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  中新网3月12日电 据《澳洲日报》报道,摩根士丹利的执行长兼未来基金董事会成员哈克(Steve Harker)警告说,澳洲严格的签证规定把高度熟练的金融服务专业人士都挡在了国门之外,并且导致数百万元的管理基金被授权至境外。

Beijing, March 12 (xinhua) according to[Australia's daily]reports,A Morgan Stanley executive and future fund board member, huck(Steve Harker)warned,Australia strict visa rules have highly skilled financial service professionals in the bay,And lead to millions of managed funds are authorized to overseas.


Huck said in,If Australia don't introduce more skilled financial professionals to manage people's savings,The money will continue to flow to the outside,Such as Hong Kong and Singapore.


11,,Huck attended in Sydney NSW government hosted a lunch to trade and investment.He said:"If we want to manage money to Australia,We have to have a very deep and skilled fund management market,But here,Our focus is confined to the domestic market."


"So we should introduce new technology through the interaction of the visa,This is very important,Because we don't have labor ability to manage a global fund."He said,"Have a good development in the technology,Will enable us to locate in 20 years time."


Huck was a union official,He in last week, prime minister gillard threatening 457 temporary skilled migration (microblogging), made the remarks after further restrictions on the visa.

  澳洲拥有1.4万亿元的退休金储蓄与同等价值的股市投资资金。哈克说,澳洲股市已经无法再吸纳更多的过剩储蓄了。所以,除非当局放松签证和税收 法律,否则这些钱要么会进入非上市的基础设施当中,或者便会流到海外的对冲基金经理手中。“这些钱都会流到海外去的。”哈克警告道。

Australia has 1.4 trillion yuan pension savings and an equal value of stock investment funds.Huck said,The Australian stock market has been unable to absorb the surplus savings of more.so,Unless the authorities relaxed visa and tax law,Otherwise the money will either enter the unlisted infrastructure,Or will flow to the hands of overseas hedge fund manager."The money will flow to the overseas."Huck warned.

  哈克的意见获得了RedBridge Grant Samuel执行长卢(Andrew Lew)的支持,卢被认为是一名在亚洲做生意的专家,此前他曾掌管Macquarie Capital的亚洲地区业务。

Huck's opinion won the RedBridge Grant Samuel executive Lew(Andrew Lew)The support of the,Lou is considered to be an expert in doing business in Asia,After he was in charge of Macquarie Capital's business in Asia.


Lu said,Australia the 1.8 trillion yuan of money management,Only 3% come from abroad,While in London,The proportion is about 30%,Hong Kong is 65%,Singapore has reached 80%.


Lu thought,Australian visa problems hindered the asset manager of foreign people to migrate to Australia."If you ask people,Why don't they moved to Australia life,They will say it's because they or their spouse too difficult to get a visa."


Financial and insurance services in Australia more than 105000 employees, accounts for about 4% of 457 visa holders.The NSW government has been pushing the federal government to implement more flexibility on the visa,To attract more foreign workers to work in the financial services in Australia,The financial services industry is one of the largest labor NSW department.


A government report pointed out that in 2009,The Australian financial services practitioners about 1% are foreign nationals holding a 457 visa.They are mostly business and information professionals,Professional managers,Accounting and computer professionals.
