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  三、残酷现实:对孩子说声对不起 three/Cruel reality:Say sorry to the child


刘畅(搜狐教育特约记者): liu(Sohu education stringer):您的观点对我来说也是一个启发,再问最后一个话题,目前有一个很现实的问题:这些三年以来在北京读高中的高三孩子,北京政策出来以后,他们感觉无望,现在要回老家也晚了,不得不复读了。这样一批孩子人数比较少,但是他们面对的痛苦非常近,对这种情况您有何看法?

Your opinion for me is also an inspiration,Ask the last topic,There is a very real problem:These three years of high school in Beijing three children,Beijing policy come out later,They feel hopeless,Now to go home too late,Had to answer read a.Such a group of children less number,But they face the pain is very near,In this case you have any comment?


周先生(京籍家长): Mr Zhou(Beijing by parents):需要说明,我对这些外来的孩子相对比较同情,但是我对他们的父母是有意见的。为什么呢?因为不能在北京参加高考的政策并不是现在才公布的,而是人所共知的,他们的父母让孩子在北京借读高中的目的是什么?如果是赌一把,那就应该愿赌服输。如果在北京借读高中是为了毕业后出国,那就很抱歉,非常抱歉。我对孩子比较理解,我也是有孩子的人,但是家长非常不负责任,他们可以争取利益,可以上访甚至走法律途径,但是不能把孩子推到一个有着非常严重后果的位置上,是非常不对的。

Need to explain,I to these foreign children is relatively sympathy,But I'm their parents is a opinion.why?Because we can not in Beijing to participate in college entrance examination's policy is not released until now,But well known,Their parents let children in Beijing what is the purpose of unwelcome high school?If it is a bet,It should be willing to bet grapes.If high school in Beijing unwelcome to go abroad after graduation,Then I'm sorry,Very sorry.I compare to the child to understand,I also have the child,But parents very irresponsible,They can interests,Can appeal and even go legal way,But can not push to the child with a very serious consequences position,It is very wrong.


刘畅(搜狐教育特约记者): liu(Sohu education stringer):请问您如何看待父母在北京工作,而孩子留守老家的现象?因为我采访过很多异地的家长,把孩子接到北京最主要的原因是不愿意跟孩子分开,您觉得这个是否属于人之常情?

Excuse me, how do you think parents work in Beijing,And children staying home phenomenon?Because I have interviewed many different parents,The child to Beijing, the main reason is due to don't want to separate with children,You think this is belong to human nature?


周先生(京籍家长): Mr Zhou(Beijing by parents):应该属于人之常情,但是有一个需要考虑的问题是什么呢?每一个家庭都有自己的整体安排,所有来到北京的高端人口、中低端人口都会产生这个问题。我们在解决的时候,是不是都能解决呢?不能解决,我们只能解决1%,对于来到北京的中低端人口就解决不了,所以很抱歉。

Should belong to human nature,But there is a need to consider what's the problem?Every family has its own overall arrangement,All came to Beijing's high population/ZhongDiDuan population will have this problem.In our work,Whether can solve it?Cannot solve,We can only solve 1%,To come to Beijing ZhongDiDuan population will not solve,So I'm sorry.


刘畅(搜狐教育特约记者): liu(Sohu education stringer):您的观点还是认为要真正实现公平,还是应该按照教育的资源平衡来做一个漫长的调整,牺牲一部分人的利益,更大部分人的利益才能相对得到保障。

Your opinion or think to really realize fair,Should be in accordance with the education resource balance to do a long adjustment,Sacrifice part of the interests of the people,Most of the people more to the interests of the relative to obtain the safeguard.


周先生(京籍家长): Mr Zhou(Beijing by parents):要公平化,首先要正确全面的看待这个事情。我相信你们都是有正义感的,但是目前应该继续向中西部大幅度倾斜教育资源,同时要求中西部计划生育,同时本地政府要多投入,这才是根本的问题。

To fair,We must first correct overall look at the things.I believe you have a sense of justice,But it should continue to be greatly to the Midwest tilt education resources,At the same time, the requirements of family planning,At the same time, the local government should put more,This is the fundamental problem.
