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俞敏洪:官员子女占据优质教育资源 建议送出国--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

EF EF T: 10px; border: #d4d4d4 1px solid;" class="abstract bgB clear STYLE1"> T: 10 px; Border: # 1 px d4d4d4 solid;" Class ="The abstract bgB clear STYLE1">编者按: Editor's note:每年全国两会,教育类话题都是媒体和大众关注的热点。搜狐教育采访了全国政协委员、新东方教育科技集团董事长兼总裁俞敏洪,他今年的提案重点关注的是高考制度、教育公平等问题。 Every year the two sessions,Education subject is attention of the media and the public.Sohu education had an interview with the CPPCC national committee/New Oriental education technology group chairman and President of Mr Yu,He proposal focuses on the college entrance examination system this year/Problems such as education fairness.两会教育专题>> CPPCC education project>>


搜狐教育: Sohu education:前几年的时候,您的女儿也面临上高中,后来是在本地上还是出国了?

A few years ago,Your daughter is in high school,Later is in local or abroad?


俞敏洪: Mr Yu:我女儿后来去到国外大学,我有这个经济实力。我为什么鼓励现在富人的孩子和政府官员的孩子,如果有这样的经济条件就全部到国外去?特别简单,有钱人尤其政府官员的孩子他们本身学习水平非常好,中国政府领导培养自己的孩子绝对有一手,中国政府领导培养自己孩子的成功率达到80%以上,中国有钱人培养孩子的成功率只有50%都不到,很有意思的一个现象。

My daughter to go abroad to university later,I have this economic strength.Why I am encourage children of the rich and the government's children now,If you have such economic condition will all go abroad?Very simple,Rich people especially children learn their own level of government officials is very good,The Chinese government leaders foster children of their own absolute marketer,The Chinese government leaders to cultivate their children's chances of success were above 80%,China's rich people cultivate children are less than the success rate of only 50%,Very interesting phenomenon.政府官员领导的孩子如果没有去国外,他们占据的全是中国最优秀的高等教育资源。北大里政府领导孩子有多少?这些年他们占据的比例开始下降是因为他们的孩子出国了,让出来的位置正好给了普通老百姓的孩子。 Government officials led by children without going abroad,They occupy the whole China's most outstanding institutions of higher education resources.How many Peking government leadership in children?They account for the proportion of began to decline over the years because of their children to go abroad,Let out the location of the gives ordinary people's children.比如我们假定本来占据北大30%资源的学生是政府领导的孩子或者有钱人的孩子,他们都出国了,这30%的资源给谁?是普通老百姓的孩子,没有能力出国的孩子,经济条件不够就是普通老百姓,这个很好。希望更多倾斜到农村和边远地区的孩子身上,这也是国际教育帮助我们调节教育均衡,也是一个好的方法。

For example we assume occupy 30% resources of Peking University students is originally the government leading child or children of the wealthy,They are to go abroad,Who give it 30% of the resources?Is the child of ordinary people,Don't have the ability to children to go abroad,Economic condition is not ordinary people,This is very good.Hope that more tilted to rural and remote areas of children,This is also the international education help us adjust education equilibrium,Is also a good method.


搜狐教育: Sohu education:您自己参加了三次高考,通过您的高考经历和您女儿后来遇到的问题,您对中国高考制度这些年的改革有一个怎样的评价?

You took part in the college entrance examination three times,Experience of college entrance examination by you and your daughter later problems,You over the years for China's college entrance examination system reform one of the evaluation?


俞敏洪: Mr Yu:中国高考制度就没有改革过,从我开始一直到现在没有进步,高考学生增加了并不意味着高考速度就进步了。唯一的改革就是使更多的学生进大学了,但是非常可惜同比之下中国大部分的大学质量下降了。我当然主张平民教育,中国有这么多大学我不反对,但是现在问题是有了这么多大学以后,教育系统用什么办法来提升各个大学的教学质量。现在中国的学生进到大学那么不爱学习,不是学生的问题,是学校教学资源不够的问题,教授上课学生不感兴趣的问题,教授第一天在家里学,第二天上课去了,专业开设越来越多,中国不可能一下子储备这么多有名的教授,这样的教授科研时间和自己充电的时间越来越少,给学生讲解的知识内容结构越来越单薄。

China's college entrance examination system, there is no reform,Since I have been no progress up to now,The university entrance exam students progress increases the speed does not mean that the university entrance exam.Only reform is to make more students into college,But very unfortunately, compared with most of China's university of the drop in quality.Of course I claim civilian education,I don't mind. There are so many university of China,But now the problem is there are so many university later,Education system in any way to improve the quality of teaching of universities.Now then do not love learning Chinese students into the university,Student is not the issue,Is the problem of inadequate teaching resources,Professor in class students are not interested in,Professor on the first day of study at home,The second day of class,More and more specialized,China may not reserve at once so many famous professors,So professor of research time and charging time is less and less,To students the knowledge content of structure is more and more thin.


Most of the professor can't listen in class,I was heard in campus,Sometimes I listen to the teacher in class to the Peking University all listen to not bottom go to,General university can't hear more.Or it's scripted reading textbooks,Or a view,Frankly saying is wrong,Now facing worldwide competition situation if China professor when there is no innovation/No independent thinking/No super strong words in professional field,I think teaching naturally turned out to be misleading.After you found out students into the university is not professional,The teacher itself not strong professional.University in China is enough,Light into a 2 three four books are not enough,The government how to do things at the same time enhance the 2 level of the three,This is one of the things to do.


采访阅读:俞敏洪精彩观点 Interview with reading:Mr Yu wonderful views


高等教育: Higher education:高校资源平均分配不会拉低名校学生水平

Colleges and universities resources allocation will not lower school students average level


高考改革: The college entrance examination reform:赞成英语一年多考 前提是全国需统考

In favor of English more than a year the premise is the national unified examination


异地高考: Beyond the university entrance exam:异地高考方案是临时抱佛脚 把公民分等级

Beyond the university entrance exam scheme is hierarchical cramming the citizen


教育资源: Education resources:官员子女占据优质教育资源 建议送出国

Officials' children occupy the high quality education resources recommended to send abroad


教育梦想: Education dream:接洽多所民办大学 计划购买后自办高校

Approach more private universities hybrids in colleges and universities after the plan to purchase


关注农村: Focus on rural:留守儿童问题不解决 将对城市造成伤害

Left-behind children problem is not solve will cause harm to the city


公司动向: Company closely:新东方利润减少 因人力资源成本增加

New Oriental profits to reduce human resource cost
