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四川省出台新规 “见义勇为英雄”高考可加20分--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  日前,省(四川省)政府办公厅发布了《关于加强见义勇为人员权益保护工作的实施意见》,该意见由省综治办、民政厅、省委宣传部等部门制定,提出将解决见义勇为人员基本生活、医疗、就业、教育、住房等方面的实际困难。 a,province(Sichuan province)The government office released[On strengthening the protection of the rights of the heroic staff work implementation opinion],The comments by the province ZongZhiBan/Bureau of civil affairs/Provincial party committee propaganda department and other departments formulate,Put forward the main solve personnel basic life/medical/employment/education/The housing of practical difficulties.

  其中,意见中提出,将加大对适龄见义勇为人员或其子女受教育的保障力度。见义勇为死亡或致残人员子女进入公办幼儿园就读,应予以优先接收。见义勇为死亡或致1—4级残疾人员的子女,中考时按当地普通高中录取最低控制线5%的标准,降低分数录取。在普通高校招生录取中,对县(市、区)人民政府表彰的“见义勇为公民”考生加10分;市(州)人民政府表彰的“见义勇为勇士”考生加15分;省人民政府表彰的“见义勇为英雄”考生加20分;对见义勇为死亡或致残人员子女在同等条件下优先录取,对见义勇为死亡被评定为烈士的,其子女加20分。家庭经济困难在校就读的见义勇为人员或其子女,其就读学校要根据教育资助政策有关规定,优先给予资助。(记者胡佳丽 实习生梁小雨)

the,Opinions put forward in,Will strengthen the school-age never hesitated to personnel or their children by education security efforts.Heroic death or disability personnel children into the public kindergarten attend,Should be preferred receiving.Heroic death or send 1-4 level disabled personnel children,Tests in the local high school admission minimum line to the standard 5%,Mark down admission.In ordinary universities in the enrollment,To the county(city/area)The people's government of recognition"Never hesitated to citizens"Candidates add 10 points;city(state)The people's government of recognition"Men never hesitated to"Candidates added 15 points;Recognition of the provincial people's government"Heroic hero"Candidates and twenty points;Heroic death or disability of children personnel under the same conditions preferential admit,Heroic death was judged "to the martyrs,The children add twenty points.Family economic difficulties in the school main personnel or their children,In the school education funding according to the relevant provisions of the policy,Priority to give aid.(Reporter HuJiaLi LiangXiaoYu interns)
