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导语: Guide language:2013年1月22日,由搜狐网、搜狐教育频道联合主办的“向教育提问”搜狐教育年度盛典在北京隆重举行,这是一场属于教育的跨年思考。一直以来,教育改革、教育创新、教育公益的话题都是全社会关注的热门话题。搜狐教育频道作为国内最大的教育类新媒体之一,依托搜狐门户矩阵的力量,长期深耕教育行业,聚合了众多教育领域知名学者和公益人士,共同关注国内教育行业的现状、聚焦教育行业的前景,在搜狐教育年度盛典上,与会专家对这些话题给予了特别关注。 On January 22, 2013,The sohu net/Sohu education channel co-hosted"Education question to"Sohu education annual ceremony held in Beijing,This is a to belong to education across the years thinking.Has been,Education reform/Education innovation/The topic of public education is a hot topic in the whole society pay attention to.Sohu education channel as the nation's largest education class is one of the new media,Relying on the sohu portal matrix strength,Long-term subsoil education industry,Polymerization numerous well-known scholar in the field of education and public people,Common focus on the present situation of domestic education industry/Focusing on the prospect of education industry,In sohu education annual festival on,The experts to these topics given special attention.
]]]into"Education question to"2012 sohu education annual festival project

  圆桌论坛一:别让留守儿童留守又流泪” Round table BBS a:Don't let the left-behind children"Left-behind and tears"

  特邀主持: Guest host:

  陈晓楠 知名主持人、凤凰卫视当家花旦

ChenXiaoNan well-known host/The phoenix TV "

  论坛嘉宾: BBS guests:

  梁晓声 当代著名作家

LiangXiaoSheng famous contemporary writer

  毕淑敏 国家一级作家,心理医生

BiShuMin national level of writer,Psychological doctor

  于 丹 著名文化学者,北京师范大学教授

Yu qiuyu is a famous scholar,Professor of Beijing normal university

  邓 飞 “中国贫困山区小学生免费午餐”发起人

Teng fly "China's impoverished mountainous area students free lunch"the

  杨元松 贵州省安龙县万峰湖镇毛草坪小学语文教师,《中国留守儿童日记》作者

YangYuanSong AnLong county in guizhou wanfeng lake town primary school Chinese teachers hair lawn,[China left-behind children diary]The author

  陈晓楠(知名主持人、凤凰卫视当家花旦): ChenXiaoNan(Famous host/The phoenix TV "):大家下午好,非常荣幸参加“向教育提问”2012搜狐教育年度盛典,并参与主持本场以《别让留守儿童“留守又流泪”》为主题的圆桌论坛。我们都知道对教育的问号不是第一次出现我们头脑和视野中,这些问号也不是立竿见影、马上就能找到特别响亮、简单、明晰的答案,“向教育提问”的努力就是在一次次追问、质询中,让我们离“教育”两个字的真正含义更近一些。

Good afternoon,Very honored to attend"Education question to"2012 sohu education annual festival,And participate in the host to[Don't let the left-behind children"Left-behind and tears"]As the theme of the round table BBS.We all know that education to the question mark is not the first time in our mind and field of vision,The question is not immediate/'ll be able to find the special loud and clear/simple/Clear answer,"Education question to"Effort is to ask in time/Inquiry in,Let us away from"education"Two words closer to the true meaning of some.


today,We will return to a group of special children,In China also have so many special children,They came home without their parents on the end of the hot food hot meal,Every year or every few years has a long period of time and say goodbye to my parents,They took the hand of my grandparents grew up,Some children grow up alone,This group of children accounted for 28% of rural children,Account for 4% of all children,This is a very large group.On them,We see the guardian caused by the absence of potential safety problems/Familiy triggered concerns about the personality.In this,Want to talk about the children their joy and worry/Their strong and confused,Really forgotten in the corner,Lonely child survival of rural China in the future/Chinese society will bring what future prospects.


Left-behind children belong to us this time fresh nouns,Behind this noun is very vulnerable,Some very sour life status,Today we invited to guests have left-behind children teacher/Yu-wei left-behind children do a lot of things people public welfare/Also pay attention to this group of educators and experts.


First ask miss Yang,You out of the[China left-behind children diary]Give me a special deep impression,A child said"To be proud of me today is ten years old birthday really was","New Year's day is not for New Year's money,But because his father will come back","If not strong/Weak to see who"……So many children to the description of life/To the parents to write letter,All is so sincere simple moving,In your eyes,This is how a group of children?


 杨元松(贵州省安龙县万峰湖镇毛草坪小学语文教师、《中国留守儿童日记》作者): YangYuanSong(AnLong county in guizhou wanfeng lake town primary school Chinese teachers hair lawn/[China left-behind children diary]The author):我眼中的留守儿童跟平常看到的一些报道中的确实有很大区别,提到留守儿童,可能大家心中都会想到,这群孩子缺少亲情,他们的父母背井离乡打工在外,也是因为受教育程度不高、致富能力不强,所以才导致他们在家中无法生存,只好出去打工,现实决定不能把这些孩子带走,只能把他们留给爷爷奶奶、甚至让孩子在家中独自寂寞成长。

My sight of left-behind children with normal see some reports of do have very big distinction,Mentioned left-behind children,May be you can think of in the heart,This group of children lack of affection,Their parents work from outside,Also because of by the education level is not high/Rich ability is not strong,So just cause they can't live in the home,Have to go out to work,Real decision can't take the children away,Can only put them to grandpa's grandmother/Even let the children at home alone lonely growth.


但是我眼中的留守儿童,我认为他们并不是一群可怜虫,从他们的日记中确实透露着很多的辛酸,但更多的是坚强。 But my eyes of left-behind children,I think they are not a group of poor,From their diary did reveal that a lot of bitterness,But more is strong.比如早上天不亮就起床,并为爷爷奶奶把早餐做好,天刚亮就出发步行到学校。放学回家还要把弟弟妹妹照顾好,再砍柴做饭,全部收拾完准备妥当后,才能写作业。

Such as the morning get up before dawn,And for the breakfast to grandma and grandpa,Day was just breaking start to walk to school.Come home from school and take good care of the brother and sister,To cook your,After all pack up your ready,To be able to write the homework.在孩子的日记当中体现着意想不到的坚强,他们认为“谁力气更大、谁跑的更快、谁背的水多、谁付出更多”是值得骄傲的。 In the child's diary reflect attempts of unexpected strong,They think"Who more strength/Who runs faster/Who back much water/Who pay more"Is to be proud of.所以我看到这些都震撼了,有些孩子因为家里贫穷,爸爸妈妈很辛苦出去打工,我们要争气不要让他们失落。我看到这些日记,这是十一二岁孩子能想到、做到的吗?我不敢相信,后来家访发现这些孩子居然自己种庄稼、照顾年老的爷爷奶奶。

So I see all the shock,Some children because of poor house,Mom and dad is very hard work out,We will try to make a good showing don't let them lose.I see these diary,This is his preteens children can think/Do??I can't believe,Later the family visit found that these children are incredibly their crops/Take care of the old grandpa's grandmother.


I edit the book hope city children can learn left-behind children independent/strong/brave,Let more people pay attention to this group,Also hope that this spirit throughout the motherland,Give more age child bring spiritual wealth.


陈晓楠(知名主持人、凤凰卫视当家花旦): ChenXiaoNan(Famous host/The phoenix TV "):杨老师离孩子非常近,对孩子的生活也是了解最深的。接下来,我想问问邓飞,你参与发起“免费午餐”、“儿童大病医保”等关于留守儿童公益的项目,您离孩子也有非常近的时候,您认为,这个群体目前最亟待解决、最令人担忧的是什么问题?

Miss Yang is very close from children,For the life of the child is also understand the deepest.The next,I want to ask DengFei,You have initiated"Free lunch"/"Children serious illness medical insurance"And so on about the left-behind children public welfare projects,You away from children have very close,Do you think,This group at present the most need to be solved urgently/The most worrying what's the problem?


邓飞(“中国贫困山区小学生免费午餐”发起人): DengFei("China's impoverished mountainous area students free lunch"the):我觉得留守儿童每天都在出现,首先就是饥饿,所以我们发起“免费午餐”;后来生病,家里没有钱救治,小病拖大病,到大病只能残疾、或者死亡,所以我们发起“大病医保”;现在到冬天我们发现孩子走很远的路去上学,他们没有校车、没有冬衣,看他们手和脸都有很厉害的冻疮,所以我们给他们筹集冬衣。看到他们连一双棉鞋都没有,我们又参与发起“给孩子送双运动鞋”活动。

I think left-behind children every day in there,The first one is hungry,So we launched"Free lunch";Then ill,Home have no money to cure,Ailment pulls a serious illness,To a serious illness can only be disabled/Or death,So we launched"Serious illness medical insurance";Now in the winter we found the child go a long way to go to school,They have no school bus/No winter coat,Look at their hands and face are very fierce frostbite,So we give them raise winter clothes.See them even a pair of cotton shoes all have no,And we have initiated"Give children send pair of sneakers"activities.


They found that all aspects of the problem,The children's parents is not beside,Have a very hard life,They may even one day need five or six hours on the road,In China's mountainous area don't know what happened in China.我希望能跟所有与乡村儿童相关的项目全部团结起来,例如送鞋、心理辅导、图书室等,形成合力,更多、更全面帮助他们。 I hope I can with all relevant project and rural children all together,Such as send shoes/Psychological counseling/Library, etc,To form the joint effort,more/A more comprehensive to help them.


陈晓楠(知名主持人、凤凰卫视当家花旦): ChenXiaoNan(Famous host/The phoenix TV "):这种缺失从一餐饭,到医疗保障、到一双鞋、到与自己父母的联络,这群孩子有太多方面可能都是在缺失中。

The missing from a meal,To medical security/To a pair of shoes/To contact with their parents,This group of children have too many aspects may be in the absence.


 邓飞(“中国贫困山区小学生免费午餐”发起人): DengFei("China's impoverished mountainous area students free lunch"the):对,我们一直认为有两个中国,一个在城里可能比欧洲还要富裕,还有一个在农村,可能比非洲还要贫困。

to,We always think there are two Chinese,A in the city than Europe may also rich,There is a in the countryside,Perhaps more than Africa and poverty.
