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    导语:     Guide language:2013年1月22日,由搜狐网、搜狐教育频道联合主办的“向教育提问”搜狐教育年度盛典在北京隆重举行,这是一场属于教育的跨年思考。一直以来,教育改革、教育创新、教育公益的话题都是全社会关注的热门话题。搜狐教育频道作为国内最大的教育类新媒体之一,依托搜狐门户矩阵的力量,长期深耕教育行业,聚合了众多教育领域知名学者和公益人士,共同关注国内教育行业的现状、聚焦教育行业的前景,在搜狐教育年度盛典上,与会专家对这些话题给予了特别关注。 On January 22, 2013,By sohu net/The auspices of the joint sohu education channel"Ask the education"Sohu education annual festival was held in Beijing,This is a thinking belong to education across the years.Has always been,Education reform/Education innovation/Public education subject are popular issues concerned by the whole society.Sohu education channels as the country's largest education one kind of new media,Relying on the sohu portal matrix strength,The deepening education industry for a long time,Aggregate a number of well-known scholars and activists to education field,Focus on the present situation of the domestic education industry together/Focus on education industry's prospects,In sohu education annual festival,The expert gave special attention to these topics.
    ]]]To enter"Ask the education"2012, sohu education annual festival


搜狐教育主持人许晓书(搜狐教育频道主编): Sohu education host Xu Xiaoshu(, editor-in-chief of sohu education channel):首先请问罗厅长一个问题,你觉得中国大学处于什么阶段?所有高校都说要创办一流的大学,但是努力的方向是不是存在偏差?

First could you tell me of a problem,What do you think of China what phase are you in university?All colleges and universities are said to first-class university,But the direction of the efforts if there is a deviation?


罗崇敏(国家督学,云南省人民政府参事,前云南教育厅厅长): Luo Chongmin(State superintendent,Yunnan province people's government adviser,Former director of the yunnan province department of education):首先应当肯定大学取得的丰硕成果。目前大学存在的问题是没有良知,我想还是要从反思、批判角度思考这个问题。我始终认为大学应该是大爱之学、大智之学、大任之学,就是要有大爱之心、大智慧、大责任,这样培养出来的人才既有创造能力,又有大爱之情怀,才可能有幸福人生。

First of all should be sure university achieved fruitful results.Problems existing in current university is no conscience,I want to or from the reflection/Critically thinking about the problem.I always think the university should be a great love of learning/Great wisdom of learn/She studies,,Is to have a big heart of love/Great wisdom/Big responsibility,Such a cultivated talents both creative ability,And have a great feelings of love,Can have a happy life.


Of course the truth,Today's topic I not qualified to answer,But I have my idea.I do management work in place for a long time,Once a year at a university in yunnan province party secretary,And then work a few years to the department of education,In-depth research on education jobs/Deep thinking does bring a lot of sense of crisis:Now at the university of officialdom/The school of engineering/Chenghua's academic/Students love more and more serious.University of value loss,Marketable ignorance,Is the lack of university spirit.We need to undergo the soul baptism at university/Growth in wisdom,But the soul is ineffective.


Do have a lot of students in a university,After four years study about exactly what should you do when you feel confused.I'm sohu weibo now has more than 200 fans,College students often ask me on weibo,"ROM of the,I am junior now,What to do later?"In college grade four also don't know what you do in the future,On the surface like the employment crisis,Is the value of the crisis/Is the crisis of creativity.


We can't deny the achievements of university talents training,But also should see there now"three"The problem,There is the fundamental problem:Have no conscience.I mean is,We must have the university spirit construction/University spirit of the construction of the sense of urgency.


搜狐教育主持人许晓书(搜狐教育频道主编): Sohu education host Xu Xiaoshu(, editor-in-chief of sohu education channel):您刚才提到的弊端,我们先就“官本位”问题进行探讨。现在校园里充斥各种官场等级,这个现象是怎么形成的?

You've just mentioned,We will first"Ranking of"Discusses the problem of.Now the campus filled with various levels of officialdom,This phenomenon is how form?


罗崇敏(国家督学,云南省人民政府参事,前云南教育厅厅长): Luo Chongmin(State superintendent,Yunnan province people's government adviser,Former director of the yunnan province department of education):我认为这是由国家制度所带来的。我们不要去指责大学校长、大学老师,因为整个国家制度是一个官本位的设计,如果取消大学行政化,大学对话的基础都没有。学校的官本位、行政化问题不能靠学校自身,也不能靠教育本身,而要靠国家顶层政治制度的设计改革,才有可能解决。它是我们的制度和我们国家一定时期的发展阶段、管理水平所决定的。

I think it is system of by the state.We don't go to blame the university President/University teacher,Because the design of the system is a ranking of the country,If cancel the university town,University foundation all have no dialogue.The school's ranking/Security administration problem not by the school itself,Can't rely on education itself,And want to rely on national top-level design of political system reform,Has it been possible to solve.It is our system and our country in a certain period of the development stage/Management level.


搜狐教育主持人许晓书(搜狐教育频道主编): Sohu education host Xu Xiaoshu(, editor-in-chief of sohu education channel):刚才从罗厅长讲话来看,大学体制化、官僚化、商业化没有做减法的进程,那么请杨教授谈谈,大学改革的内部动力来自于哪里?

Just from the ROM of the speech,University of institutionalization/bureaucratic/The process of commercialization to do subtraction,So please to talk to professor Yang,The inner power of university reform come from?


杨东平(21世纪教育研究院院长,北京理工大学教育研究院教授): Yang dongping(The 21st century education research institute,Beijing institute of technology professor of institute of education):中国大学最近三十年经历了两个发展阶段,90年代后的十多年以规模扩张为主,片面追求数量和规模的迅速增长,使大学教育的质量产生了严重的问题,造成学生、学校、用人单位都不满意的情况。最近几年正在进入新的发展阶段。从“十二五”规划到规划纲要,所有国家政策文件都说明这一点,强调以提高质量为重心的内涵式发展,而这本身也是高等教育发展的必然要求。

University of China in recent 30 years has experienced two stages of development,In the 90 s, after more than ten years is given priority to with scale expansion,One-sided pursuit of the rapid growth of the number and size,Make the quality of university education has a serious problem,Have students/The school/Unit of choose and employ persons are not satisfied with the situation.In recent years are moving into a new stage of development.From the"The 12th five-year"Planning to plan for,All national policy documents to illustrate the point,Stressed in order to improve the quality as the center of gravity of connotative development,And this is also the inevitable requirement of the development of higher education.


Countries to carry out special projects,Including the recently launched 2011 plan,Emphasis on cultivating innovative talents,Including the higher education undergraduate course quality of ascension/Outstanding talent training plan of the project,Shows that in recent years, mainly focus on the reform of colleges and universities in personnel training mode of level.


But now we see a lot of problems,Involved in the school academic atmosphere/Values, etc.,It is difficult to change in a short time in this project,To a large extent this is a kind of social culture on university campus.University of basic quality reform is lagging,Such as not disputable system in our universities,As long as attend graduate can certainly.And we know,The average American undergraduate elimination rate can reach 30%, 50%.No selective university can't be a high quality of the university,But in China,Want to eliminate one of the students even harder.Utilitarianism influence on university is very serious,Including the assessment on teachers' evaluation,use"Check your next few eggs every day"To evaluate the quality of teachers.Countries are also put forward recently"Deepening the teaching reform in education field"The task,We still have a lot of expectations.
