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EF EF T: 10px; border: #d4d4d4 1px solid;" class="abstract bgB clear STYLE1">    T: 10 px; Border: # 1 px d4d4d4 solid;" Class ="The abstract bgB clear STYLE1">   编者按: Editor's note:贺优琳任中山纪念中学党委书记,全国人大代表。2011年3月,作为“两会”人大代表发言,在发言过程中数度为民哽咽,而被称为“忧民哥”。搜狐教育专访贺优琳,看今年他将带来怎样的建议?为哪些教育问题发声? He Youlin dean memorial secondary school party secretary,The National People's Congress.In March 2011,As a"The two sessions"National People's Congress on behalf of the speech,Several times in the process of speaking for the people SOB,Known as the"Sick people elder brother".Sohu education interview He Youlin,Look at this year, he will bring what kind of advice?As the voice of what education issues?2013两会教育专题>> 2013 CPPCC education project>>


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:北京教育局最近出台法令取消中小学其中考试的减负政策,怎么看待这个政策?您所在的学校是怎样减负的?

Beijing bureau of education including primary and secondary school examination law was introduced recently cancelled during the policy,What about this policy?Your school is how to reduce?


贺优琳【全国人大代表、中山纪念中学党委书记】: He Youlin[The National People's Congress/Sun yat-sen memorial middle school party secretary]:首先我觉得不管采取什么措施,你都阻挡不了家长对孩子成才的那种迫切愿望。我们国家的价值观、用人观唯有读书高,你读一个职业学校能考公务员吗?有几个地方招公务员要大专生?一个门槛决定了整个选材用人都还是倡导读书靠学历文凭,在这么一种氛围下,阻挡不了家长对孩子的要求。

First of all, I think no matter what measures,You could not prevent the parents for children to become that kind of desire.The values of our country/High YongRenGuan only reading,You can read a vocational school take an examination of civil servants?There are several local recruiting civil servants to college students?A threshold determines the entire selection of choose and employ persons or advocate reading by diploma,In such an atmosphere,Stand in the parents to the child's request.


You can take various means to put the public schools/Not the not the full-time school,It can be done,But you didn't give their children to solve,You see social various training center,You see we are the children doing at the weekend.Out of the public schools were the parents to the training center,Family pay more,Children are tired.In many places such as summer and winter vacations are not allowed to work overtime to make up a missed lesson,In fact what all not,Instead more unfair for disadvantaged children.Rich people are not afraid of,Your school don't I go into the society,I have the money please tutor,I have the money into the training center,School is not allowed to charge,School is not allowed to instead of unfair social vulnerable groups,He had no money,He had no way to enjoy the other education.


We have training agencies said such a thing,Now is that they are an unprecedented opportunity to make money,Because public schools are not allowed to anything,Even a maintenance it,As a parent,As a student to you,Hope you all is quiet,Training institutions in the society more prosperous.We are now in shirk responsibility,It not that not,Can the,But the key did not solve students' real problems,,You may even pass the buck,The children have been forced to be run by the local people of all kinds of training institutions.


农村孩子输在过程教育 Rural children lose in the process of education


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:刚才说家长尤其希望孩子通过读书改变命运,但是我们看到有些农村学生通过十几年努力之后仍然难以找到工作仍然,难以改变自己的命运,寒门难出贵子,您怎么看待这个问题?

Just said parents want their children especially through reading to change destiny,But after we see some rural students through more than ten years efforts still remains difficult to find work,Difficult to change their own destiny,Any difficult out of the birth of your son,What do you think of this problem?


贺优琳【全国人大代表、中山纪念中学党委书记】: He Youlin[The National People's Congress/Sun yat-sen memorial middle school party secretary]:首先所享受到的教育不公平,过程教育很不公平,农村孩子所享受的教育跟城市的孩子不一样。我们过去说输在起跑线,他是输在过程教育,虽然高考是一张公平的试卷,但你享受的教育是不公平的,人家怎么考得赢你呢,考不赢你。

First of all, enjoy the education unfairness,Process is unfair education,Rural children enjoy education is not the same as city children.We used to say lose at the starting line,He was lost in the process of education,Although the college entrance examination is a fair test paper,Education is not fair but you enjoy,The somebody else how did you win,The exam didn't win, you.


You see now key middle school, the less recruit students in the countryside,He is not to say that because of the poor can't afford to read at home,The state policy but can't get a lot,Less is called,Uneven process education good education.再加上现在高考题目严重的程式化,命题者的思路基本是考虑城市孩子的。比如高考考听力,城市很多学校都有非常好的设备,农村的孩子有个录音机按一下听都不错了,老师师资层次低,所受的英语教育和城市不同,而需要通过统一的英语听力系统,因为整个过程不公平,所以比较难。 And now the university entrance exam questions serious programming,Originator of the idea is basically consider urban children.Such as the university entrance exam the listening test,The city a lot of schools have very good equipment,Rural children have a tape recorder press heard are good,The teacher teaching level is low,English education is different from cities,And need through unified system of English listening,Because the entire process is not fair,So difficult.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您认为是什么导致教育资源不公平?怎样解决这个问题?

What do you think lead to unfair education resources?How to solve this problem?


贺优琳【全国人大代表、中山纪念中学党委书记】: He Youlin[The National People's Congress/Sun yat-sen memorial middle school party secretary]:我的看法关键是我们国家现在不光是教育,我一直强调希望国家要协调发展均衡发展,城乡协调发展,我希望下面的一届政府更要注重农村的综合发展。现在差距越来越大,我们的城市取得惊人的成绩,你看这些城市西方国家的城市都没有这么漂亮这么美,但是我们的农村呢?这种差距是综合式的,不光是教育,各方面要综合治理,注重农村的发展,所以下面五年我希望这届政府要高度关注农村,不要把城市跟农村差距拉得越大,越多人向往城市,找不到工作我去抢去偷不想回农村,有些农村甚至是在倒退是在落后。你看西方国家非常注重协调发展,你看看台湾,台北我们一去,很自豪,台北那个样子,台北是跟我们很多城市比真的没得比,但是去人家农村看,农村注重协调发展。我们严重忽略了农村,忽略了农村的所有事情,包括教育。

I am of the view the key is now not only is the education in our country,I always emphasize wants balanced development of the coordinated development of national,The coordinated development of urban and rural areas,I hope the government should notice more rural comprehensive development.Now the gap is more and more big,Our city to achieve amazing results,Look at these cities in the west are not so beautiful so beautiful,But our rural areas?This gap is the integrated type,Not only is education,All aspects of comprehensive treatment,Pay attention to rural development,So the following five years I hope the government to attention to the countryside,Don't put the larger the gap between urban and rural areas to pull,The more people yearn for the city,Can't find a job I don't want to back to the countryside to rob to steal,In some rural areas even in the back is in the behind.You look very pay attention to the coordinated development of western countries,You look at Taiwan,We go to Taipei,Very proud,Taipei like that,Taipei is many cities than really no better than with us,But to somebody else's rural,Rural pays attention to the coordinated development.We seriously neglected the rural areas,Ignore everything in the countryside,Including education.


取消择校生会导致高中优质生源更集中 Cancel ZeJiaoSheng could result in a more high school students with high quality


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:刚才说农村,城市教育同样也有不少问题,比如初中生高中出现择校的问题,择校费有些达到八万、十万,您是怎么认为择校和择校难的问题?

Just said rural,Urban education, there are also many problems,Such as junior high school students high school school choice problem,ZeJiaoFei some $eighty thousand/One hundred thousand,How do you think it's difficult to choice and choice of the problem?


贺优琳【全国人大代表、中山纪念中学党委书记】: He Youlin[The National People's Congress/Sun yat-sen memorial middle school party secretary]:教育部去年出台一个政策是三年之内取消择校生,我是提了不同的看法。作为我们搞教育并不希望有择校生,因为带来了教育生源素质参差不齐,加大了教育的难度。我们当然都希望各个学生素质层次都非好,但是相当部分学校靠择校费在运作,教育部下个命令取消择校生,你们想过没有全国的择校费有多大,你说撤就撤,你说不准就不准,这笔费用地方政府会不会买单,会不会补齐?不要取消择校费,使得学校更苦办学更难,作为学校没有问题,只要保障经费,学生队伍素质越整齐越好。

Last year the ministry of education issued a policy is cancelled ZeJiaoSheng within three years,I was raised different views.As we have ZeJiaoSheng make education doesn't want to,Because education students quality is uneven,Even more difficult for education.Of course we all hope every students' quality level is not good,But by ZeJiaoFei quite a few schools in operation,Education next ZeJiaoSheng command is cancelled,How much do you ever think of the national ZeJiaoFei,You said is pulled,You can't tell you,Local government will not pay for this charge,Will supplement the?Don't cancel ZeJiaoFei,It is harder to make schools more bitter,As the school there is no problem,As long as the guarantee money,The professional quality of the students as neatly as possible.


I is another point of view,Cancel ZeJiaoSheng quality results will lead to high school students more concentrated,Out of dozens of recruit ZeJiaoSheng percentage,Less the percentage dozens of excellent students,Other schools also have a pretty good student.Social entrepreneurship has contributed a lot to the country,He wants nothing but a child received a good education,His enthusiastic education,Making donations,Once he didn't want to achieve the purpose of reach,He may also not keen for education,The enthusiasm of making donations will also be reduced.


Again a,Out more students,He can enjoy better education by choice,We don't have any now,The more children to go abroad.I always think first of all we take any measures to guarantee funds for a case.Now in some places has reached the condition,Such as zhongshan ancient town 15 years of free education,The town has a condition,All free from pre-school education to high school education.Will tell from guangdong,Everyone is worried about ZeJiaoFei points out by the teacher,corruption,In fact is not,Guangdong is now management is very strict.Such as student's money all is call directly to the finance bureau to his own house,The state Treasury,And then the school apply for use,And can only be used for school development,For school construction.And zhongshan have a benefit as well,Out dozens of percentage is specifically designed to assist weak schools,Weak schools to recruit ZeJiaoSheng recruit less than,Good schools of course there are conditions for get it,You accept the cost,That you come up with dozens of percentage to transform the weak school,This is a supplement of education funds.


I reminded the ministry of education,When in an administrative order you must first calculate the cost of ZeJiaoSheng probably account for how much,When cancel ZeJiaoSheng,The government can't pay,Bear this charge.Some time ago I see guangzhou media reported,Kindergarten return tens of millions of social support/Parents' sponsorship.This should not be.We have provisions of the state is no choice for nine years of education,Not allowed to charge high prices,Why do some places there is this kind of situation?Buy a degree,It is really serious violations.


High school is to give it some diversification development,I see so,Not nine-year compulsory category,A diversified development.I am the opposite.First to show that is certainly not ZeJiaoSheng as we such a good school,Level more clean,But from another Angle,We recruit more healthy birth family is no advantage.Another point of view,We in the school by ZeJiaoFei concentrated social capital running,Government can reduce the investment,Take these money into weak school.This is also a kind of social financing diversified education,All cancelled, that is, the government all won,Ability depends on the government to the commander-in-chief.We don't try so hard in high school,Our government should make pre-school education better,Pre-school education is the key.We only have trillions of GDP,Our brave solves the nine-year free compulsory education,We now is 52 trillion,Completely can do it,The key is our government do not do.How bad our preschool education.


要求国家支援广东解决异地高考问题 National support guangdong solve problems beyond the university entrance exam


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您今年参加两会关于教育带了哪些建议?

This year the NPC and CPPCC sessions you brought what advice about education?


贺优琳【全国人大代表、中山纪念中学党委书记】: He Youlin[The National People's Congress/Sun yat-sen memorial middle school party secretary]:教育方面我主要是学前教育,还有一个是异地高考,还有一个孤儿问题。

My major is preschool education education aspects,There is a is beyond the university entrance exam,There is an orphan problem.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您对于今年新的领导人教育方面有哪些期待,希望有哪些相关政策和措施?

What are looking forward to you for this year's new leader education aspects,I hope what are the related policies and measures?


贺优琳【全国人大代表、中山纪念中学党委书记】: He Youlin[The National People's Congress/Sun yat-sen memorial middle school party secretary]:我一直讲我觉得我们应该让最优秀的人来从事两个职业,一个是做教师,管人的发展,使得我们的孩子都能够享受到公平的优质教育,使得人人都能够在好的教育氛围里面成长。另一个是要做医生,人人都是好医生,我们都能够保证一个健康平安,现在的医疗单位也是糟糕,素质也是严重参差不齐,认识人和不认识人绝对不一样,有时候气得病情加重。企盼新一届的党和国家领导人一定要高度重视教育,不是停留在口头上,我真希望能够把最优秀的人吸纳来做老师、做医生。前者管一个人良好教育,后者保人的健康平安。

I have been told I think we should make the best two people to do,One is to be teacher,The development of tube people,Make our children to be able to enjoy high-quality education fair,Make everyone able to grow in a good education atmosphere.Another is to be a doctor,Everyone is a good doctor,We are able to guarantee a safe and healthy,And now medical unit is bad,Quality is seriously uneven,And not know who is definitely not the same,Sometimes the disease progression.Hope for the new party and state leaders must attach great importance to education,Not stay in the oral,I really hope to be able to do the best people absorb to the teacher/Do the doctor.The former tube a good education,The latter's health and peace.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:关于异地高考今年的建议是什么?

What is advice about different college entrance examination this year?


贺优琳【全国人大代表、中山纪念中学党委书记】: He Youlin[The National People's Congress/Sun yat-sen memorial middle school party secretary]:要求国家支援广东,把这个问题解决好。我原来提那个方案我是希望国家统一出台政策,没想到它把这个球踢给各个省。我当时就说广东麻烦了,广东自己的力量很难解决,那既然到了这个地步,我要求国家支援广东。

National support in guangdong province,To solve the problem.I used to mention that I was unified state policies,I didn't think it kick the ball to the provinces.I said that guangdong trouble at that time,Guangdong own strength is difficult to solve,Since it came to this point,I ask the state support in guangdong province.
