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  今天,北京市中小学开学。2月23日,开学前最后一个双休日,很多家长陪同孩子在北京西单图书大厦选购书籍。新华社记者 张宇 摄 today,The school of primary and secondary schools of Beijing.On February 23,,The last weekend before school,Many parents accompanying children in Beijing xidan books building of choose and buy books.The xinhua news agency reporter zhangyu
  新京报讯 (记者杜丁)今天是北京市中小学开学第一天,北京市教委出台的八项减负规定无疑是中小学生收到的最好礼物。昨天来自各区县教委的消息,根据规定,新学期开始,小学低年级学生从过去的“不留书面课外作业”变为“不留课外作业”。此外,中小学也不许给家长留“家庭作业”。 Beijing - (The reporter dutin)Today is the primary and middle school the first day of school,Beijing municipal education commission enacted the eight students rule is received the best gift of primary and middle school students.Message from each district and county education committee yesterday,According to the regulation,The new semester start,From the elementary school lower grade students"No written homework"Into a"No homework".In addition,Primary and secondary schools are not allowed to leave the parents, too"My homework".

  北京出台减负“八条规定” Beijing --"Article 8 the provisions"


In order to reduce heavy schoolwork burden of primary and middle school students,Municipal education commission/The city education DuDaoShi is put forward"Eight strict"Job requirements:Strictly implements national and Beijing municipal lesson plans,Strict control of time students are studying in school,Strictly control the production,Strictly regulate the examination and evaluation work,Strictly forbidden to make up a missed lesson,Strict management of teaching book,Strict management of all kinds of competition,Strictly implement the work requirements.


According to the relevant person in charge of districts and counties,Before the opening,Area county education committee has set"Eight rules"Communicated to the various schools,Requires schools will reduce the concrete measures and ways to report to the district education commission.


It is understood,Prior to the issue of burden of primary and middle school students,Municipal education commission mentioned many times,But will be eight districts and counties to implement requirements set out together this is the first time,"Can feel the of the magnitude of the burden of primary and middle school students in Beijing is very big."The relevant person in charge of the shijingshan district education commission said.

  小学低年级生不能留课外作业 Primary school lower grade raw cannot leave a homework


The burden of primary and secondary schools,Prior to the relevant person in charge of Beijing municipal education commission has said,There are many factors that can cause the student schoolwork burden overweight,Both the textbook is not science/Course categories too generic/Teacher's professional ability education and implementation level,Also have students test evaluation/Teachers and school performance appraisal, etc. The cause of the education system.


In the"Article 8 the provisions"In the,Compared to previous,In the"Primary and secondary school work"On the regulation of,Municipal education commission gives a definite requirement.According to a staff member area county education committee,For junior middle school students,Beijing municipal regulations"Homework does not exceed 1.5 hours every day",For elementary school students,Younger students also shall be formulated by the past"No written homework"Into a"No homework",Other grade rules are consistent with previous.


In the regulations,City board of education has special requirements for the primary and secondary schools are not allowed to leave the parents"My homework",There are a lot of parents complaints before,Said schools to let them to printing paper/Chaozuoye, etc all kinds of things.


Part of the district education commission said,"Junior high school students homework does not exceed 1.5 hours a day"The provisions of the,There are some controversy in the teacher,"1.5 hours how to define?The same work,Some students write fast,Some students write slowly,Bad timing."The relevant person in charge of xicheng district education commission said,How about homework/How much quantity problem such as appropriate,This year will be the key research topic.

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In 1988,,The original issued by the state education commission[Certain rules about reduce the student schoolwork burden overweight problem],Stated in a grade no written homework,(2)/Junior extracurricular homework no more than 30 minutes a day,Grade four is not more than 45 minutes,five/Grade 6 is not more than 1 hour.Don't decorate mechanical repetition and a large number of transcription of practice,More may not do the homework as a way to punish students.Schools and teacher in charge teacher should be responsible for controlling and adjusting the daily amount of homework.
