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陈晓楠(知名主持人、凤凰卫视当家花旦): ChenXiaoNan(Famous host/The phoenix TV "):我们没有办法改变事实,有两亿农民工过着这样的生活,在您看来,这样特殊乡村的存在,会给这些孩子、给他们父母、给社会带来什么样的影响?
We have no way to change the facts,There are two hundred million migrant workers live such a life,In your opinion,The presence of such special country,Will give these children/To their parents/Brings to the society what kind of impact?
梁晓声(当代著名作家): LiangXiaoSheng(A famous writer of the):老实说有时候看到这方面的新闻报道心里有紧缩的疼,但是有的时候也会忘记。像我也会忘记,在我印象中最早的时候关注这个现象应该差不多二十年前,那时候叫希望工程,希望工程在中央电视台做广告,我们还依然记着有一双大眼睛的女孩,题目叫“希望”,但是在希望工程这个活动举行这么多年之后,其实在我的意识里也会渐渐淡忘。
To be honest sometimes see this news reports in the mind have tight pain,But sometimes will forget.Like I will forget,In my impression the first time pay attention to this phenomenon should be almost twenty years ago,At that time that the hope project,Project hope in the central television advertising,We still remember to have a pair of big eyes girl,Topic call"hope",But in project hope this event after so many years,As it is in my consciousness will also gradually forgotten.
I also to some rural,See the countryside elementary school change,School will be better,I would think that the whole of China even that rural have is better.But sometimes suddenly from news see some schools still very old,The classroom is still dangerous,Suddenly feel now how many such country?Especially this year had children hurt things much more special,I think the children their future destiny and the facing problems,It is not enough only by volunteers.I really understand your pay,Also very touched,我觉得最主要的工作要由政府来做。我把它依然归在整个中国“三农问题”之中,“三农问题”就包括这些孩子。首先家在农村,其次刚才说到缺失父母爱、走很远的路、冬天冷,也是符合这个范畴的。我会觉得,目前改革开放的福祉还没有更公平的遍布中国更多方面。 I think the most main work to by the government to do.I put it still be in the whole China"Three agricultural problems"of,"Three agricultural problems"Including the children.The first house in the countryside,Then just said to lack parents love/Go a long way/Winter is cold,Is in this category.I feel,At present the reform and open policy the welfare is not more fair in China more aspects.
In the 80 s to 90 s,Work out the rural young,They are 35 years may be expected to earn money back home building a house,Now the same dry 35 years back to home but can't afford to cover the house,Building a house cost increased.In addition they work in urban areas consumption will increase,He earned more than one thousand might take after can survive,So I think the central government to the government at all levels,First of all to consider changing the face of rural poverty,That there be some children grow up recall of rural homes.
陈晓楠(知名主持人、凤凰卫视当家花旦): ChenXiaoNan(Famous host/The phoenix TV "):也想问问毕老师,您观察到的是什么?面对留守儿童问题,您的观点是什么?
You also want to ask the teacher,Your watch is???????In the face of left-behind children problem,What is your opinion?
毕淑敏(国家一级作家、心理医生): BiShuMin(National level of writer/Psychological doctor):我可能会讲不同的视角,我觉得中国5800多万留守儿童,他们留守又流泪最主要,要承担起责任的是他们的父母,因为把希望寄托在政府、寄托在义工、寄托在方方面面鼎力相助上,他们父母首当其冲负起责任,没有人能够代替这些父母对孩子的关切与教育。刚才我看到论坛视频中提到留守儿童心理障碍不健康达50%多,这样孩子真的有可能一生不幸福,请问这些父母离乡背井,他到远方去为的是什么?他们一定会回答,为了让我们的孩子更幸福、让我们日子过的比现在要好。中国改革开放几十年,我们物质条件真的比过去有了很大的进步,是否更多的财富、更多的钱就能带来更多的幸福,这种谬论不仅在城市弥漫,也在乡村弥漫,但这是错误的。
I may speak different perspectives,I think China more than 5800 left-behind children,They stay and tears the main,Want to assume responsibility is their parents,Because his hope in the government/On volunteers/All aspects on the put your shoulder to the wheel,Their parents take the responsibility,No one could take the place of the parents to the child's concern and education.Just now I saw BBS video mentioned left-behind children mental disorder is not healthy to more than 50%,So that the child really may not happy life,Excuse me the parents leave their homes,He went to far away in order to???????They will answer,In order to let our children more happiness/Let our life is better than it is now.China's reform and opening up to several decades,Our physical condition than in the past really has made great progress,Whether more wealth/More money can bring more happiness,This fallacy is not only in the city diffuse,Also in the country diffuse,But this is wrong.
寄托于别人的募捐、心理医生帮助、义工帮助远远不够。一个人一生的剧本在六岁以前已经全部写完,我觉得要汇聚社会良知、所有力量呼吁政府关注、加大对教育经费拨款,追求公平的教育,不要以分数挂帅,所有努力中,让孩子父母负起责任,如果只管生不管养,你无权把生命带到这个社会上,你带来就负有世界第一等责任,不是金钱可以弥补。 Repose in the other people's collection/Psychological doctor to help/Volunteers help is far from enough.A man's life script in six years ago already all finished,I think to gathering social conscience/All power called for the government to pay attention to/Strengthen the education funds allocation,The pursuit of fair education,Don't score to commercialization,All the effort to,Let the child's parents take personal responsibility,If only life whether to raise,You had no right to give life to the society,You will have to bring the world first chop responsibility,Is not money can make up for.孩子身体成长开始学习怎么面对世界、怎么处理人与人关系、怎么确定一生理想,这是任何人不可以取代父母的责任,5800万留守儿童的父母,负有不可推卸的责任。
The child's physical growth began to learn how to face the world/How to deal with the relationship between people/How to determine the life ideal,This is anyone can't replace the responsibility of parents,58 million left-behind children's parents,Bears unshirkable responsibility.
I even want to can make such advice,When the parents are too small,Parents not to earn money both left,Give yourself reason why let the child after a better life,On the contrary,This practice will kill children happy childhood and life happiness life.Thank you!
陈晓楠(知名主持人、凤凰卫视当家花旦): ChenXiaoNan(Famous host/The phoenix TV "):毕老师提出的问题可能也会引发新的问题,她们都来自农村,特别现实的问题必须给孩子攒上大学的学费,只有这样她的孩子才能走出那片田地,很多人都处在这种困惑中,于丹老师怎么看这个问题?
Finish the teacher's questions may also cause new problems,They all come from the countryside,Special practical problem must give children saved the university tuition fees,Only in this way her children can out of the fields,A lot of people in this puzzled,Yu Dan teacher how to see this problem?
于 丹(著名文化学者,北京师范大学教授): Yu Dan(Famous cultural scholars,Professor of Beijing normal university):我们这个社会在社会转型时期,我们眼光都在看我们收获了什么,其实换一个角度就是我们正在付出什么代价。这不是改革开放之初转型,也不是建国之初转型,这是几千年农耕文明向都市文明的转型。
Our society in the period of social transformation,Our eyes are watching our harvest??????,In fact change an Angle is we are any cost.This is not the beginning of reform and opening up the transformation,Is not the beginning of the founding of the transformation,This is thousands of years of farming civilization to the transformation of urban civilization.
To the end of last year we all understand that Chinese urbanization process more than 50% for the first time,To 52%,And then the rural population continued to shrink,Social structure level will also continue to urban transformation/Also to the integration of urban and rural areas.The process,Left-behind children actually transformation period the emergence of a phenomenon,Is in the macro level of the government to make a strong security.The children who come to tube?For the vast majority of children in the countryside,The past doesn't their parents to take them,The countryside is the patriarchal clan system,Have strong patriarchal ancestral hall type management.
Like many of the village people sharing are different village,Have a similar of the heads of the people,No matter the children not to study and appear what problem,Heads will find,Be an upright person should?The past doesn't read many books,But they traditional to China culture/Deep in the ethics of identity,City than it is now finished college,Fall back such as flow these classic and more profound.
China's few religious beliefs,But he is a cultural beliefs instead of religious beliefs,People should how to be a person?People with how people of different support?In the patriarchal society have this kind of structure,Now these are the resolution,We to the city,Can the same powerful system security system to accomplish the cohesive force,The heaviest if it weren't for many population into the city,But rural people also spread/The city also spread,In the countryside, we get more and more relief aid,But more and more lost in the land of the sense of belonging,Drift urban and rural migrant workers is the edge of the child's parents,You said no land farmers,Said the workers had no benefit guarantee,They belong to the border of the two groups do not belong to any group.So they also anxiety,Their children more anxious.I this period of time is also very concern about this problem,I see online a lot of Suggestions,Such as come to migrant workers defined the accurate statistics,By two local governments to provide them with some reunion fund,Such as shandong people to work in anhui province,Shandong and anhui two places should be a corresponding money,Oneself also take out part of the money,During the holidays must rest together.A lot of unit forced off,There are no luxury to such a system to rural migrant workers,No said the Spring Festival or children summer and winter vacations,We will give you a part of the funds must be back together,Must take care of them.These did not appear,Finish the teacher said problem,Depend on their parents too much self realization,But need to guide,When there is a certain funding,Again by yourself with a little,Can go back to family reunion they still need.
We see the system for more than two thousand years or longer,The feudal system was in the countryside of patriarchal clan system collapse to continues today,Funds last implementation guide,Only guide stable.This year the university entrance exam discusses different problems,Not a lot of places has allowed them to test here,This will be the big breakthrough system,If the left-behind children also can have such a big breakthrough,Also have special holiday system issued.Like the previous paragraph of left-behind children and guardian listed clearly,These all do a I think there is hope.
What do a little bit?System to the last performance or people,I have to send a book to rural problems,There is a librarian ask a question,Send books for the library must have certain backlist rate,Superior to check,In order to save the book rate can't borrow books for children,The adults are not reading at home/Old here filling,Here again can't give children watch,Instead, give the child to donate books don't ground gas.How Chinese society in transition period,The exemptions system issued,And the system falls on children,This is the education carry big problem,Is everyone inside do little things.
陈晓楠(知名主持人、凤凰卫视当家花旦): ChenXiaoNan(Famous host/The phoenix TV "):你刚才说的执行问题,我想问问邓飞,你亲眼看到农村家庭结构、孩子们心理结构,结构有没有改变的可能?还有执行过程中做到位有什么我们必须观察到的东西?
You just said to be performed,I want to ask DengFei,You see the rural family structure/The children psychological structure,Is there any change in structure of may?And in the implementation process to do a what we must observe things?
邓飞(“中国贫困山区小学生免费午餐”发起人): DengFei("China's impoverished mountainous area students free lunch"the):留守儿童的问题背后是社会、政治、经济、文化等原因形成综合性的问题,所以解决这个问题需要我们有很多的办法,我认为毕老师、于老师观点都是对的,和我们现在做的事情也是可以补充、可以团结的。
The problem of left-behind children behind is social/political/economic/Culture reason formed a comprehensive problem,So to solve this problem we need to have a lot of measures,I think you the teacher/To view the teacher is right,And now we do can also be added/Can be united.
My future years I will go to China country,I have to do to do my power to do something.I can be divided into five aspects:The first,I want to be a village children joint public welfare,Is a alliance body,All children have relationship with country team can cooperation,Support each other;The second,Using our new technology make up for the lack of system now,Such as we now have no way to find many teachers fill teachers,I might find a IPad,Mount city teacher courseware/Kinds of extra readings/The children are watching the game/Cartoon and so on,In this way, change the education inequality;The third,Their parents not at nearby,How to persuade their parents to return to country?He will feel the child born when I was young/My parents are still young,To help me with my parents,I hasten to make money,Make money back to build the house,A child to read a book rich.We can through the electronic commerce and so on ways to help farmers get rich,If farmers at home and earn a year twenty thousand,A lot of people won't come to town this life,Such left-behind children/The old man problem solved;The fourth,Urbanization will be even more intense,Request land free torsion,City to the country can buy land,Now the city edge out not to go/Foreigners into do not come,So flow up,We can go out,Farmers can take his children/The sale of his land with house money,In Beijing can rent a house or buy a house;The fifth,We folk all efforts can't solve the problem,But we can combine together to form construction force,Can move the government,Change our education investment and health investment,The folk and the government can solve this problem.
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