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90后大学毕业生自主创业 称“总比上班强”--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
中新社记者 陶拴科
China news agency reporter TaoShuanKe
Born in February 1990 WangTing,In urumqi has spell hit two years,8 from urumqi back to hometown gansu lingtai county rural Tours,To visit his parents.
See reporter,Her shy smile said:"Always feel xinjiang can adapt,But the home think it's too cold,A little not too habit."This is WangTing grow out of town for the first time to go home.The last two days,The temperature will drop slightly in gansu province,But in the countryside,Indoor and outdoor temperature difference is not big,The heating equipment basic is eroded.
WangTing after graduation,No farming experience nor experience the world outside,But for xinjiang's first impressed.In the conversation she constantly refer to xinjiang over the past few years the development of the economy and society/Local conditions and customs, etc.
WangTing July 2011 graduated from lanzhou institute of chemical one,After graduation she and her boyfriend west alone,Work in urumqi.Two people at first to a wenzhou businessmen watch shop,In October,WangTing and her boyfriend in the family and the help of the footwall second-hand store,The pearl river road in urumqi wholesale plastic products.
"Business very hard,But also very substantial,Time loose,I this year is the shop closed,Back a month,Do do his thing,Look at the family".WangTing said.
Business for more than a year,Although there is not much profit,But it's better than strong work.WangTing said:"Now the house price appreciation in urumqi year one price,But we still want to make their homes in urumqi,Slowly to earn money to buy a house,Then the parents fetch."
WangTing are the 90 new generation peasant workers,And parents is different,In their eyes,Although the house is not the ultimate goal,But they are more eager to parents in the city based on,In the city have a my own work and life.
For WangTing prospective husband's family for DaWa ceramic,He also agree with children's view.He said:"Although now living condition is much better than before,But many young people do not want to stay at home.My daughter married to the last year in shaanxi province".here,Ceramic DaWa looked up and watch the distance,Close and look forward to the said,"Estimated after two days the girl to come back the New Year,Come back every year".
This year WangTing and boyfriend home is ready to do marriage,So temporarily gave up business."In their hometown no bridal chamber,Just want to simple do a ceremony,Invite some relatives and best friends in town restaurant for dinner,Mind if the array."WangTing smiled and said.
Outside in the root,WangTing has gradually began to save money,In life are practise frugality."Every year outside can make 5-60000,Save some money to loan to buy a house to live in.As long as do a good job,We are not afraid of no development."She is very confident to say.
WangTing's family did not have a boy,She is the boss in the home,Below and a reading university's sister.WangTing said:"To make more money for the sister out of university,Let her in front of parents find a job."
Words WangTing sister between this words very disdain,With a cell phone while playing with micro letter,Today's rural children also accepted modern information,Their ideas and city residents has little difference,They are more hope and city residents to enjoy modern life as rich and colorful.(finish)
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