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专家称光照过度儿童会性早熟 怎判断孩发育正常--亲稳网络舆情监控室

专家称光照过度儿童会性早熟 怎判断孩发育正常   专家指出,光照过度也是儿童性早熟的重要原因之一,既可来自阳光,也可来自灯光。图/Gettyimages Experts say,Excessive light is one of the important reasons for discovered early,Not only can come from the sun,Also can come from light.Figure/Gettyimages


"At the age of four girls precocious puberty,The head of a bed small night light is a murderer."recently,Precocious puberty the concern about the topic.Experts say,Nutritional status/The change of living environment, etc,Will promote sexual development in advance.so,How to judge the child's sexual development is normal or not?Precocious puberty what are the symptoms,Parents do?


[Guiding experts]

专家称乱用化妆品或可导致儿童性早熟 Experts say abusage cosmetics or can lead to discovered early? ?? ?

  吴玉筠 首都医科大学附属北京儿童医院内科主任医师

WuYuJun capital medical university affiliated Beijing children's hospital medical chief physician

  万乃君 首都儿科研究所附属儿童医院内分泌科副主任医师

All the capital is king of pediatric research institute affiliated children's hospital of doctor of vice director of endocrinology


光照过度易导致性早熟 Light too easy to precocious puberty


“女孩四岁性早熟,床头小夜灯是真凶。” "At the age of four girls precocious puberty,The head of a bed small night light is a murderer."


For small night light really can cause children precocious puberty,The capital medical university affiliated Beijing children's hospital medical chief physician WuYuJun said,Excessive light is one of the important reasons for discovered early,It is up to the human body the pineal gland secretion of melatonin cause.Melatonin can restrain adenohypophysis gonadotropin release,Can prevent precocious puberty.When the person when entering morpheus state in the night,Pine cones experience secretion lots of melatonin,At daybreak he stopped secretion.Human pineal gland in general middle child development to peak,Inhibition of gonadal early development,From the age of 10 -,The pineal gland begin to degenerate,Sexual function then slowly increase.If the children too much light,Will reduce the pineal gland secretion of melatonin,Cause precocious puberty.


WuYuJun said,Lead to precocious puberty this too light,Not only can come from the sun,Also can come from light,The role of natural light is not more,As a long time of TV/The computer screen light irradiation,May also cause discovered early.


男孩性早熟更需要重视 The boy precocious puberty need more attention


The capital pediatric research institute affiliated children's hospital endocrinology of doctor of vice director of all is the gentleman is introduced,Medical definition of precocious puberty mainly with age have a relationship,If in a fixed age appear before the development of secondary sex characteristics,You should pay attention to precocious puberty,If the girl in eight years ago appear secondary sexual character development,The most common is mammary gland development;The girl in the ten years ago appear menstrual cramps,Will consider precocious puberty.Boys are better than girls' puberty relatively late,so,The boy appear until 9 years old secondary sex characteristics growth,Such as testicular bigger,Penis coarsens,Long pubic hair, etc,Also want to consider precocious puberty.


Need to pay attention to is,Girls precocious puberty,Often is the essential,Reason unknown,Most don't organic lesion is present.While the boys precocious puberty,Half may organic lesion is present,Attention should be paid to pituitary tumor/Gland cancer or some other hormones secretion of tumor,so,The boy appeared precocious puberty,Parents must attach importance to,Prompt medical attention.


The capital medical university affiliated Beijing children's hospital medical chief physician WuYuJun is introduced,Precocious puberty points central and peripheral two.Central precocious puberty,Is also true precocious puberty,The majority is essential,Refers to the current inspection method cannot find specific reason.Peripheral precocious puberty,The general is a reason,Through the inhibition or eliminate its reason,Can the precocious puberty stop and rebound.but,Peripheral precocious puberty if time long,Also fully may progress for central precocious puberty.


性发育提前是趋势 Sexual development advance is a trend


From the clinic situation,The boy precocious puberty,Very little,Compared with the girl,Is five to one,Even more than a nine.


All is king,At present a precocious puberty to most is a girl;If a boy appeared precocious puberty,We will pay special attention to,Must be comprehensive inspection,Identify as clearly as you can cause.Nearly one hundred years of study,Every ten years,Sexual development age will advance two or three months,This is a big trend.Because from nutritional status/The change of living environment, etc,Will promote sexual development in advance.so,Parents can't use their experience to determine whether children precocious puberty,Such as parents he is 13 or 14 to menstruation,Now the child his preteens to menstruation is very common,Can't say this is precocious puberty.


热点问答 Hot question


明显生长加速可怀疑性早熟 Obvious growth acceleration can be skeptical early


Q性早熟需要进行哪些检查? Q precocious puberty what should check?


All prince is:If a child younger,Appear the phenomenon of secondary sex characteristics growth,If there should be suspected precocious puberty,Will see if with growth accelerated phenomenon.True precocious puberty children,There will be obvious growth acceleration,Parents need to pay attention to,The child is a recent period of time,Such as the half a year or in recent months,Long so quickly,Clearly see the child has grown,This is a phenomenon should be attention.


In addition,Still need to do some related hormone inspection,If necessary,Still need to do drug excitation test,For some children may base sex hormones levels were significantly higher,But in drug excitation later,Can see the hormone level changes obviously.


Have some is radiographic inspection,Such as bone age photos,Include breast/Pelvic B ultrasonic,Look at the girl uterine ovarian development situation,The comprehensive judgment to the child not really the precocious puberty.


性早熟主要对心理和身高 Precocious puberty mainly to the psychological and height


Q性早熟有哪些危害? Q precocious puberty what harm?


WuYuJun:One is the psychological aspects.Because the child is,Especially after school,Peripheral are children,Once her breasts started to development,Feel different with others,Other children may also be improper remarks,Give children caused great psychological burden.The second is to the influence of the height.True precocious puberty children have bone age of early,Usually two or three years in advance,this,He relative growth time is shortened,The future height will be shorter than others,If not handled in a timely manner,The future is can't remedial.


The security problem.Eight or nine years old children if period,There is the risk of pregnancy,There is a big potential safety problems.


性征可回缩骨龄不可逆 Sexuality can rebound bone age irreversible


Q性早熟通过治疗,是否是可逆的? Q precocious puberty through treatment,Is reversible?


All prince is:See its degree,If the peripheral,Only appeared mammary development,Parents found earlier,Such as a week or two,Found to see a doctor,No obvious growth acceleration,Bone age don't advance,Hormone level also no obvious rise,Often there may be some incentive,As long as the incentive to remove,Mammary gland will gradually rebound,Back to the normal level.Foreign weeks sexual precocious child,Intervention after improved,In the future it is commonly won't have greater influence.


But the bone age advance appeared is irreversible,Such as eight years old,Bone age ten years old,After treatment,Bone age is not likely to return to eight years old,Therefore height may be lost,After all, he less two years of growth time.The original foundation height is short,Bone age and advance,Belong to and short and early development,This is the most troublesome.


原因分析 Cause analysis


饮食 洋快餐、补品都可引起性早熟 Diet favored/Supplements can cause precocious puberty


The capital ErYanSuo endocrinology of doctor of vice director of all is the gentleman is introduced,Peripheral precocious puberty,Clinical see more reasons,Often there is a connection between with diet,This is more common.Such as like to eat chicken chicken,Especially favored to eat more,There are some children eat tonic,Including eat protein powder,To be able to see the precocious puberty case.


There is a case,Parents is north Korea's race,Every day do bean soup,Children love to eat,As children 2 years old in mammary gland development.After inspection,Diagnosis of peripheral precocious puberty,Through the traffic,Think it with the bean soup,Stop eating the,Less than a week,Children will rebound the mammary gland.


【饮食TIPS】 [Diet TIPS]


Generally speaking,Precocious puberty in children,chicken/, ducks and other poultry had better not eat,honey/Royal jelly,Astragalus membranaceus/ginseng,There are bird's nest,These supplements also had better not eat,And colostrum,Now pediatric all don't let in again,Used to have to eat ChuRuSu appears after the precocious puberty case.


Including some bean products,Contains phytoestrogens this kind of things,Such as soybean milk,If appear mammary gland development also don't eat.And out of season of fruit and vegetables,Do not recommend eating.In addition,Plastic bottles,Don't advise parents to use,All the best for the glass.


化妆品 成人化妆品缺乏激素检测 Cosmetics adult cosmetic lack of hormone detection


The capital ErYanSuo endocrinology of doctor of vice director of all is the king,Cosmetics to special remind,Mother used to have with abundant breast cream,Children take empty bottle to play,Mammary gland development the,Because of abundant breast cream is absorbed through the skin,Or mother after use,Holding the baby,Or nursing,Will lead to the child of breast development,The question now is less,Parents are more attention.


All is king,In recent,See a patient,Parents take their children to go abroad to play,Parents bought a lot of hand cream/Hand rub oil,Want to send people back,Because the packing looks very nice,Children like,It took the old play.Mom is in abroad began to coat,But after returning home,The child is the mammary gland development,Because at ordinary times the parent to the child's diet's care,The traffic,Think it with the relevant cosmetics,Do not use after a week or two back to review,The child's mammary gland is a retraction.


All is king,A lot of precocious puberty reason,Can in turn push,Is likely to be with this relationship,But at present the hospital didn't do the detection ability,Such as detection in the cosmetics, such as whether it contains excessive estrogen.


误区释疑 Error disabuse


小鸡鸡“晨起” 憋尿导致小鸡鸡变硬 Chicken chicken"Since morning" Suppress urine lead to chicken chicken harden


Dad ZhaoNing:The morning,Find five year old son chicken chicken is straight,This is a erectile,Whether to belong to precocious puberty?


WuYuJun:If there is no increase in testicular organ development,Should not belong to precocious puberty.May be in the morning,Children have urine,Suppress urine can cause the chicken chicken harden.The little boy when pee,Chicken chicken is hard to change,Otherwise not far from urine.so,The morning,The little boy has the urine,Chicken chicken is made of,This is very common.

  出现乳沟 B超可确诊是否过早发育

Appear cleavage B ultrasonic can diagnose whether early development


Dad England:3 year old daughter to take a shower,Find her over the edge tub when have the cleavage,This is mammary development?


WuYuJun:This age paragraph the little girl appear cleavage is unlikely,Even if is mammary gland began the development,The most is a two stage,Won't appear cleavage.May be because of fat,Some children,Even boys,As a result of too fat,The chest is big,Like adult female breast,But through the B ultrasonic can see,There's nothing there,Is adipose accumulation.

  家长如果看到孩子乳腺区增大,可以摸一下,看里面有没有乳核,如果不放心,可以到医院做一个B超,看有没有乳腺组织。(采写/新京报记者 林文龙)

If you see parents children breast area increases,Can touch the,See inside have milk nuclear,If not be at ease,Can go to a hospital doing B to exceed a,Look have breast tissue.(Article/Beijing news reporter LinWenLong)
