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吉佛·图利(Gever Tulley):“东敲西打探索训练营”的创始人,计算机科学家,一直关注儿童的成长和家庭教育对儿童性格养成的影响,他的训练营一直帮助孩子实现各种稀奇古怪的假期项目。
Auspicious Buddha · gain(Gever Tulley):"On the east west play explore training camp"founder,Computer scientists,Always pay attention to children's growth and family education on children's personality develop influence,He has been training camp to help children realize all kinds of strange holiday program.
Vacation is children happy period,Also parents nag period,"Dangerous place not to,Dangerous things not to do",Always have a similar QianDingNing all charged.Auspicious Buddha · is carried on children's holiday play have different opinions.Such as,Encourage children to do"Fifty a dangerous thing".
Auspicious Buddha · ends in that we live in this world,About children safety standards drawn up more and more strict,Such as required in the plastic bag printed on suffocating safety warning,Coffee cup with also"Prevent scalding liquid"Such warnings.For children under the age of ten,People seem to think that all things are dangerous.When we put all the Angle are grinding,Let all sharp objects are evaporated,The children but will be more easy to be injured.In fact from the speech extended out a topic:Excessive raising.Now even college students have become"fragile",In fact the life is to keep out,Such children tend to be timid/conservative/Lack of spirit of adventure,Is took mom can't fold up the chihuahua,The parents to dangerous excessive worry let children lose the fun of adventure.
所以,他推荐家长们让孩子去做五件危险的事情 so,He recommended parents let the child to do five a dangerous things
1/The first thing:Use fire.Fire is the most basic element in nature,Learn how to control it is every child goes through a process.This is the first time we really can control nature in one of the mysteries,To contact and experience to uncover these mysterious veil.
Through the play with fire,Children can learn about fire some of the most basic knowledge,On inlet and/combustion/Exhaust basic knowledge,This is the most basic fire three natural principle,Only master the basic knowledge,We can make better use of fire,They must be able to learn in the puzzle"Big explorer"Learnt from knowledge.
2/The second thing:Use a knife.A knife is the universe first universal tool,Can be with the shovel,Can when prize with the son,Can be used as a screwdriver,Of course,First, it is a dangerous edge.In many cultures,Babble children have a knife to play,Inuit children will knife cut whale oil,Some Chinese ethnic minorities also from the knife from the body.Children are very little can through the tools produce a kind of self drawing consciousness.You only need to set some very simple rules,If don't put the knife edge to your body,Keep the keenness of the sword,Don't put it powerful, etc.The rules are very easy to children understand and master.
but,The child or not will use small incised wound to his.Jim said Buddha · ends:My leg still keep be knife stabbed scar,But, after all, is a child,The wound soon healed.
3/The third thing: throwing spears game.Our brains naturally know how to throw,Research shows that practice throwing can stimulate the frontal and parietal lobe,It and visual sensitivity/3 d perception,And structural problem solving related,So it in training children imagine skills and ability to predict has an important significance.
Throwing is analytical skills and the combination of physical skills,For systemic exercise is very good.This has targeted activities for children concentration greatly.so,This is a very good activities.
4/The fourth thing:Disassemble appliances and old toys.Home is putting more accurately than the internal dishwasher is actually an interesting world.When you're ready to throw away an old when home appliance,Do be a hand,Remember and children together disassemble the old home appliance.Even if you knew nothing of these parts,But use your head,Think about what is the use of each parts,It is for children is very good exercise.
Through such training,The children can form such a consciousness,The internal structure of the machine is no matter how complicated,They can take it apart,They will be able to know the function of each parts from the start,Slowly made clear the principle of the whole machine.This is a kind of for intellectual/Perception of exercise,Can promote brain and practical ability,Satisfy curiosity,Can improve the ability of detecting the unknown.
5/The fifth thing:Adventure to break some rules and regulations.In addition to safety standards there are many laws,These laws and outside trying to limit our interaction between things.Such as digital media player is a good example:In the ITunes buy a song,The song into CD,Then put the CD on the computer to MP3,Again on the computer to play MP3……Such knock,Will is a kind of attempt,Of course,The consequences of doing so is that you may be breaking the copyright law.For children,This is an important lesson some law is not the people of the,These laws should be interpreted,People can know.
For those who don't want to violate the law of the people,Can take children to drive.This is a very important growth stage.In such a full of rules in the world,Should let children get a certain degree of freedom.Find a clearing,Ensure that no obstacle,Let the children enjoy the fun of driving.
For the child's free space all parents have different understanding,but,Trial and error is meaningful.Let children do dangerous things,This title seem inhumanity hurts,But the main idea of this speech is actually about safety.Children in the process of growing up will face various risks,But containment is unable to solve the problem,The right guidance is important and necessary.We have what is the definition of safety is becoming more and more severe,At the same time,We also cut off let the children get along with the outside world the precious opportunity.
Here are just five children to try to risk it,In fact in the book there is more,Such as should encourage grade two children to contact some electric tools, etc.this,There are many different views,In the video website TED and have a lot of interesting comment on,One of the father said:"……Taught the boy throw the javelin?Forget it,My son will throw at me,Or throw to the dog,Or toward the neighbor's house……",Also have parents complain:"About driving,My son if not steal my car keys,Then I thank god the,For for my son,Climb a tree,Don't go door to jump out of the window, it is not true……",The eyes of the parents"A naughty boy hyperactivity children"Have a lot of trouble,But can't indulge the.To China for parents,Want to vomit slot estimates will be more.These children don't encourage to do dangerous tried.
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