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"Internet + education",This is a everyone can see the direction of the Denver nuggets,Are of great commercial value and social value.But its exploratory also is very strong.In fact,In people see several types of Internet education mode,Quite a number of are in now"non-profit"Come running.Subject to the system in China/The environment/Technical factors such as,The Internet also quite elementary education mode,The United States what are the commercial or now"non-profit"Model has emerged?


[The Internet weekly]This article has carried on the list,The tiger sniff re-edited as follows:


第一种, The first kind of,


University founded their own online education platform and community.


Start the network at the Massachusetts institute of technology open courses for ten years,Now at Harvard University and the Massachusetts institute of technology is going to start at the end of 2011 online open education project MITx platform built on the basis of the edX,Further provide science and humanities and social science courses.


EdX by located in Boston, Cambridge town of a nonprofit organization is responsible for the operation,Harvard University and the Massachusetts institute of technology of equality.The two schools will each invest $30 million to start the project.


EdX formerly MITx,Is an interactive learning platform,Can let the students in online learning at simulation laboratory,Interaction with professors and other students,Students complete their studies will receive the official certificate.


interaction/personality/social/Rich media elements, etc,Become a new mode and online courses at the university of a new direction.


第二种, The second kind of,


In collaboration with university water carrier,Provide tools for the university/skills/Money to help the university to create and manage online education program.


Online university education pioneer 2 tor is received $26 million in financing by this.


2 tor now has built up some successful cases,Mainly concentrated in the stage of graduate education.Such as with the USC Rossier education college cooperation to create a master's of education online program.In the creation of these projects,2 tor's main role is to develop allows professors to share material/Provide lesson plans and interactive course and help students to network platform.In addition the platform has been expanded to mobile,Students can download 2 tor the iPhone/IPad and Android applications through the camera and the 3 g network in learning anytime and anywhere.


The current,2 tor profit model is mainly and universities partner sharing tuition revenue,But 2 tor itself is not involved in university recruitment of students and teaching work,Is still done by the university itself.


Also insisted on the model of online education Echo360 products of the company,Now service has covered 10% of the students in colleges and universities across the United States.


This kind of playing at home,Coursera and tiger sniffing previously described.


第三种, The third kind of,


For traditional education has the attributes of the Internet"Teaching tools"

  苹果就正在干这事。苹果从1000多所大学收集了超过50万份视频和音频教学文件,总计下载量达到了7亿次。其近期发布的升级版iTunes U App已经允许任何教师在上面发布教学内容。

The APPle is do it.The APPle from 1000 universities collected more than 500000 copies of video and audio files,A total of 700 million downloads.The recently released an updated version of the iTunes U The APP has allowed any post teaching content.

  苹果针对在教室使用iPad进行教学的K-12教师,允许他们在iTunes U上建立多达12份的私人课程。在每份课程里,教师都能指导学生使用各种主要由苹果驱动的媒介课程如iBooks、教科书、App、视频、Pages以及Keynote文件。新的iTunes U还提供了新的工具,允许学生在视频上做笔记。

The APPle iPad in the classroom for teaching the k-12 teachers,Allow them on iTunes U build as many as 12 private classes.In each course,Teachers can guide students to use all kinds of main driven by apple media courses such as iBooks/textbook/The APP/video/Pages and Keynote documents.New iTunes U also provides a new tool,Allow students to take notes on the video.


And other focused on providing content of online education are different,The APPle is not only from all over the world teachers with teaching content,Also have the iPad the terminal equipment.So it can act as in the process of the evolution of traditional education in the classroom"Teaching tools",Will also gradually to the online education to cultivate people's behavior habits.


第四种, A fourth,


The innovation of the contents in integration with the UGC manner


Khan academy,Bangladeshi americans by salman khan created an educational non-profit organization,Using the khanate make free online video for teaching,Existing about math/history/financial/The physical/chemical/biological/The content of the subjects such as astronomy,Teaching more than 2000 of the movie,Agency's mission is to speed up all age student learning.

  还有其他一些网站的视频会剪切电影片段放在课程中;美国网站TED-Ed甚至允许学生对视频做自主编辑、删减,再推荐给自己的同学。而另一部分网站用搜罗的办法,如Course Hero就是将YouTube上的教育视频整合起来。

There are some other website video will shear movie clips in the course;TED - Ed American website even allow students to do independent video editing/cut,To recommend to your students.But on the other part of the website used for of the way,Such as Course Hero is the education on the YouTube video.


第五种, The 5th kind of,


Is want to directly replace the university plan

  获得高达2500万美元的种子投资的The Minerva Project的野心是,构建一个虚拟的在线哈佛大学。

Get The seeds of up to $25 million investment, The Minerva Project is ambition,Build a virtual online at Harvard University.

  据了解,The Minerva Project将采用2tor搭建的实时网上教学系统来完成学生们的核心课程教育。同时其还将和许多在线教育培训机构进行合作使用这些教育机构的教学内容作为延展学习的资源。这些都算不上什么,真正彰显其野心的则是它真的想要取代大学,成为一种新的权威教育渠道,是优质的师资、生源和足够出色的毕业生,这也成为其达成野心的保证。

We have learned,The Minerva Project will use 2 tor of real-time online teaching system to complete The core curriculum education of The students.At the same time, it also will cooperate and many online education training institutions use these education institutions teaching content as the extension of learning resources.These are not what,Actually showing its ambitions is really want to replace it to college,Become a kind of new education channels of authority,Is the high quality of teachers/Enough students and outstanding graduates,This has been reached its ambitions.

  为此,The Minerva Project将和传统的大学教育一样,采用4年学制,且全部在互联网上完成。学生们第1年将在自己所在国家或所住地完成基本的核心课程学习,这样所有的学生无论语言背景都具备了相同的学术基础。随后从第2年开始直到毕业,学生们要到一个新的国家至少是一个新的城市去学习,,至少掌握2门外语才能顺利毕业。

To do this,The Minerva Project will be as same as The traditional university education,In 4 years,And all done on the Internet.Year 1 students will be completed in their country or residence basic core courses,So all students regardless of language background all have the same academic basis.Then start from 2 years until graduation,The students need to go to a new country, at least, is a new city to learn,,At least master two foreign language to graduate smoothly.

  The Minerva Project将学术能力作为筛选学生的唯一标准。在教师方面,The Minerva Project甚至打算创建一个教师领域的诺贝尔奖“The Minerva Prize”,用于奖励当前最顶尖的大学教授帮助其创建课程。课程创建好后,The Minerva Project则会聘用博士毕业生来为学生们讲授这些课程。最后在毕业后,The Minerva Project也不会像传统的大学一样把毕业生们仅仅当作校友资源(潜在的捐助者),他们还会积极帮助毕业生寻找志同道合的伙伴以及各种资助金和机会。

The Minerva Project will choose student's academic ability as The only standard.In the aspect of teachers,The Minerva Project intends to create even a Nobel Prize in The field of teachers"The Minerva Prize",To reward the top to help it create a professor at the university of course.After course is created,The Minerva Project would be to hire PhD graduates to teach these courses for The students.Finally after graduation,The Minerva Project also won't like a traditional university graduates just as alumni resources(Potential donors),They will actively help graduates to find like-minded partners as well as a variety of grants and opportunities.
