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别让孩子“看上去很美” 莫要重技艺而轻德--亲稳网络舆情监控室


In recent days,Famous singer li tianyi, the son of li gang rape was criminal detention charges,Become a hot news.Just over a year ago,Li had was for reeducation for fighting.Rather than wickedness in contrast to his flashy education experience:4 years old Chinese children's image ambassador,4, learning to play the piano,8 years old studying calligraphy,Are all from famous professor,Numerous awards;High school affiliated high school of National People's Congress,Study in the United States.It seems to many people,This is"A good student"The standard model,Why so abrasive?


According to the author can see,Li tianyi pampered,Instead of"celebriots"The growth of the environment.They have better family environment and human resources than ordinary people,Enjoy privileges and care more,Set of saying it,They are more"Spell dad"The capital of.Under the hotbed of superior,If family education without notice,It is easy to breed"bacteria",Children's behavior produces deviation,If you do not add a correction in a timely manner,Will lead to"Apple of sodom,Apple of sodom".


Jump out of the"celebriots"Subject to see,Li tianyi, the son of events is typical,But are by no means the only.We need to reflect on the family education is often neglected part.Let the child to be a good student,Many parents and schools is more of a concern"skills",Summed up in six words:Heavy skill/Heavy art/Light,.In the school"A chess game"In the,results/specialty/Famous universities/Awards, etc.,By many parents in the front,And character on the slightly on the location.The child"On the top"/"He was good"/"How much prize"Are parents proud capital,But few people put the child's kindness/integrity/Steadfast character as the first consideration of growth target,Because parents think the quality is not the core competition of the capital in the future.

  笔者最近看到一篇关于 《射雕英雄传》的分析很有意思,或可以给家长一些启发。同样是英雄的后代,高智商的杨康失败了,而智力平平的郭靖却取得成功。有网友总结的原因是“情商发展”:一个武艺高强,但飞扬跋扈;一个天资不高,却勤奋刻苦,内外兼修。可见,技艺与品格内外兼修才是正途,家长可千万别让孩子只是“看上去很美”。

I recently saw an article about [The Legend of The Condor Heroes]The analysis is very interesting,Or can give parents some inspiration.Is also the offspring of heroes,The high IQ yang2 kang failed,While the guo jing of average intelligence success.Some reason is summarized"Emotional intelligence development":A martial arts high strength,But the bossiness;A talent is not high,But work hard,Inside and outside and repair.visible,Skills and character inside and outside and repair is the right direction,Parents don't let children only"Looks very beautiful".
