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  三:大势所趋:终有开放的那一天 three:The trend of The Times:There is the open end of the day


刘畅(搜狐教育特约记者): liu(Sohu education stringer):您的孩子是不是现在还没上小学呢?

Your children now? Haven't elementary school?


周先生(京籍家长): Mr Zhou(Beijing by parents):还没。



刘畅(搜狐教育特约记者): liu(Sohu education stringer):您现在也是一个孩子的父亲,换位思考一下,如果您是一个非京籍的家长,这个时候您的孩子上初中,您会选择让孩子回去,还是让孩子继续在北京读到高中?

You now also is a child's father,Transposition thinking about,If you are a non Beijing's parents,This time your child top junior high school,You will choose to let the children go back,Or let the children continue to read high school in Beijing?


周先生(京籍家长): Mr Zhou(Beijing by parents):让孩子在北京读高中需要多少成本呢?如果我的家庭财力能够达到的话,我肯定会让孩子读。如果达不到,就退而求其次把孩子送到北京附近,比如河北的重点高中上学,然后再回北京。这个差异应该不大,高一高二保证学习质量,高三这一年让他回原籍适应半年,我觉得是足够的。

Let children read high school in Beijing? How much cost?If my family financial can achieve words,I'm sure I'll let the children to read.If can not reach,Will settle for second best, to send their child to kindergartens near Beijing,Such as hebei key high school to go to school,And then back to Beijing.The difference should not,Ensure a high quality of learning,Senior year this year let him back home to adapt to half a year,I think it is enough.


刘畅(搜狐教育特约记者): liu(Sohu education stringer):从人之常情的角度说,与孩子分离是每个父母都不愿意的。虽然对非京籍和京籍的家长来说,这是一个很残酷的问题,但这种沟通多一些,从长远来讲对国家教育的平衡是有好处的。

From the perspective of human nature,Separation from her children is every parents don't want to.Although in the Beijing and Beijing cadastral cadastral for parents,This is a very cruel question,But this kind of communication more,In the long run to the national education balance is good.


周先生(京籍家长): Mr Zhou(Beijing by parents):我们设想北京如果真的开放高考,后果是很严重的,老百姓包括外来人口在北京的生活将更加艰难,所以还是要依靠政府管理部门来解决教育的均衡。

We imagine Beijing if really open college entrance examination,Consequence is very serious,People including floating population in Beijing's life will be more difficult,So still want to rely on the government management department to solve the balance of education.


刘畅(搜狐教育特约记者): liu(Sohu education stringer):请您用一句话评价一下北京市教委年底出台的异地高考政策吧?

Please use a word comment on the Beijing municipal education commission issued by the end of the college entrance examination's foreign policy?


周先生(京籍家长): Mr Zhou(Beijing by parents):我相信开放一定是大趋势,目前的收紧也是符合因地制宜政策,以及其他人口输出地的低门槛政策,从全国总体局势来看是不矛盾的。相信以后随着资源均衡,开放的门槛应该是越来越低的。

I believe that open must be big trend,The tightening policy is in adjust measures to local conditions,And other population output low threshold policy,From the overall situation to see is not contradictory.Believe that later as resource equilibrium,Open the threshold should be more and more low.


刘畅(搜狐教育特约记者): liu(Sohu education stringer):最后,对这些目前处于非常艰难境地,无处可去的高三孩子说几句话?

finally,To these now in a very difficult situation,Nowhere to go the three children to say a few words?


周先生(京籍家长): Mr Zhou(Beijing by parents):第一,不要有怨恨的情绪,对自己将来发展会有一定影响。其次作为一个成年人,认识问题应该全面、客观,对自己的学习和考试要有提前安排,至少不能让自己走上绝路。争取利益是应当的,但是给自己提前安排也是十分必要的,我觉得这两者并不冲突。

The first,Don't have hate emotions,For their future development will have certain influence.Secondly as an adult,Issues should be comprehensive/objective,To their own learning and test have arranged in advance,At least I will not let myself to blind alley.Interests it,But to advance arrangement is very necessary,I think these two are not in conflict.


刘畅(搜狐教育特约记者): liu(Sohu education stringer):非常感谢您。

Thank you very much for your.


周先生(京籍家长): Mr Zhou(Beijing by parents):多说一点,我认为最重要的是异地高考政策千万不能引起高端人口对优势教育资源的抢占。从目前情况来看,要先把北京和上海的资源堵住,再去进行教育均衡。目前呼吁保护弱势群体,我认为独生子女就是弱势。如果将来北京真的要开放,我建议分配给独生子女,无论本地还是外来人口。

Speak a little more,I think the most important thing is different the university entrance exam policy must not cause high education resources advantage of the population of the stampede.From the current situation,Want to come to the Beijing and Shanghai resources obstruct,To go for education equilibrium.At present to protect vulnerable groups,I think the only child is weak.If the future Beijing really want to open,I suggest that assigned to only children,Whether local or foreign population.


刘畅(搜狐教育特约记者): liu(Sohu education stringer):这是北京市民的建议,非常感谢您。

This is Beijing citizens advice,Thank you very much for your.
