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选择多元化 冷门逐渐聚人气 小语种留学引力增强--亲稳舆论引导监测室
"Want to learn about the Swedish school,Such as KTH the royal Swedish institute of technology, etc."Preparing for the 2014 study abroad to xiao li will study abroad country of destination lock in northern Europe.He has made some related to understand,Such as Sweden university approved the toefl and the ielts scores;If during undergraduate course to exchange program to Sweden,The graduate student education stage to apply for study abroad will have more advantages.
The author of the study abroad intermediary organizations to know,As to the choice and xiao li minority language countries the number of study in recent years has been on the increase.Relevant experts to study abroad,In 2013,,The United States/British/Canada/Australia would still be hot study abroad countries,But the French/Italy/The Netherlands and other small language country popularity will soar.In addition,Singapore/Malaysia and other countries because bound obvious advantages,Environment suitable for,Choose the number of the students in these countries will also rise.
小语种国家留学升温 National minority language study in heating
"I like French,Has always wanted to study abroad in France,From freshman year to learn French."Student wang in France a school booth before advisory for a long time.This is the last October in Shanghai to China international exhibition on the scene.In wang seems to,The French tuition fees cheaper relative to that of the United States,And in France to read,To Europe for travel to other countries is also very convenient.Consulting the school is he very early favorite,The school of business is good,And he is professional to mouth,And as long as the study for two years,He is in the future employment earlier.
Along with the study of the hot temperature,Every year China a greatly small study shows more and more,The conference minority language countries sent squad is more and more powerful,The exhibition reflect the small language countries by more and more students/The favour of parents,Has become a focus of the media.
In the interview in intermediary services in the process,Many responsible for minority language countries for advisers said,This business is a rising trend.The personage inside course of study says,It shows that the study abroad market diversification trend.The next step,Study abroad family will need a lot of minority language country study abroad information.
三大优势赚人气 Three big advantage to make popularity
For the small language country suffers bestow favor on reason,Expert analysis thinks related to study abroad,With a large amount of foreign capital enterprise constantly to enter into China,To have the advantages of small language language graduates' employment is very favorable.This in a way will make Germany/France/Italy and the Netherlands and other European minority language country popularity soared.
In addition,Relative to the traditional and popular for study abroad countries,Minority language countries low cost to study abroad/Requirements of the low grade is also advantage,In order to make the small language study abroad countries rising number.
In some institutions responsible for minority language study abroad in kindness teacher accept media interviews that,Some European school student welfare conditions are good,The school teaching high gold content,Education of good quality,The living environment better,In the overseas employment or more opportunity,After returning from abroad is easy to recognize.
Some foreign university admissions representative China found,Today's students have in common:Selected after professional,Seek the professional the best country/The best school to read.This choice path and previous opposite,Before the first state/Professional after.now,The students study more made clear.this,A few small countries also languages from unpopular popular trend,In the choice of family study vision.
It is reported,The Netherlands/France/Switzerland/Italy and other countries have the characteristics of the talents of professional training,This is also an important factor to attract Chinese students.Such as,Swiss hotel management professional global famous;France/Italy's fashion design/Art related set a large number of fashion elite/Art scholars……
留学选择多元化 Study abroad choose diversification
Related experts say,In a small study language countries gradually white-headed behind,Is student's study is becoming more rational choice,More diversified.
indeed,With China's study abroad market development and maturity,Domestic students and parents' study concept also changed,From the previous study with more power/After school,According to individual demand gradually into a choice"Rational study".In this situation,Eurasian countries with diverse selectivity and high performance-price ratio/Language charm,Become more and more families choose domestic study.
China education international communication association deputy secretary-general of tile, when being interviewed by the media said:"Along with the opportunity to study abroad and the increase of the way,Chinese students to study abroad and no longer for study abroad,But pay more and more attention to their interests/Employment tendency and professional preferences,With a clear goal,To study the road planning and career development direction,Do have to have the destination to study abroad.This requires the overseas colleges and universities to adapt to this change,Introduce more suitable for Chinese students professional."
Related study abroad experts remind,A few small language country although free tuition,But the school graduation sill high,To the students' learning ability requirement is high.In addition,Some new study in the country to private university in the local reputation,But the record of formal schooling may not be approved by China's ministry of education.so,Parents and students before going abroad to study in the country to understand the basic situation,Then according to the student's own situation and the ability to choose carefully to study abroad.(XueZi)
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