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搜狐教育主持人许晓书(搜狐教育频道主编): Sohu education host Xu Xiaoshu(, editor-in-chief of sohu education channel):视频开头播放了很多民国的画面,民国时期为什么有这么多教育家,培养出这么多优秀的人才?是不是能完全诠释我们失去的大学精神?

Video play a lot of images of the republic of China,Why so many educators during the period of the republic of China,Cultivated so many excellent talents?Whether can we lost of university spirit fully?


罗崇敏(国家督学,云南省人民政府参事,前云南教育厅厅长): Luo Chongmin(State superintendent,Yunnan province people's government adviser,Former director of the yunnan province department of education):我到教育厅以后,也了解了当年西南联大的发展史,非常震撼。西南联大在云南留下一份宝贵的教育遗产,特别是大学精神的培育、传承和光大,它不仅是一种精神,还涉及到教育制度的设计问题、涉及到社会环境的建设问题、更涉及到我们大学老师本身的修养问题,就是这三个条件塑造了大学精神。

After I go to the department of education,Also understand that the history of the southwest,Was very impressive.In southwest yunnan a valuable education legacy,Especially in the cultivation of university spirit/Inheritance and everbright,It is not only a kind of spirit,Also involves the design of the system of education problem/Involves the construction of the social environment/Relates more to our university teacher own tutelage,University spirit is these three conditions.


When the Anti-Japanese War period,Southwest has such legendary/And it is shocking university spirit,why?I think about this question again and again.So we can get real university spirit,foster/Inheritance and everbright our university spirit,Or want to speed up the reform of education system,To speed up the mechanism of university/The reform of the system,This is the fundamental.In addition to further cultivate talented people/Respect for knowledge/Respect to create the social environment,Of course the most fundamental is to strengthen the cultivation of university teachers.


搜狐教育主持人许晓书(搜狐教育频道主编): Sohu education host Xu Xiaoshu(, editor-in-chief of sohu education channel):杨教授你认为改革的入口是什么?

Professor Yang what do you think is the reform of the entrance?


杨东平(21世纪教育研究院院长,北京理工大学教育研究院教授): Yang dongping(The 21st century education research institute,Beijing institute of technology professor of institute of education):以西南联大为代表的老大学历史,为什么今天特别令人怀念,因为那是从晚清到抗战,中国最危难的时期取得的中国近代教育的高峰。以西南联大为代表的一批大学,都已经建立现代大学制度,学术本位、学术自由、教授独立,这个制度也是来自西方,曾经在中国很有效地扎根生长了很多年,而且在今天的香港大学也成功得到体现。一个时期或者一个地区的人才荟萃、大师云集,是一定制度文明的结果,而不完全是所谓个人的努力,这个制度对今天的中国也仍然适用。

NaLian greatly on behalf of the old west of university history,Why today special miss,Because it is from late qing dynasty to Anti-Japanese War,China's crisis period of the summit of Chinese modern education.West of NaLian greatly on behalf of a group of university,Has been to establish modern university system,Academic standard/Academic freedom/Professor independent,This system is also from the west,Once very effectively root growth in China for many years,And also successful at the university of Hong Kong today.A period or a region's talents/Many masters,Is the result of certain institutional civilization,Not completely is the individual efforts,This system is also still apply to today's China.


储朝晖(中国教育科学研究院研究员): Store from zhaohui(China researcher at the institute of education science):我有话要说,大学精神不是靠传统的方法教育、培养的,每一个人内心当中都有对真理的向往。为什么现在大学精神丢失了呢?主要原因是长期以来把大学制度设置成行政管理体制。至于西南联大,我这里补充一个细节,根据我的统计,当时西南联大的教授里有国民党员近70人,民盟党员20人,共产党员20人,在西南联大里各种声音都可以发出来,让大家自由辨别。

I have something to say,University education spirit not by traditional method/To cultivate,Every heart has a passion for the truth.Why university spirit lost now?The main reason is that the university system is set for a long time administration system.As for the southwest of the general assembly,I added a detail here,According to my statistics,At the time of the professor of the national southwest associated university nearly 70 party members,Zanu-pf party 20 people,The communist party member 20 people,In the southwest sounds can be sent to,Let it be free.


搜狐教育主持人许晓书(搜狐教育频道主编): Sohu education host Xu Xiaoshu(, editor-in-chief of sohu education channel):我们回头来看,改革发展的困境是什么?请各位嘉宾告诉我们,最应该切入改革的是什么?

We look back to see,What is the plight of the reform and development?Distinguished guests, please tell us,What is the most should be cut into the reform?


罗崇敏(国家督学,云南省人民政府参事,前云南教育厅厅长): Luo Chongmin(State superintendent,Yunnan province people's government adviser,Former director of the yunnan province department of education):改革之路应该是民主、自由、依法、和谐的教育之路。

The road of reform should be a democracy/free/In accordance with the law/Road of the harmonious education.


杨东平(21世纪教育研究院院长,北京理工大学教育研究院教授): Yang dongping(The 21st century education research institute,Beijing institute of technology professor of institute of education):我想一个很重要的方面是促进高等教育多元化、多样化,这一两年有一批新的洋大学登陆,通过体制性的竞争促进中国高等学校制度的改革。

I think a very important aspect of higher education is to promote diversity/diversification,It landed a new batch of New York university for a year or two,Through systematic competition to promote the reform of the system of China's institutions of higher learning.


储朝晖(中国教育科学研究院研究员): Store from zhaohui(China researcher at the institute of education science):从外部来说,我们政府不要管那么多,大学就是大学,让他们自己管理;从内部来说,大学应该建立真正的“学人社团”,而不是成为官员官位的场地。

From the outside,,Our government don't tube so much,University is the university,Make their own management;From the inside,,University should set up the real"Our community",Not be the site of the official positions.


搜狐教育主持人许晓书(搜狐教育频道主编): Sohu education host Xu Xiaoshu(, editor-in-chief of sohu education channel):最后请大家一句话表达你们对大学的期望?

The last sentence, please express your expectation of the university?


罗崇敏(国家督学,云南省人民政府参事,前云南教育厅厅长): Luo Chongmin(State superintendent,Yunnan province people's government adviser,Former director of the yunnan province department of education):大学要培养富有自由之精神、独立之人格、创造之能力、大爱之情怀、幸福之生活的代代新人。

College should cultivate rich spirit of freedom/Independent personality/The creative ability/The feelings of great love/Happiness of life handed down from the couple.


杨东平(21世纪教育研究院院长,北京理工大学教育研究院教授): Yang dongping(The 21st century education research institute,Beijing institute of technology professor of institute of education):大学已经取代传统历史上的教会,被西方称之为世俗的教会,青年一代在这里不仅学习知识,而且学习人生的价值、意义、方向,大学应该成为社会文明的灯塔、社会文明的源泉。

In the history of the university has replaced the traditional church,Is called the secular church in the west,Younger generation not only learn knowledge in here,And learn the value of life/meaning/The direction,University should become a beacon of civilization/The source of social civilization.


甘相伟(从北大保安变为北大毕业生,《站着上北大》作者): Wei gan phase(Security into the Peking University graduate from Peking University,[Standing with Peking University]The author):我希望大学让每个受到高等教育人在这里找到自己的兴趣,发挥自己的想象力,实现自己心中的梦,实现个人价值,从而为更多人带来幸福、为社会带来贡献。

I hope that each in higher education at the university of people here to find your interests,Use your imagination,To achieve your dream in my heart,Realize personal value,So as to bring more people happy/Bring contribution to society.


储朝晖(中国教育科学研究院研究员): Store from zhaohui(China researcher at the institute of education science):希望大学成为大家可以追求正义的地方。

Want the university became known as a place to the pursuit of justice.


搜狐教育主持人许晓书(搜狐教育频道主编): Sohu education host Xu Xiaoshu(, editor-in-chief of sohu education channel):最后,“大学之大,在于大师之谓”,谢谢大家!

The last,"University of,Is called the master",Thank you for your attention!


搜狐教育盛典主持人马洪涛(中央电视台财经频道主持人): Sohu education ceremony presided over all thy people(CCTV financial channel host):谢谢晓书,谢谢各位嘉宾的精彩观点,我想这样一场对话可能让很多人的思绪回到100年前“新文华运动”,蔡元培先生提出的“兼容并包、百家争鸣”的办学方针,让中国教育有自由思想、民主精神、科学的理念,回望100年前,中国当代很多知识分子依然非常向往、留恋那个年代,但是向往和留恋没有用,我们需要新时代的变革,也许我们大学也需要百年之后的“新文化运动”,再次感谢各位嘉宾。

Thank you xiao book,Thank you all for the guest of wonderful views,I think such a dialogue may let many people mind back to 100 years ago"New mandarin movement",Mr. CAI yuanpei"and/Schools of thought contend"The school rules,Let China have free thought education/Democratic spirit/The concept of scientific,Look back 100 years ago,Chinese contemporary many intellectuals still very yearning/Would you want to be the s,But the yearning and regret is useless,We need the new changes of The Times,Maybe we have to be one hundred years after university"New culture movement",Thank you again for the guests.
