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小学生考前焦虑症 怕“秋后算账”假期忙补习--亲稳舆论引导监测室

Winter holiday will come,In the face of'll can enjoy a happy holiday,Some children have appear the symptom.
now,test/Competition become social evaluation standard,To deal with the challenge of a mystery also became a child grow up the way the greatest enemy.Silent smoke slowly diffuse to the child's childhood.Fierce competition,Academic pressure to students is not only more homework,The more thick coach book,Less free time,There are more and more psychological problems...
考不好“整个假期都会变成梦魇” Poorly on the"The holiday will become nightmare"
"The days start the test,Our house has recently been sick children,Diarrhea many days,The exam must be affected the."Reporter in Beijing children's hospital to see a doctor had children of ms leap,Speaking of son she seemed full belly of complaints,"We have the child academic record is not so good,Also want to watch TV all day long/Playing computer.Every examination is sick,To tell you the truth,I wondered if he was pretending to be ill.Now the doctor said he have anxiety,Children home know what worried!"Between speech,Ms leap is very angry,A pair of hate iron not rewinded into feeling,Say that finish a took the child's hand is subconscious ruthlessly, and shook it.
Ms leap children small Yu Ming this year on the primary school is grade three,Results in the class level is medium,Results also relatively average.But in a leap lady's impression,The child just elementary school if not for the top five in the class,With the increase of the difficulty of learning,Later on the junior high school/High school grades would be even worse."Bad grades will have to make up a missed lesson.Now fill in,Later will send more.Just finished the test,Have a lot of time,Can let he go to cram school."
Under the cover of a leap lady may or may not prescribe medicine for clearance,Small Yu Ming told reporters:"Mom always said I was faking it,It is not.I also very be afraid before diseases affect test,But every time no matter what I pay attention to is always sick.I also want to take an examination of good,So your mom will be not angry."speaking,Reporter noticed this just elementary school grade three of the little boy is very obedient,Talk with this age shouldn't some mature feeling.He also told reporters,For the holiday,He and many of his classmates have nothing to look forward to."If you do well on the test,Will be required to learn more things.Such as,Advance learn some advanced lessons or learn some language class curriculum and so on.If well on the test,The vacation is more sad,In addition to other than remediation,Waiting for our parents and the broken broken read."
Like Yu Ming as,Reporter in the position of a primary school near that interview,The pupils for holiday enthusiasm and no reporters imagination of so high.Most of them reflect this period is"They are the most painful time".A WangXing pupils said,"Every before the exam, I will suffer from insomnia.Recently I didn't sleep well,Do not believe you see my black rim of the eye.If the bad,The holiday will become nightmare."In these children looks,Their holiday and go to school and no significant different,Only with their own is different learning content only.
小学家长陷入恐“晚”泥淖 Primary school parents into fear"late"mire
Reporter in Beijing chaoyang district interview two primary schools,By asking the way,More than twenty different interview name age of primary school children.These children reflect,His panic quite a part from parents,There are quite a few parents from child elementary school will give children ready to career planning.Relevant survey data also show,In recent years,The small and medium-sized students sleep time is not the number of rising year by year,More than more than half of students holidays also does not have enough sleep.And take up their sleep time most or all kinds of after-school classes.
"We also want to let the child sleep a short while more.But I can't,All the children are learning,You can not learn??"A joint the child's parents side took the children hurried to outside class,Side answer reporters' questions,"Now don't planning is late..."
A just elementary school a grade girl seriously told reporters:"Mother told me,Only now learn English well,Will be admitted to a good university,Find good job."When a reporter asked her if she liked learning English,What is your interest,A lovely little girl after a short thinking,Said he did not know.interview,Elementary school grade three of the wang yue and honestly,His father also early for him to the career planning,Because of its own study the cause of the pharmacy,He also hope that he will be able to become a pharmacy practitioners.In fact,These just read primary school children for their parents describe career path and don't have much understanding.
“现在教育从娃娃抓起。认识也要跟得上,兴趣都是培养起来的。作为家长,我们在这个社会上摸爬滚打这么多年,肯定有一些心得和收获。我觉得对于他们未来的职业规划从现在做起也并不算早。” 在一家出版社就职的王先生说,“这并不是我们恐慌,而是现实情况就是如此。孩子将来面临升学、就业,我们走过的弯路肯定要尽量帮他们避免。尽管我们也不希望她的压力太大,但这也是没办法的事,这都是为了孩子……”
"Now education grab from baby.Know also want to follow up,Interest is to train up.As a parent,We in this society on me.but so many years,There must be some experience and harvest.I feel that for their future career planning starts from now also does not calculate in early." In a press in Mr. Wang said,"This is not our panic,But the reality is so.Children in the future study face/employment,We passed the conclusion must try to help them avoid.Although we don't want her too much pressure,But this is not the way,This is all for the children..."
Reporter in the interview process,Hear these primary school parents mention most is not how to late.It is for parents this anxiety to infect the child,To cause the child to have in dealing with problems and things,problems.
"Have to admit that,On the test as evaluation means form of competition now involved in all aspects of life,From another,To the future of all kinds of recruitment/Employ test,Notting have is not‘Superior bad discard’.Long-term immersed in this kind of environment,Parents give children continuously put forward higher requirements,unavoidable."In the communist youth league Beijing municipal committee of the relevant staff looks,"If parents can't objective calm to children in the stage,The child's anxiety and panic may be more.now,Parents misplaced education and unrealistic high expectations,Afraid of‘late’Mood, was wrong,The child into any time not too late.Now prohibitively expect not only restricts the child's interest and growth environment,Also in their future career path buried hidden trouble."
别让焦虑阻挡孩子前进的脚步 Don't let anxiety prevent feet
The child thing for parents is a top priority.Once the child's learning situation is not satisfactory,Parents in impatient/"Hate iron not rewinded into",And children were compared/accused,Frequently use"Someone else's child"for"Demonstration teaching".This is not only unfavorable to the growth of children,Also cannot have corresponding urge action.
"Despite repeated requests to alleviate the burden on parents,But in fact some parents but he himself holding heavy burden refused to give the child down.Remember my elementary school time,After finishing the homework can play.Now children finish writing a book and a book."Beijing fangshan district elementary school teacher HuDiDi told reporters,"If you want to let the children make greater progress,We must constantly found the child's progress,And give full affirmation.Emotions could spread,The positive emotions pass on to their children.Sometimes encourage more than criticism can inspire his potential and sense of responsibility.Parents also have to learn how to control your emotions,As far as possible to take the child are compared.Some psychological relatively vulnerable children may therefore cannot recover after a setback,Cause the child to have the pessimistic helplessness,Serious may produce be disgusted/Escape, etc."
According to relevant personage introduces psychological counseling,Students generally in growing place class stage,They are still not very good to deal with the outside pressure,Once they found themselves in a high expectations of,There will be some children appear lack of confidence,Always doubt ability of worry,If serious may affect the child's body function,Appear digestive problems,What's more may appear the symptom such as fever.In fact,Person's life to undergo failure many times,For primary school students speaking,Parents should not only help them overcome the shadow of failure bring them,More to teach them how to overcome failure generates negative emotions.this,When in the face of the new test,Before the experience of failure won't be brain arousal,To deal with.
"The core of the family education function,It is a education,But in the present,Family education become the school education extension,Parents into the school counselor,obviously,In such a family education environment,Parenthood alienated to score/Performance relationship.Parents will inevitably become the important factor of students' test anxiety."Famous education scholars XiongBingJi also said,"Each students earn for workers,This is our country society should form a concept,Do compared‘People master cheng yen’for,The more ground gas.otherwise,was‘People master cheng yen’Target suspended in the sky of parents and students,Eventually into anxiety,The last part is even earn one's own living also difficult.Our country has many college students do‘Neet group’,Is that.And family education idea change,Often and education system reform is positively related positive health education idea,Will promote the educational reform,For the implementation of the reform to create conditions."
Modern success criteria is varied,As parents should be allowed to the presence of more dream.Every child is different,They also have different dreams.To be good at something,Find the way to help others,Feel others needs you,Feel the happiness that is successful life.
有学者呼吁,目前中国的高等教育已经向着“重‘育’而非‘教"的通识教育方向转变,这呼唤着中小学的教学实践与其形成有机衔接。国家在加大投入以扩充优质教育资源的同时,应尽快取消义务教育阶段重点与非重点的区分。在社会层面真正形成对接,才能比较有效地解决问题。(记者 赵剑影)
Some scholars called for,At present China's higher education has to"heavy‘brood’Rather than‘teach"The general education direction change,This calls for the primary and secondary school teaching practice and its formation organic connection.Countries in increasing investment to expand the high quality education resources at the same time,Should cancel the obligation education stage as soon as possible and the key point to distinguish.In the social level form a truly butt,Can be more effective to solve the problem.(Reporter ZhaoJianYing)
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