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To different places on the issue of college entrance examination,The parents by Mr Zhou is a very gentle attitude,But stand firm opponents.
The 30 s computer engineer,The father of the child is one year old.He browse micro bo on different college entrance examination topic,Occasionally to participate in some debate,But never had a violent words.In order to show that position,He studied some education policy and data,And the author puts forward his own understanding.
The ordinary Beijing residents,Think Beijing let go of different college entrance examination policy and can't solve most of the SuiQian children learning problems,And the unified national college entrance examination papers will cause"Absolutely not fair",He hope that from"More long-term point of view"Solve the education resources of inequality.
When it comes to those who has three but unable to Beijing to attend the university entrance exam is not the child record,The father's a good deal,Said a voice"I'm sorry".
一、 博弈平衡:人口流动带来的倾斜 a/ Game balance:Population flow brings tilt
刘畅(搜狐教育特约记者): liu(Sohu education stringer):北京跟其他城市不太一样,需要非常漫长的努力才能看到结果。我本身作为一个北京人,内心也挺矛盾的。
Beijing and other cities are different,Need a very long to see the results.I itself as a beijinger,The heart is also very contradictory.
周先生(京籍家长): Mr Zhou(Beijing by parents):这个事儿要按两方面说,一是利益,一是公平。
This thing by two ways,One is the interest,A is equal to.
Our country is now in fact there are two concepts,The first is the population output and population input fields of the population flow,In the policy to adjust measures to local conditions.A lot of population output form the society/economic/Education empty phenomenon.While the population of input fields if a vicious circle,Will back the heavy burden,The loss of core competitiveness.I understand,Compulsory education stage is by the central government and local governments according to census register proportional allocation.Previous National People's Congress and government officials are calling for a,According to the real population flow status,Put the money on distribution.Such as population flow to north wide area,So education funding into north wide area.But very regretful,Now the financial transfer payment system is not perfect.
Some people are willing to output population outflow.Such as jiangxi,College entrance examination 380000 students have,Last year only 260000,Compulsory education stage and funds and no less take a penny.Beijing as a population input fields,In addition to silver bullet other interests basically all released,Have got into serious trouble.
Beijing is now the Beijing household register students have 419000 people,And the proportion is rising year by year,This is a question.Policy should guide the balanced development,If people continue to gather up wide,No matter whether the population output or input fields,Will be disastrous consequences.
In fact the heilongjiang/chongqing/Jiangsu college entrance examination policy relatively open,And north wide policy tightening,I think that is not contradictory.Because of the need to guide the population return,Let the national population flow gradually to relative balance.Population migration should be free,Two-way flow:The agricultural population to cities can settle,The urban population can also use to rural land and agricultural resources.
刘畅(搜狐教育特约记者): liu(Sohu education stringer):现在的这种单向流动的根源,您觉得最主要的是?
It's the root of unidirectional flow,Do you think the most main is?
周先生(京籍家长): Mr Zhou(Beijing by parents):一是资源,二是利益。我说资源指什么?创造价值的机会。利益指什么?我享受既得优势的机会。
One is the resources,The second is interest.I said resources refer to?Opportunities to create value.What interests?I enjoy have advantage of the opportunity.
Different college entrance examination policy,The threshold of the heilongjiang province is low,Meet the conditions of the less than two hundred people;Chongqing announced when different college entrance examination that ratio is 1%,Let the local parents at ease;Anhui is in one over one thousand to two over one thousand or so.Even if the north wide open different college entrance examination,Sure is also a higher threshold.So can enjoy different places of the proportion of the college entrance examination is very little,There is no doubt that the floating population is the high-end group.Different college entrance examination can't solve the problem of floating population education fair.
Beijing is now a lot of people are not willing to face is,In fact Beijing has different college entrance examination,And has been implemented for years.The National People's Congress with children,From more than one hundred people,Increased to nearly six hundred people,From all over the country's ethnic minority children.I saw the National People's Congress with recruit students general rules,According to the regional ethnic minority children's performance,Selection pointed to Beijing,This recruit students thinking is totally wrong.why?Who is the need to take care of the group?If there are twenty children admitted to a university in 211,Six hundred children accounted for Beijing ten thousand ordinary candidates on the number of key university.
The first,Beijing to take care of the need to take care of people,The second to take care of the people who have contributed,The third take care of the local talent introduction,This makes Beijing local children, in fact, already very small space.If Beijing children are protected flowers,This is not correct.
If the floating population in Beijing to enjoy the interests of Beijing,I think the first Beijing needs to pay some,The central government also need to continue to strengthen,The third population output household interests need to be transferred to the input fields.Not everyone together to eat a piece of Shared the cake,But to take the cake bigger.
Someone said that the development of Beijing so rapidly,How to balance the population relationship?Simply let go of policy,According to the market way to solve.But if the solution to the market,That is the social Darwin's rule,Natural selection is the law of the jungle,ZhongDiDuan population will be banished,There is no doubt.
If Beijing adopted heilongjiang/The low threshold of chongqing open,It is likely to lead to disastrous consequences,Ordinary people to receive compulsory education opportunities will be compressed,House prices skyrocketing prices will be comprehensive,Education will bring more burden.So said north wide policy,Should be resources reasonable transfer smoothly,And cannot be continue to deteriorate.
Beijing education resources bonus is how?The first city in the country for education investment in the first,Second Beijing family planning implementation is very good.Do not deny the fact that Beijing, this locality census register population enjoy high quality teaching resources now has been diluted off,We can do the contribution of the floating population,But must be stated this is we make contribution.Beijing native by injustice is imposed,Because Beijing can not hold up against such a large population flow.I admit that this interest has unfair phenomenon,But how much is the real key to proportion.
I saw the foreign parents put forward some solutions,The Beijing first with the American New York than I think there is no reason.New York education spending accounts for more than 31% of financial planning,It is not accord with the situation of China.Then the scheme of high school education and college entrance examination as the obligation of the Beijing municipal government,This is unfounded,Because now high school and college entrance examination is not belong to compulsory education the conceptual category.
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