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陈晓楠(知名主持人、凤凰卫视当家花旦): ChenXiaoNan(Famous host/The phoenix TV "):谢谢邓飞给我们特别多的想法,梁老师您刚才也提到他们解决问题的方向,在你看起来这些家长有没有回归的可能?目前没有回归情况下,这些孩子们最需要什么?
Thank you DengFei give us much more special ideas,Beam teacher did you also mentioned that they solve the problem of direction,In you look these parents have the possibility of return?There is no return cases,The children are most in need?
杨元松(贵州省安龙县万峰湖镇毛草坪小学语文教师、《中国留守儿童日记》作者): YangYuanSong(AnLong county in guizhou wanfeng lake town primary school Chinese teachers hair lawn/[China left-behind children diary]The author):这里非常感谢搜狐网把我这只憨厚的狐狸搜出来。
Here I thank you very much for sohu network this only simple and honest fox found out.留守儿童三大问题:安全、生存环境和心理。 Left-behind children three problems:safety/The living environment and psychological.
第一,安全。 The first,safety.我们每天把安全当做第一堂课在校园讲,每个星期到孩子家里检查电路;再者说医疗,在山里走到公路上一般情况下最近的路程也要半小时,如果这个孩子突发阑尾炎,山更半夜谁拯救他,到公路上再用急救车到县里60公里,他们安全是不是真的堪忧?这是第一个问题,谁解决他们安全的保障。
Every day we put safety as the first lesson in campus speak,Every week to children home inspection circuit;Furthermore the medical,In the mountains went out onto the road usually recent journey also want to half an hour,If the children burst appendicitis,In the middle of the mountain more who save him,To the highway and ambulance to county sixty kilometers,They safety really worried?This is the first question,Who solve their security.
第二,生存环境挑战。 The second,Environment challenge.我们一个孩子六年级12岁,堂姐堂弟挤在一张床上睡觉,没有地方住,这是生存环境。邻居的哥哥姐姐出去打工挣钱,穿很漂亮的衣服、吃很好吃,他们回来说玩什么、吃什么羡慕,他们平时在山里边信息非常闭塞,看到电视就不错,要想读到喜欢的书很难,当然现在这个问题解决了,现在我们学校得到热心人士关注,孩子们已经有上万册的图书,之前孩子不知道自己喜欢什么、将来做什么都不知道,也就是人生目的没有确定,所以没有偶像。他们的偶像就是身边打工的哥哥姐姐或者叔叔阿姨,他的梦想就是将来打工挣钱,盖漂亮的房子、吃好一点、穿好一点,这是他的梦想。如果没有一个比较好的引导他们会走到哪里去?他们还是未来农民工吗?他们子女还是下一代留守儿童吗?我们国家将来怎么办?这是生存环境的问题。
We a child six grade 12 years old,Cousin cousin squeezed in a bed,Have no place to live in,This is the living environment.The neighbor's brother and sister go out to work to make money,Wear beautiful clothes/Eat very delicious,They come back said to play??????/Eat what envy,They usually in the mountains edge information very block,See TV is pretty good,If you want to read like book very difficult,Of course this problem solved,Now our school enthusiasts to get attention,The children have tens of thousands of copies of books,Before the children don't know what you like/Don't know what to do in the future,Is life purpose not sure,So there is no idols.Their idols is working around the brother and sister or uncle aunt,His dream is to work to make money in the future,Cover beautiful house/Eat better/Wear better,This is his dream.If there is no a better guide they will go to where go to?They are the future rural migrant workers?Their children or the next generation of left-behind children?Our country in the future?This is the problem of living environment.
第三,心理问题。 The third,Psychological problems.平常周围爷爷奶奶、叔叔阿姨都会交流一个问题,“孩子的爸爸妈妈出去不管他,穿的不好……”这些说法可能对于我们无所谓,对于孩子来说,其实是注入心理的消极毒药,他会想爸爸妈妈把我抛弃,我现在读书有什么意思,他们都不重视我。这种消极影响非常大,几乎确定他未来日子过的不怎么理想。
Around the usual grandma and grandpa/Uncle aunt will exchange a problem,"The child's father and mother out whatever he,Wear well……"These might not for us,For children,In fact is injected psychological negative poison,He will want to mom and dad get rid me,Now I read what you mean,They don't pay attention to me.This kind of negative influence is very big,Almost certain to his future life how do not ideal.
To sum up,Several teacher speak very well,Can you let my parents got home?There are plenty of ways to go,But my parents got home is a very effective way.This year I taught grade five and three grade Chinese classes,I still let the children write diary.A little girl said,She is very like me in class,Not for other,Just because he can I speak my mind.She has to talk with I said,Can I attentively listen to/Communicate with,From the refraction child psychology need psychological end-result/Rely on.She wanted to do something who encourage him,If the parents at home would be his heart is the bottom.
陈晓楠(知名主持人、凤凰卫视当家花旦): ChenXiaoNan(Famous host/The phoenix TV "):特别感谢杨老师,这番话特别恳切,最后我想问问梁老师,您觉得我们应该给这些孩子什么样梦想和未来?
Special thanks to miss Yang,These words special earnestly,Finally, I want to ask teacher liang,Do you think we should give these children what kind of dreams and future?
梁晓声(当代著名作家): LiangXiaoSheng(A famous writer of the):我曾经到过中国比较富裕的农村,那一个家庭年轻一代虽然出来打工,但是家里住着三层的楼房,爷爷奶奶身体也很健康,整个村子生活不贫困,关键这些父母出去挣一些钱对家里固然好,不出去也不至于差什么程度。在那样的农村里对于孩子,家长相当宠爱,一地玩具、几套衣服、有那么多零食,虽然同样是留守儿童,生活却还是不错的。
I have been to China better-off rural,That a family young generation while working out,But the family lived three buildings,Grandpa's grandmother the body also is very healthy,The whole village life is not poor,Key the parents go out to earn some money to home is good,Don't go out also not bad what degree.In that in the rural areas for children,Parents dote on quite a,A toy/Few clothes/There are so many snacks,Although the same is left-behind children,Life is still good.
It is some other more serious,Is extremely poor place.I once and so young parents talked to each other,Their first know children unattended situation tears,But slowly has become a habit,Long-term don't communicate don't meet,Parents in the process of gradually children emotional indifference,Children and parents feel so long time not come back,Sometimes parents have a complaint against gradually,In such a country in the growing process of children,Psychological problem is quite serious,Parents complain too much,After be brought up,Indifference to others/suspicion/Rejection psychological.Although said to change the situation,I personally think don't try to change school conceptual thinking?Once said at least hundreds of elementary school students,But I see foreign reports,Tell a mother with five or six children went into rural areas,At first, think to trouble village,But the rural villagers told her,"You come too good,Because we can now have a school in the village",Because the law and a child can do a school,We to school concept if a change of words,A village as long as there are ten children should not go all the way,A certain concentration big school,In the village cover a good classroom,Teach them to read enlightenment.If you do so,We had to pay more attention to the national education/For the attention of education called up.
陈晓楠(知名主持人、凤凰卫视当家花旦): ChenXiaoNan(Famous host/The phoenix TV "):谢谢梁老师提出特别恳切的建议。最后还有一点点时间,请各位嘉宾谈下,对于这些孩子、对于父母、对于社会这些问题的期望?
Thank you beam teacher put forward special sincere advice.Finally, there are a little bit of time,Please talk about the guests,For these children/For parents/These problems for social expectations?
毕淑敏(国家一级作家、心理医生): BiShuMin(National level of writer/Psychological doctor):我刚才听了来自一线杨老师和邓老师的发言,包括于丹老师从文化历史传承角度的看法,我听了真的挺感动的,虽然可能不能涉及那么大层面,但是中国应该停止大城市无限制扩张,并且把优秀的资源只局限大城市发展,我希望把农村变成像星罗棋布宜居的地方。这个可能关系到整体战略的转移,北京现在已经2200万人,继续建更多的地铁,地铁只要2块钱可以在里边坐几个小时,这样子很容易都到这里来,在这里享受最好的教育资源、医疗资源包括各种各样设施,不能埋怨人们为什么到这里来?而由此造成城乡差别巨大的反差,就会使我们农村变着不堪居住,我觉得从教育这一点、留守儿童一点折射我们国家战略方针的问题。
I just heard from a line Yang teacher and deng teacher's speech,Including yu Dan teachers from the cultural and historical heritage Angle of view,I heard it's really touched,Although it may not relate to so big level,But China should stop cities unrestricted expansion,And excellent resources limited development of large cities,I hope the rural become like dotted livable place.This may be related to the transfer of overall strategy,Beijing now has 22 million people,Continue to build more subway,The subway as long as 2 dollars can inside sit for hours,This appearance is very easy to come here,Enjoy the best education resources/Medical resources include all kinds of facilities,Can't complain why people here?And thus cause the differences between town and country huge contrast,Can we change the living in rural areas,I think from education to this point/Left-behind children a little refraction our country strategy problem.
Completely solve more than five thousand,Even more left-behind children problem,Not local measures can be solved,I want to convert the whole of China into a big garden/Let the difference between urban and rural areas is more and more narrow,So many children and so many rural residents,Can also enjoy a better life,This is the crack left-behind children left-behind tears fundamental measures.
陈晓楠(知名主持人、凤凰卫视当家花旦): ChenXiaoNan(Famous host/The phoenix TV "):谢谢毕老师。
Thank you teacher.
于 丹(著名文化学者,北京师范大学教授): Yu Dan(Famous cultural scholars,Professor of Beijing normal university):我自己其实在大学里教大众传媒,我们都了解人是观念动物,有什么观念就决定价值趋向。现在关注比如杨老师写的书对大家影响,可能就有邓老师的行动,现在大众传媒是不是过分扩大都市带给你幸福?是不是把离开贫瘠的土地作为农村唯一的理想?也就是父母为什么离开乡土、离开儿女进城,最大梦想让这些孩子尽早离开这个土地,认为留在这个家园就是不幸的代名词,因为过多人离开反而不幸越不幸,越不幸越想离开,根源是什么?真的是土地造成的,还是人对土地的态度造成这种状态。
I actually in the university to teach the mass media,We all know people are concept animal,Have what idea decided to value tendency.Now attention such as Yang teacher book to all influence,Might be deng teacher's action,Now the mass media is too expanding urban bring you happiness?Whether or not to leave the arid land as rural only ideal?That is to say, parents why leave local/Leave children into the city,The biggest dream to make the children leave the land as soon as possible,Think that stay in the home is the pronoun of misfortune,Because many people leave a instead of the more unfortunate misfortune,Unfortunately, the more the more want to leave,Root is what?Really is caused by land,Or to the attitude of the land by the state.
We said today"Education question to",Sohu net is big media,Today is to reflect on another problem,Media responsibility and guide,China's rapid GDP ascension,Have found that most human nature of the loss,Vanity life let people inside the main body of the tender feeling/All the cost of a home to return to become aura,58 million children real situation what?The biggest influence on people media products,Render out is more foam,Including advertising.
From the concept,Let the city eye focus on rural,More attention is the human nature and children to grow up.To the countryside speaking still emphasize system,The registration of left-behind children and guardian can do more fine?我们完成一些保底工作,教育是教书和育人两个层面,而对于农村很多儿童来讲,也许“育”的问题比“教”的问题更迫切。 We completed some work the downside,Education is teaching and educating two levels,And for the countryside in terms of many children,maybe"brood"Problems than"teach"More urgent.刚才杨老师问的问题,这些孩子安全吗?不说心理健不健康、快乐不快乐,连安全都不能保障?怎么把他们养育问题先解决,然后在得到一点点制度上的保障,这样在我们登记制度、政府投入和整个对于乡村转型时期政策出台上做更多的关注,谢谢!
Just Yang the teacher asked the question,These children safe?Don't say psychological health is not healthy/Happiness is not happiness,Even the security can't guarantee?How to solve the problems they raise first,Then get a little bit of protection of the system,So in our registration system/The government investment and the whole for rural transformation policies do more attention,thank you!
陈晓楠(知名主持人、凤凰卫视当家花旦): ChenXiaoNan(Famous host/The phoenix TV "):谢谢于丹老师,特别感谢今天几位嘉宾,不光谈了留守儿童问题,也涉及留守儿童牵扯出来方方面面的问题。
Thank you teacher yu,Special thanks to a few guests today,Not only about the left-behind children problem,Also involves left-behind children out in all aspects of the problem.
梁晓声(当代著名作家): LiangXiaoSheng(A famous writer of the):我突然想到几句话要说,假设留守儿童中,有些孩子终于考上大学,大学毕业留在北京、上海这样城市工作,他几乎注定成为蚁族、甚至住在集装箱,我碰到这些年轻,有些年轻眼中还有欲望,因为农村家园还有一定的家园属性,实在太累了,索性辞职回到家里边修养一段,但是还有一些孩子说绝望,因为他在城市里这样情况,农村之家是回不去的,我有过这样的经历。先是到了省城,到省城周边县城也不错,离开县城30里的农村怎么这样,再往前10里就想农村更糟,假设我就是更远的孩子,每年回家怎么回去?怎么出来?这些问题都是存在的,我们必须要尽快让这样的农村也变着像柳暗花明又一村,农村的环境变好了,及时是留守,至少他的眼泪还有我们的心疼都会少一些。
I suddenly thought of a few words to say,Hypothesis left-behind children,Some children finally admitted to the university,Graduated from the university in Beijing/Shanghai, this city work,He almost destined to be ant family/Even living in container,I met the young,Some young eyes and desire,Because rural homes and certain home attribute,Was tired,Simply quit home side culture a,But there are some of the children said despair,Because he is in the city of such circumstances,Rural home is not going back,I have such experience.First to the provincial capital,To the provincial capital peripheral county pretty good also,Leave the county in the 30 rural how so,Then go in and want to rural worse,Suppose I is further children,Every year go home how back?How to come out?These problems are existing,We must as soon as possible so that such rural became as away from her and village,The rural environment better,Is staying in,At least he tears and our love will be less.
陈晓楠(知名主持人、凤凰卫视当家花旦): ChenXiaoNan(Famous host/The phoenix TV "):谢谢梁老师这份恳切,一代人逃离,我们希望能够看到一代人的回归。一席还记得,杨老师书里的那句话“如若不坚强,软弱给谁看呢”,我希望这些孩子能够有人帮助他们,关爱他们,谢谢所有的嘉宾,也感谢各位的倾听,谢谢大家!
Thank you teacher liang the sincere,Generation escape from,We hope to be able to see the return of a generation.A mat remember,Yang teacher book that sentence"If not strong,Weak to see who it",I hope the children can someone help them,Love they,Thank you for all the guests,Also thank you for listening,Thank you!
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