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寒假作业没做完花钱请枪手 眼看开学校园代客很忙--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
In a couple of days,Each school will soon begins,Winter vacation homework didn't finish to do?Some students some pen after burn,Some simply out of money, please write,As the shopkeeper of cutting.
Yesterday at around 1 PM,Zhuhai a write winter vacation homework on a university campus BBS postings:34 classical poems,Article 16 writings in classical style;Classical Chinese copy translated sentence!There are some idioms and words,Three choose one copy,23 night must be completed,Salary is 300 yuan.Shortly after the release,This single business is man robbed.
大学生成立代写团队 College students write the team
yesterday,Chongqing evening news reporter contacted the post,Xiaoceng thinks he is a university majoring in mechanical students(Not his real name).
He said,Generation of homework more than his own,Is actually a team of college students,Not only has a mechanical professional students,And the civil accounting and other professional students,The number of about 15 people.The language mainly see words to pricing,General is 20 yuan / 1000 words,If urgent is 30 yuan per 1000 words.Other such as paper,If the answer is relatively cheap,If you need to write the man to do it,Is 25 yuan/zhang,Can guarantee 99% accuracy.
"How can you ensure accuracy?"In the face of doubts,Xiaoceng thinks that,Worked as a tutor myself,Add team covers each specialized student,So can guarantee the accuracy.
"If how to write a composition to write?"Xiaoceng thinks that,Composition to 25 yuan a piece,Ensure 40% original,If the demand is higher,Allows the college of liberal arts students part-time job.
一天要写七八个本子 A day to write seven or eight
After several conversations,Xiaoceng thinks about meet at the KFC in the three gorges square with the chongqing evening news reporter.His reason?,Is a student in this inspection.
Around 1 PM,Xiaoceng thinks in three gorges square,In a gray coat,Wearing a black glasses,Hand carry the bags.He took out a mobile phone,Look around,Then on a low stool, sit down and wait.
See him from the bag took out a written assignment,The chongqing evening news reporter saw the cover is written in chongqing,Name is He Xing classmates,Copying is to recite the text.
"From 18 to are very busy now,A day to write seven or eight."He said,This a few days,Not only in,And the 138 school students are in their generation write homework,Most of the college entrance examination requires reciting Chinese text extract content.
"In the summer and winter vacation,We will do business of primary and middle school students,After school,For college students to carry out the services."Xiaoceng thinks that,They called themselves"Campus valet",Can rent all the free time.
In the conversation,Xiaoceng thinks the phone rang.He said after answering,Received a new business again,Can't wait to take homework for students,Was in a hurry to leave.
家长 parents
孩子找人代写真不知道怎么办 Children get photo generation don't know what to do
See write winter vacation homework online postings,Who lives in YuBeiOu five red parents ran hua road some exclamation.
Ran hua's son in a YuBei read high school,He usually is busy with his wife,Than just leave the child's homework,Is pocket money for a lot.
"Spring Festival hometown zunyi to play a few days,He said already finished homework back."Ran hua said,Son often play the computer,If that is for someone to write homework,Don't know what to do.
老师 The teacher
作业找人代写超越做学生底线 Homework do students look for a person to write beyond the bottom line
Bashu middle school chemistry teacher jiang said,How much is how much holiday homework can do,Students didn't finish,At most criticizes two sentences,Even if naughty done,Choose taking the answer still have some impression,Know what's problem,Look for a person to write do students beyond the bottom line.
“班上同学哪些题目会做不会做,字迹是什么,其实老师心中多少有点谱。”他认为,找人代写,说白了是在拿父母的钱来欺骗自己。(重庆晚报记者 周小平影报道)
"The class which topic will do not do it,What is the writing,In fact the teacher heart spectrum."He thinks that,Look for a person to write,In plain English is in to take their parents' money to deceive himself.(The chongqing evening news reporter Zhou Xiaoping shadow reports)
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