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毕淑敏:异地高考几年前不能讨论 破冰是好的开始--亲稳舆论引导监测室


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:大家好,这里是2012“向教育提问”搜狐教育年度盛典现场,很高兴请到著名作家、心理医生毕淑敏老师。欢迎您。

hello everybody,Here is 2012"Education question to"Sohu education annual festival site,Very glad to please go to the famous writer/The psychological doctor BiShuMin teacher.Welcome you.


毕淑敏(著名作家、心理医生): BiShuMin(Famous writer/Psychological doctor):您好,大家好。

How do you do,hello everybody.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:今年搜狐教育年度盛典的主题是“向教育提问”,您对教育最大的疑惑是什么?或者说您最关注的教育的话题是什么?

Sohu education annual festival this year's theme is"Education question to",Your education to the biggest doubt is what?Or you the most concern education subject is???????


毕淑敏(著名作家、心理医生): BiShuMin(Famous writer/Psychological doctor):特别好的话题,我觉得搜狐教育做这个活动其实和每个人都息息相关,都和国家命运息息相关。既跟成年人有关,更跟孩子们有关,教育是一个非常重要的话题。我现在觉得我们把教育这个问题提到这样一个高度,我们提出的问题就是为了去解决它,为了让我们教育变得更好。为什么这么说?我个人觉得整个我们的教育中有一种焦虑感,不断在弥漫,而且似乎有愈演愈烈之势。为什么我们对教育这样的焦灼不安?我个人觉得有这样几个原因,第一个是改革开放三十多年以来,中国的教育是在不断的发展当中,我们的教育越来越普及。更多的人在享有了最基础的教育之后,希望能够享有更高等级的教育,而这个教育资源是有限的,所以开始争夺资源这样一种角逐。

Very good topic,I think sohu education to do this activity in fact and everyone is closely linked,With the country's fate is closely linked.Not only to the adults,With the more children,Education is a very important subject.Now I think we put education the problem mentioned such a height,We propose a problem is to solve it,In order to let us education better.Why do you say that?I personally think that the whole of our education is a kind of anxiety,Unceasingly in the diffuse,And seems to have called-are.Why are we to education such deeply worried upset?Personally, I think it is so for several reasons,The first one is over more than thirty years since the reform and opening up,China's education is in the unceasing development of,Our education is becoming more and more popular.More and more people enjoy in the most basic education later,Hope to be able to enjoy a higher level of education,And the education resources are limited,So began to scramble for resources such a game.


The second education what purpose?In the past the Chinese traditional is he who excels in learning,Said learn to view,Also in this story tellers/The and so on and so on,Our beautiful of spirit and material needs seem to be in the book can get.But today found that learned book,Does not necessarily can get this thing,Such as happiness,Not by the higher level of education,Happiness higher.Didn't read books, there is no happiness,In such a equality rupture,Our education is the education,Impart knowledge or,What is memory test,Or a person overall quality of the training,I think it's our today's education out of the question.


Article 3,I've seen a sociological view,Say the lower class to higher class progress of this process,Usually there are only two ways.A way is a great revolution,Let young class there was a kind of subversion.But in no outbreak of the background of the revolution under,Education is from low to high class hierarchy progress/The only access to,I think this channel is limited after all.Now became used to be an army college go a wooden bridge,Now want to use education this way in order to enter the higher class to the education embodied in it,So education while it is a often are discussed,But its benefit more and more powerful.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:在这样的环境下,对孩子造成的影响是什么?

In such an environment,To the child the influence of is what?


毕淑敏(著名作家、心理医生): BiShuMin(Famous writer/Psychological doctor):我想这个焦虑已经传达到我们孩子们身上,他们觉得自己读书读得越多越好,成绩一定越优秀越好,懂得的本领也要涉及到方方面面。你运动要好,要有计算机支持,最好还会弹钢琴,还会弹古筝,还会参加各种各样化学物理班,没有止境的高标准,严要求,会让孩子丧失对快乐的感受。

I think this anxiety have been issued to our child,They think they can read reading the more the better,Results must be more outstanding, the better,Understand power also to want to involve all aspects.You better movement,Want to have a computer support,Is best can play the piano,Play guzheng,Will also attend various chemical physics class,No end of high standard,Strict requirement,Will let the children lose the feeling of happiness.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:今年文学界很大的话题就是莫言获得诺奖,这个话题也延伸到教育界,莫言的学校教育经历是非常有限的,于是大家有一种观点,没有接受过多的传统学校教育,有可能是他获得诺奖的一个原因?

This year a lot of literati topic is mo yan won the Nobel,This topic also extends to education,Mo yan school education experience is very limited,So you have a point of view,Did not take too much traditional school education,May be he won the Nobel's one reason?


毕淑敏(著名作家、心理医生): BiShuMin(Famous writer/Psychological doctor):首先莫言获奖就非常表示恭贺,我也很同意莫言的说法,这是奖给他个人的。莫言最初的学历并不是很高,但是这并不说明莫言不学习了,莫言在后来也一直是非常勤奋学习的,他阅读量很大。我个人会觉得不要把学校的教育程度和这个人真正习得的那种知识划成等号。有的人可能很高的学历,博士,但是他只是学会应付考试,或者做一个书面论文,但是并不一定特别具备那种知识,或者创新的能力。我想莫言的获奖也从一个侧面重申了这样一个道理。

The first prize is very mo yan offer congratulations,I quite agree with the statement, mo yan,This is the prize for his personal.Mo yan first degree and is not very high,But this doesn't mean that mo yan don't study,Mo yan in the later have been very diligent study,He read the large size.I personally feel don't leave school education degree and the man really acquired the kind of knowledge that cross into equal sign.Some people may be high degree,doctor,But he just learn to deal with the exam,Or do a written paper,But it's not always have that kind of special knowledge,Or the ability of innovation.I want to mo yan award from one side reaffirmed such a truth.


Evaluation of a scientist/astronomers/artists,You don't use award as the only standard.I think we should firmly in the heart a standard,According to our own life goal to strive.Education?,May the school education will end,But every man to his education,Lifelong learning hope never end.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您刚才也参加了留守儿童的论坛,我想问一下,您怎么看待凤凰男有可能产生一些比较自卑的心理?

Did you also attended the left-behind children's BBS,I want to ask,How do you look at the order of the phoenix male may produce some comparative inferiority psychology?


毕淑敏(著名作家、心理医生): BiShuMin(Famous writer/Psychological doctor):每个人的情况可能都不一样,你刚才说的凤凰男,他可能脱离了乡村,进入到他所陌生的城市。因为他所有的社会关系都不在这一座城市里面,可能开始更为孤独地打拼,包括在城市可能可以利用的资源背景比较少,在这种情况下可能有一种自卑的感觉。可能反过来也有一些人觉得你们有什么了不起,你们城里人,不过因为祖上在这里居住而已,我是一层一层摸爬滚打,打拼过来的。我看不起你们。

Everyone may be different,You said just now phoenix male,He may be out of country,Into his strange city.For all his social relations are not in this city,May begin to fight more lonely,Included in the city may use resources background is less,In this case may have a sense of inferiority.May, in turn, also some people think you have what fantastic,Your city,But because the ancestors living here just,I am a layer me.but,Fight over.I look down on you.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:可能有自卑和自负的矛盾心理。

There may be inferiority and conceited ambivalence.


毕淑敏(著名作家、心理医生): BiShuMin(Famous writer/Psychological doctor):对,这两个极端都会出现。我个人觉得其实真正的一种平等的意识,不仅仅是对别人说,也是对自己说。作为无论是出身贫寒的农村,还是在城市里含着银汤匙出生,在人格上都是平等的,大家多要凭借自己的努力开创自己的人生。这种比较平和比较自然的心态,希望不管是凤凰男,还是有祖上照着的官二代、富二代,种种背景,那个背景其实和你个人奋斗应该有所区别的。我们更珍视一个人自己内心的那种能力。

to,The two extreme will appear.Personally, I think that in fact the real one kind of equal consciousness,Is not only say to others,Is also said to myself.As both a poor rural,Or in the city was born with a silver spoon,In personality are equal,Everybody to be on their own efforts to create their own life.The comparative peace more natural state of mind,Hope that no matter the phoenix male,Still have ancestors as ruler of the second generation/Rich the second generation,Various background,The background in fact and your personal struggle should be different.We are more cherish one's own heart of that kind of ability.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:教育公平其实是今年大家讨论非常多的话题,从您的感受和观察来看,现在教育不公现象是在逐步解决改善,还是在更大地加剧不公?

Education fair is actually very much this discussion topic,From your experience and observation to see,Now the unfairness in education is to improve solved step by step,Or in the greater aggravate injustice?


毕淑敏(著名作家、心理医生): BiShuMin(Famous writer/Psychological doctor):我个人觉得它在逐步改善当中,因为我在国外的时候知道有一个关于原住民概念,早先在这个土地上,会有一些特别的权利。我觉得既要尊重原住民的权利,也要给新加入、新接纳来的人以更多的机会。过去好象楚河汉界一样,没有商量余地。现在终于尖冰慢慢开始打破,慢慢融化曾经黑白分明的界限。我们一点一滴做有助于更加公平的这种规章制度的改革,我想是在渐渐的努力当中。但是这个过程还是比较的漫长。不要操之过急,也要顾及各方面的利益。不要因为北京原住民的利益,或者上海原住民的利益,就完全不许他们讲话,然后也不能说因为我们以前在这儿,所以这里永远是我们的,你们都不能进入,这个是一种很狭隘,很闭塞的,都是中国人,都是祖国的土地,都为这一座城市,也为国家的发展贡献很多的力量。希望我们找到这样一个推进平衡,而且能够更有利于教育公平这样一个方法。

I personally think it of gradually improve,Because when I was overseas to know that there is a native of concept,Earlier in this land,There will be some special rights.I think not only to respect the rights of indigenous people,Also will give new join/New acceptance to people with more opportunities.The past seems to like valleys,Was not negotiable.Now finally pointed slowly began to break the ice,Slowly melting once the boundaries of black and white.We do a bit more fair to the rules and regulations reform,I think it was gradually efforts of.But this process is still long.Don't jump the gun,Also it should take account of the interests of all.Don't because the interests of the indigenous people of Beijing,The interests of the native or Shanghai,Is completely forbid them to talk,Then also cannot say that because we have here,So here is always our,You can't enter,This is a very narrow,Very occlusive,Are Chinese,Are their homeland,For the city,Also for the country's contribution to the development of a lot of power.I hope we find such a advance balance,And can be more conducive to education fair such a method.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:现在其实是一个好的开始。

Now it is a good start.


毕淑敏(著名作家、心理医生): BiShuMin(Famous writer/Psychological doctor):对,因为几年之前此事不能讨论,现在已经开始讨论,我觉得大家来关注,各方面的意见贡献出来,最后找一个平衡点,然后慢慢去推进。

to,Because a few years ago this matter cannot be discussed,Has now started to discuss,I think everyone to pay attention to,All views contribution out,Finally find a balance point,Then slowly to advance.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:毕老师您现在的写作计划是什么?

Finish the teacher you are writing plan is???????


毕淑敏(著名作家、心理医生): BiShuMin(Famous writer/Psychological doctor):我会写小说、散文,因为写小说有点像马拉松,写散文我通常写得比较短,我觉得像一个四百米的中等强度的跑步。因为写作是要有节奏的,作为一个写作多年的人,会在这两种状态有一点点调整,有的时候是主攻一方面,有的时候也会把自己很多的感触也把它表达出来,和读者们分享。

I will write novels/prose,Because writing novels a bit like a marathon,Prose I usually write short,I feel like a four hundred meters of moderate intensity running.Because of the writing is to have the rhythm,As a writing years of people,In the two states have a little adjustment,Sometimes it was working on one hand,Sometimes also can put yourself a lot of feelings and express it,And readers to share.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:谢谢毕老师接受我们采访。

Thank you teacher accept our interview.


毕淑敏(著名作家、心理医生): BiShuMin(Famous writer/Psychological doctor):谢谢您,谢谢大家。

Thank you for your,Thank you.
