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中小学或增春秋假 家长犯愁学校担忧--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
Newly released by the state council[The national tourism and leisure programs(2013-2020)]There is a phrase in has sparked concern in society:Under the condition of total amount of vacation time,The local government can explore the arrangement of primary and secondary school spring break or fall off.Although, at present, the spring and autumn period and the false is a"legend",But the part of parents and education officials have started to worry.yesterday(19),Part of the parents/Principals and education experts in an interview:Relevant departments should introduce specific supporting measures,otherwise,The spring and autumn period and the false child rest not steadfast,Parents follow heart,The school also went.
家长不放假孩子谁来看? Parents don't have children who come to see off?
Heard that primary and middle school students to have the spring and autumn period and the false in the future,Third grade students' parents ms zhao first a xi - children schoolwork burden is very heavy at ordinary times,Increase the frequency of the holiday,Help children learn to adjust.But she is not happy again soon - if daughter true with the spring and autumn period and the false,Who came to see her??
This is a very real problem,Many parents worry about.Because children are summer and winter vacations every year to the number of days far more than an office worker parents holiday,Many families in the summer and winter vacations on the problem of the children have racked their brain:Some simply to children"foster"In grandpa's grandmother or grandparents home;The old man can't help you,Give children training sent an offer by one time;There is no way,Only in a unit the leadership and colleagues of to take their children to go to work every day.
The spring and autumn period and the false of the possibility,Net friend"Of baby bib"Call a spade a spade,"Children put on the light,Not give parents around?Only parents can and children together have a holiday can solve the problem."Net friend"Kitty cat slave"Also think,And parents don't let children holiday,No meaning.
Say very clear outline,The spring and autumn period and the false is"Under the condition of total amount of vacation time"Produced by the,Is the primary and middle school students the original two times a year holiday four times a year to false,Increase the frequency of the holiday.this,There are parents says plaintively,If there is a spring holiday,I can only give children more social class,On the one hand, in order not to let their children at home"Silly play",On the other hand also can solve the problem of nursing.
学校教学计划会不会乱? School teaching plans be chaos?
A number of primary and secondary school principal told reporters,Is not true"See to understand"The spring and autumn period and the fake relationship with existing in the winter and summer vacation,Just feel like it"Social phenomena",Especially used for many years of teaching arrangement may be disrupted.Has the headmaster called on:Relevant departments should introduce specific rules and guidelines,otherwise,School implementation is difficult.
Beijing 2 principal NiuXiaoHua is introduced,The existing ZhongGaoKao review/Conventional education activity has formed a fixed rhythm, etc,If a student leaves frequency adjustment,The school class/Teaching plan/School activities must follow the corresponding change."This adjustment involves all aspects of inside and outside the school,and,New relatively scattered how to integrate with existing holiday vacation,Also need to be further argumentation and research."
We have learned,The existing class hour arrangement and the holiday arrangement of primary and secondary schools in the city,Is closely related to the current middle and primary school teaching plan.In the current situation of middle and primary school teaching plan did not change,To ensure that both"Full open courses",Want to let students to implement multiple vacation again,Will inevitably to the school teaching arrangement and teachers' teaching put forward new challenges.
The spring and autumn period and the false is"Sound is very beautiful"?
For elementary and middle schools put the spring and autumn period and the fake of the new exploration,SangJinLong think, vice President of the Beijing institute of education science,For the education system in our country for a long time to implement the system in winter and summer vacation has innovation significance.but,Good good how to do,How to implement on the basis of respecting the rule of education,There are still some problems need to be carefully studied.
He said,School holidays and school education teaching activities,Is one of the important link of education activities,For students to relax/Increase social experience and practical knowledge/Understanding of cities, such as the state of the union have meaning.But now the vacation education value dug up enough,Many children in the during the vacation"grazing"state,Basic is spent in the company of TV,Even some safety accidents.This shows that,At present many public cultural education facilities and related system construction is lagging,To implement multiple vacation of primary and secondary schools,These aspects of the construction and work needs to be strengthened.
In addition,Implementation of multiple vacation,Must also consider impact on the parents of students.For many young and middle-aged parents,School is the best place to take care of minor children.If the parents don't have holiday to match,This arrangement will add burden to parents."Don't put the multiple vacation system arrangement,Become a for-profit social training organization, another good news."
21世纪教育研究院副院长熊丙奇认为,保证中小学生在春假、秋假中得到休整,需要带薪休假制度早日实施,这样他们才可能和父母一起享受假期。否则,春秋假只是“听上去很美”。在他看来,比放春假、秋假更现实的,其实是把学校组织的春游、秋游搞好。近年来,传统的学校春游、秋游日渐式微,根本原因在于缺乏依法治教的办学环境,学校担心组织出游出现安全事故。如果不解决这一问题,学生的休闲是难以得到保障的。(记者 贾晓燕 骆倩雯 王维维)
The 21st century education research institute argues xiong bingqi, deputy director of,Ensure that primary and secondary school students on spring break/Recreate a fall break,Need to paid vacation system implementation at an early date,So that they could enjoy the holiday with my parents.otherwise,The spring and autumn period and the false is"Sound is very beautiful".In his opinion,Than put spring break/More realistic fall break,Is the school organization spring outing/Here are good.In recent years,The traditional school spring outing/Autumn has faded,Root cause is lack of school-running conditions of administering education according to law,Worry about school outings safety accident occurs.If you don't solve this problem,Student's leisure is hard to guarantee.(The reporter Jia Xiaoyan LuoQianWen Wang Weiwei)
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