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导语: Guide language:2013年1月22日,由搜狐网、搜狐教育频道联合主办的“向教育提问”搜狐教育年度盛典在北京隆重举行,这是一场属于教育的跨年思考。一直以来,教育改革、教育创新、教育公益的话题都是全社会关注的热门话题。搜狐教育频道作为国内最大的教育类新媒体之一,依托搜狐门户矩阵的力量,长期深耕教育行业,聚合了众多教育领域知名学者和公益人士,共同关注国内教育行业的现状、聚焦教育行业的前景,在搜狐教育年度盛典上,与会专家对这些话题给予了特别关注。以下为盛典上对嘉宾专访实录。 On January 22, 2013,The sohu net/Sohu education channel co-hosted"Education question to"Sohu education annual ceremony held in Beijing,This is a to belong to education across the years thinking.Has been,Education reform/Education innovation/The topic of public education is a hot topic in the whole society pay attention to.Sohu education channel as the nation's largest education class is one of the new media,Relying on the sohu portal matrix strength,Long-term subsoil education industry,Polymerization numerous well-known scholar in the field of education and public people,Common focus on the present situation of domestic education industry/Focusing on the prospect of education industry,In sohu education annual festival on,The experts to these topics given special attention.The following is the grand ceremony for guests interview memoir.
]]]into"Education question to"2012 sohu education annual festival project


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您是如何理解课外辅导行业的领军品牌的?您觉得领军品牌应该具备哪些素质?

How do you understand extracurricular counseling industry leading brand?Do you think what quality leading brand should have?


唐俊膺(卓越教育高级副总裁): TangJun st(Outstanding education senior vice President):首先在这个行业里面应该有社会责任感。因为教育无论从哪个角度来说,首先是一种社会的责任,能够真正把教育的意义落实到学校的运营模式之中。第二,我认为他需要有足够的影响力。即使你有很好的教育理念、很好的教育方法,但是如果你不能把理念和方法大面积的传播,让更多人受惠,这种价值不大。所以我觉得做教育者首先是一个布道者,布道者就是把他认为好的方法让更多人接受和受惠,这是我们作为一个布道者的角色。第三,我们认为需要创新。任何一个行业的发展都需要不断创新去改变和推动这个行业的发展。作为领军品牌,在创新方面是责无旁贷的。他需要一些新的思想理念去推动整个行业去发展。

First in the industry it should have a sense of social responsibility.Because education no matter from which point of view,The first is a kind of social responsibility,Can the real education significance to carry out the operation mode of the school.The second,I think he needs to have enough influence.Even if you have a good education concept/A good education method,But if you can't put the idea and method of the spread of large area,Let more people benefit,This value is not.So I think do educators first is a preachers,Preachers is to think good way to let more people to accept and benefit,This is we as a preachers role.The third,We think that the need for innovation.Any industry development needs constant innovation to change and promote the development of this industry.As a leading brand,In the innovation is indispensable.He needs some new idea to promote the industry to develop.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:过去这一年里,您觉得这个行业里有什么新的动态吗?您自己本身的行业感受是什么?

The past year,Do you think this industry what new dynamic?Your own industry feeling is???????


唐俊膺(卓越教育高级副总裁): TangJun st(Outstanding education senior vice President):我想用两个关键词去形容过去一年里的行业变化。第一,理性回归。课外辅导行业已经发展了很多年,黄金时间是从2002年到2012年。第十年,我们看得到这个行业到了12年有一个很明显的回落,在增长速度方面。包括了去年有一部分央视级的媒体和各地媒体对我们行业的追问和反思。所以我觉得让所有我们的家长和学生,也就是我们俗称的顾客重新客观评价我们这个行业。也让我们的从业者认真反思我们这个行业是不是有很多地方是做的不足的。这是理性回归的一个过程。

I want to use two key words to describe the past year industry change.The first,Rational return.Extracurricular counseling industry has been developed for many years,Golden time from 2002 to 2012.The first ten years,We can see the industry to 12 years there is a very significant fall,In the growth speed.Including the part last year CCTV level media and media on our industry all over the questioning and reflection.So I think that all our parents and students,Is what we commonly known as the customer to objectively evaluate our industry.Also let our practitioners seriously reflect on our industry is there a lot of place is insufficient to do.This is the rational regression of a process.


The second key words is industry reshuffle.Any a growth industry,There is a peak time,The competition will become more and more fierce.In the white-hot degree,This process will enter a shuffle stage.I often say,In the past ten years we are in a time of spring and autumn.After 5 years we will face a ZhengGuo era.Spring and autumn period is a and up,The warring states only seven male hegemony,This is what we feel in 2012, one of the biggest change.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:急于对2012年的判断,您觉得2013年的行业可能会有什么趋势?

In 2012 to judgment,You like the 2013 industry may have what trend?


唐俊膺(卓越教育高级副总裁): TangJun st(Outstanding education senior vice President):第一,肯定是竞争会越来越激烈。这个行业的门槛会越来越高。这个行业的门槛高会导致一个没有特色,或者一个规模不大的企业生存空间会越来越小。整个行业会重新做一个整合的过程。必然会导致未来再过五年和十年之后,全国来看,行业大部分的份额会被几个有规模的巨头占据。这是我对未来的看法。

The first,Must be competition will be more and more fierce.The industry's threshold will be more and more high.The industry high threshold can cause an no features,Or a small enterprise survival space will be more and more small.The whole industry to do a integration process.Will lead to future another five years and ten years later,To see the,Industry most of the share will be several scale giant occupy.This is my opinion about the future.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:卓越在未来的战略是什么样?

Excellence in the future strategy is what kind of?


唐俊膺(卓越教育高级副总裁): TangJun st(Outstanding education senior vice President):卓越作为南方的一个创业品牌,我们未来一定要改善发展的潮流。我们希望卓越在未来三五年之内能成为全国的行业品牌。而能够让在这次一个大的整合的过程中立于不败之地。

As one of the outstanding business brand,We must improve the future development trend.We hope that in the future five years excellence can become the industry brand.And to make in this a big integration process in an invincible position.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您对中国教育未来有什么期许?

You to China's education what kind of future expectations?


唐俊膺(卓越教育高级副总裁): TangJun st(Outstanding education senior vice President):从我们课外辅导行业的角度来看,我希望是我们能够真正找出有效的方法,能提升学生的学习能力。而且能够在做到产业制学校或者公办体制里面不能完成的一些,包括品牌的教育、包括人生观价值的塑造,真正培养他们学习兴趣、培养他们学习能力,在这方面做一个探索。

From our after-school tutoring industry's point of view,I hope we can truly find effective methods,Can improve students' learning ability.And to do it industry school or public system can not be completed in some,Including brand of education/Including the outlook on life value of the model,Really cultivate their interest in learning/Cultivate their ability to learn,In this respect to do a search.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:在经历了信任危机和扩张之后,您觉得什么样的机构在以后会活的更好?

After a crisis of confidence and after expansion,Do you think what kind of institutions in the future will live better?


唐俊膺(卓越教育高级副总裁): TangJun st(Outstanding education senior vice President):我觉得未来能活的更好的关键,第一是要有一个正确的教育理念和价值观,这是毋庸置疑的。其次,具体操作方面,第一个是要有能力保证教学品质的稳定性。第二是能够有足够强的可复制性。第三,人才培养体系的完善。一直有人说这个行业是人才竞争的行业。但从再深一步的角度去思考,我觉得这个行业不单单是人才竞争的行业,更重要的是人才培养体系竞争的行业。最后比拼的一定是哪个企业人才培养体系更有效和更完善,这是未来竞争的趋势。这是一个效率比拼的结果。我们可以设想,八年、十年之后,几个大的品牌大都可能做的品质不会相差太远的时候。最后可能我们比拼的是效率。这个效益是谁的人均平效产出比会更高的话,在这个行业里面可能会占据更多的优势。

I think the future can live better key,The first is to have a correct education ideas and values,This is beyond doubt.secondly,The operation of the,The first one is to have the ability to ensure the stability of the quality of teaching.The second is to have enough strong replicability.The third,The improvement of the talent cultivation system.There is always someone said the industry is the industry talent competition.But from a deeper step Angle to think about,I think this industry not only is the talent competition of industry,More important is talent cultivation system of industry competition.The last of the competition must be which enterprise talent cultivation system more effective and more perfect,This is the trend of the future competition.This is a efficiency than the results.We can imagine,Eight years/Ten years after,Several big brand mostly possible quality are not too far when.We might end up competition is efficiency.This benefit is who's per capita output will be higher than flat effect words,In this industry inside may have more advantages.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:这四个方面来看,卓越现在做到什么程度了?

These four aspects to see,Outstanding now do what degree?


唐俊膺(卓越教育高级副总裁): TangJun st(Outstanding education senior vice President):我们现在最关键是想构建有效的人才培养机制。这个人才培养机制会决定我们的可复制性和我们教学的稳定品质。这是关键的。在这基础上,我相信未来的效率的比拼迟一点会在五年、八年之后才会真正体现出来。但是现在我们要从架构的体系上、管理体系上、IT布局上去布局这些东西,提高长远的竞争力。

We are now the most critical is to construct the effective mechanism of talents training.The mechanism of talents training will decide our replicability and the stability of our teaching quality.This is the key.On this basis,I believe that the future of the efficiency of the later competition in five years/Eight years later will become evident.But now we must from the structure of the system/Management system/IT layouts layout these things,Increase long-term competitiveness.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:感谢唐总的分享。谢谢。

Thanks to tang total share.thank you.


唐俊膺(卓越教育高级副总裁): TangJun st(Outstanding education senior vice President):谢谢。

thank you.
