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学而思:教学环境略差 顾问态度一般--亲稳网络舆情监测室
机构名称: Organization name:学而思
Learning and thinking
体验时间: Experience of time:2013年3月1日下午
On March 1, 2013 in the afternoon
体验地点: Experience the place:
Haidian district, Beijing zhongguancun street no. 32 and ChengJiaYe tower
体验人物: Experience people:笔者(孩子的姐姐)
The author(His sister)
总体影响: The overall effect:环境:80 服务态度:85 专业度:70
The environment:80 service attitude:85 professional degrees:70
营销味道: Marketing the taste:弱(主要帮笔者介绍了三年级学生可以学习的课程以及测评方法)
weak(Mainly to help the author introduces the grade three students can learn the course and assessment methods)
阶段性测试是否具备 Whether to have periodic testing:未介绍
:Not described
个性化测评是否具备 And if you have personal evaluation:是,可在网上进行测评,或打印出来让孩子做完交到学而思网点进行咨询
:is,Online assessment,Or print it out to let children finish make learning and thought outlets
体验过程: Experience the process of:
Take the elevator to 7 layers,No obvious indication sign after out of the elevator,But place is not big,The author is easier to find,Saw some during the classroom is clean and tidy,The blackboard desks and chairs,But slightly lower than normal ceiling,So there is a feeling of depression,Is not suitable for children to learn.The author find learning and thought the front desk,Ask pupils' mathematics training,The receptionist first asked the child's grade,And whether registered before class,Then took the grade three students of mathematical training materials to the author,And introduce course is divided into three levels - foundation class,Senior class and advanced classes.Three of the courses can be in the weekday evenings or weekends throughout the study,At the same time the front desk for the author introduced the Internet query course time and remaining seats.In addition,The receptionist to in this paper,Registration course evaluation should be carried out first to get to the Internet,And give that address,Can show online assessment,Can also be printed after to get the learning and thought to rate each node at the front desk,Evaluation should be to join the class for the students.The whole process is natural,No significant marketing,But the receptionist just answer the question without the consciousness of active service.
培训价格: Training the price:
数学 三年级 3课时 15次 2720元
Mathematics three grade 3 class 15 2720 yuan
英语 三年级 3课时 15次 2720元
English grade 3 class 15 2720 yuan
语文 三年级 2课时 15次 1820元
Chinese three grade 2 class 15 1820 yuan
Old students preferential $20 registration fee
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