网联合开展,截至1月4日发稿时,共有1014位网友参与了投票。)

(Reporter XuXiaoDan HanXiaoMeng;This survey 半月谈 by public opinion research center/半月谈 network joint development,By January 4, at,A total of 1014 a net friend to participate in the vote.)


观点集萃 View JiCui


In order to come to the fore in many job seekers,Elaborate resume/I solemnly introduce yourself,But can not bear false,Must keep good faith the bottom line.

  中国石化集团四川维尼纶厂 向锡林

China petrochemical group sichuan vinylon plant to the cylinder


If lack of trust,Even if by gaining and fraud for temporary success,Finally also difficult to escape the fate of elimination.

  江西省赣州市于都中学 曾建洪

Ganzhou city, jiangxi province yudu CengJianHong middle school


A lot of unit of choose and employ persons in the selection of the job seekers with only degree high and low/The amount and community work situation to judge a person's quality,Not pay attention to and enterprise position matching degree.

  江西省九江市德安县地方税务局 钟远路

Jiangxi jiujiang DeAnXian local taxation bureau clock long way


With China's social credit system has improved constantly,Unit of choose and employ persons to choose the standard pay more attention to"Having both ability and political integrity""Render first",To resume"injection"Opportunities will be less and less,The corresponding price also will more and more high.

  福建农林大学 张文

Fujian agriculture and forestry university ZhangWen
