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二、“理想过渡”:进行资源的平稳转移 two/"Ideal transition":For the smooth transfer of resources
刘畅(搜狐教育特约记者): liu(Sohu education stringer):不能否认外来人口对北京城市发展也做出了巨大的贡献,您刚才提到权利与义务的问题,他们完成了义务,追求一些权利,您觉得该如何来分配?
Can't deny foreign population of Beijing urban development have also made great contribution,You have just mentioned the problem of rights and obligations,They finished the obligation,Pursue some rights,Do you think this how to allocate?
周先生(京籍家长): Mr Zhou(Beijing by parents):首先需要说明,如果是在北京长大的孩子,小学、中学都在这儿上了,我认为符合一定条件应该是可以参加高考的。但是政策上应该有个过渡,以达到的最大限度的公平。一个突然出现的政策,能够享受到的一定极少人。后续的人口的涌入就会促使门槛继续向上浮动,会产生新的不公平。怎么解决呢?就是过渡期加速解决中央直属院校的全国均衡问题,然后地方院校根据情况开设,到重点院校相对较均衡的情况下再开放政策,这个时候社会风险和教育风险是降到最低的。
First of all need to explain,If children grew up in Beijing,Elementary school/In the middle school here,I think that accord with certain conditions should be able to participate in the college entrance examination.But policy should have a transition,In order to achieve the maximum fair.A sudden emergence of policy,To enjoy a few people.The follow-up of the population into will continue up the threshold to float,Will produce new unfair.How to solve??The transition is accelerated to solve the national colleges and universities directly under the central government balance problems,Then the local colleges and universities set up according to the circumstances,The key colleges and universities is relatively balanced situation to the open policy,This time the social risk and education to minimize the risk is.
刘畅(搜狐教育特约记者): liu(Sohu education stringer):您对教育的研究是从什么时候开始的?
You to education research from what when begin?
周先生(京籍家长): Mr Zhou(Beijing by parents):我看了张教授统一高考、统一录取的政策主张,绝对是错误的。从理论上说,绝对的公平是绝对的不公平。
I see the professor zhang unified college entrance examination/Unified admission policy proposals,Is absolutely wrong.In theory,Absolute fairness is absolutely not fair.
I just said to colleges and universities directly under the central government,Places in the transfer process resolute can't do absolute balance,why?Colleges and universities directly under the central government is actually the central financial appropriation and local appropriation,Beijing tsinghua Beijing university funding to support is quite strong,Put in a lot of sacrifice.So according to the population distribution is fair??Of course not fair.If not family planning more population,Family planning but less population.
At present the current college entrance examination policy must have its problem,But why cancel the unified national college entrance examination,You can thinking about.Not like some people say take care of Beijing or developed areas,But to ensure that all the areas of children,There are relatively more chance to go to college.Because the national education resources/Horizontal extreme imbalance,Take a piece of examination paper with how can do it fair?So the absolute fairness is absolutely not fair.
So colleges and universities directly under the central government must maintain the relative balance,Local colleges and universities according to the proportion to increase,First of all ensure that local students,Second part out of resources according to the provinces of sacrifice and contribution to the provincial enrollment factors.So what's the good of it?To urge populous provinces control population,Supervise the education input low area increasing investment,Building university/, building.Through the central and local transition,Resources relative balance,Don't open also opened,As food is to eat the same food stamp is useless.
刘畅(搜狐教育特约记者): liu(Sohu education stringer):您觉得这个过程需要多长时间?
Do you think how long does it take to this process?
周先生(京籍家长): Mr Zhou(Beijing by parents):中央的均衡应该在十年之内就能基本上达到,地方院校的部分则要督促各地方做到最简单的两点:少生孩子,多建大学。
The balance should be in ten years can basically achieve,Part of the local colleges and universities is to urge the place to do the most simple two points:Have fewer children,Building university.
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