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虐童事件暴学前教育短板 投入占教育经费比例低--亲稳舆论引导监测室
For those who pay attention to preschool education,More than 2012 incidents is unforgettable.
This year's two sessions,The National People's Congress/Zhao Donghua submit a, vice President of the all-china women's federation[Advice on curb child abuse phenomenon],It is mention zhejiang wen ling kindergarten teachers in child abuse.She pointed out the strange phenomenon,Child care in China/education/Training institutions staff quality the good and bad are intermingled,And the government's regulatory lag.
In Chinese people's political consultative conference meeting,LiuXiaoZhuang, vice President of jiangxi province people's political consultative conference committee talked about last year on December 24 in jiangxi guixi occurrence of an accident:A shuttle children kindergarten overloaded minivan rolled over into the pond,11 a young life disappeared.He said:"The incident is a wake-up call to the people,At the same time put forward a serious problem:Rural pre-school education should do?"
LiuXiaoZhuang pointed out,General situation of the current countryside pre-school education work is,Less public kindergarten,Early childhood education have to rely on private kindergarten.Some of these kindergartens don't have qualification,There are many problems:Teachers' professional quality is low,Most of the teaching staff do not have preschool education qualification;The primitive conditions of kindergarten,Teaching basic conservation equipment were subpar;A lot of traffic safety,Overload is serious.
In fact,Lack of staff in a big city also has become a difficult problem.The National People's Congress/Deputy director of Beijing municipal people's congress (NPC)/Capital normal university President liu xin said,Our financial education funds accounted for the proportion of gross domestic product (GDP) reached 4%,Should intensify investment in preschool education.He said,In 2011 ~ 2011 years of preschool education action plan for three years,The country has increased a lot in kindergarten,But the trouble with this is,Teachers did not keep up with.
According to the LiuXinCheng,Cumulative increase in kindergarten in Beijing in recent five years in 57000 places,But Beijing's preschool teacher gaps in the size of the 45, one thousand people.Beijing infant normal school the year before into the capital normal university,Currently the school cultivation of preschool teacher graduates every year only five centuries,And demand has very big disparity.
The CPPCC national committee/Hainan provincial people's political consultative conference, vice chairman of Shi Yiyun pointed out,The identity and status of preschool teachers in our country is not clear,Treatment generally low for a long time,In recent years, there are even serious decline.City of enterprises and institutions of kindergarten teachers' identity is unknown,Living on social security.In the countryside,The public preschool teachers bear the main work,But there is no clear teacher identity for a long time.
Shi Yiyun also think,In the amount of financial education funds at the moment,Preschool education funds the proportion is too low,Insufficient government input significantly.
He also pointed out that,At present pre-school education administration management power is weak/Management is very difficult,Compared with the pre-school education quantity bedding face is wide,Management strength obviously deficiencies.Many provinces and cities has no independent pre-school education administrative organization,This not only difficult to effectively perform basic administrative functions,Is not enough to cope with new problems.
He thinks that,Break the current pre-school education development the key to problems,Is to accelerate the process of legislation of preschool education,Provide legal guarantee for preschool education,The nature of pre-school education/Governments at all levels duty/Financial investment/The management system/The system of kindergarten/Preschool teachers' identity and treatment, etc. Make that clear.
The National People's Congress/Harbin city people's congress standing committee director Wayne's suggestion is also speed up the legislation of preschool education.She said to the China youth daily reporter,In the legal system in our country,National level special specification of pre-school education laws and regulations is still blank.
In recent years, the two sessions,There has always been to calls for legislation of preschool education.We have learned,At present,jiangsu/Beijing/Qingdao/guangzhou/Shanghai and other provinces and municipalities have been implemented[Preschool education regulations],Provides the experience for national legislation.
This year,The National People's Congress/State superintendent/Beijing normal university(weibo)Professor PangLiJuan advice is,"The provincial plan as a whole,Relying mainly on county",Perfect our country pre-school education management system.
PangLiJuan said,now,Some government departments and their leading educational and public understanding of preschool education career is not enough,Cause pre-school education management system reform is far lagging behind the stage of compulsory education management system reform.
In PangLiJuan representative point of view,Pre-school education management responsibility main body"Low center of gravity",Lead to overall coordination and the insufficient financial support capability.Government often rely on the advantages of administrative power at the next higher level government pass the buck to the next level,Mutual shuffle/Kick up and down,Seemingly everyone the tube,Everyone no matter actually.now,The government at the county level on the popularization of compulsory education,Management development of pre-school education responsibility be squeezed to the township government.
The National People's Congress on behalf of the suggestion,clear"The provincial plan as a whole/Relying mainly on county"The management system of,Increase government at the provincial level for preschool education of the provincial plan as a whole leadership responsibility and government at the county level within the county on pre-school education management of direct responsibility.
[The national medium - and long-term plan for education reform and development(2010-2020)]Put forward,By 2020,Popularize one year preschool education,Basically universal preschool education for two years,Conditional region popularization pre-school education in three years.
The situation is,LiuXiaoZhuang described,Facing the problems in the kindergarten,"Regulators is a face of helpless and at a loss".
He noticed,With the development of urbanization,Compulsory education layout adjustment,Rural school-age population is gradually transferred to the town,Rural primary school students to reduce year by year,Many remote rural schools idle resources/Relative surplus rural primary school teachers.LiuXiaoZhuang think,Use of spare resources development of preschool education of rural middle and primary school,Is fully staffed.Make use of the idle buildings at the kindergarten,Can basically meet the demand of rural pre-school education,Reduce the school buses.Some of the young surplus trained teachers,Into pre-school education jobs again obtain employment,Can ease the pre-school education teachers lack of contradictions,And make early childhood education quality to be improved,is"Kill two birds with one stone"A good way to.
刘晓庄委员建议,由县级教育行政部门牵头、各相关部门配合,对农村中小学校内部及周边可利用闲置教育资源进行全面调查,摸清家底,然后因地制宜,督促有条件的农村小学新建和改扩建幼儿园。(记者 张国 原春琳)
LiuXiaoZhuang member Suggestions,Led by the education administrative departments at the county level/Each related department to cooperate,Idle education of rural primary and secondary schools within and around can use the resources to conduct a full investigation,Touch base,And then adjust measures to local conditions,Supervise the conditional rural primary school and kindergarten. The reconstruction and new.(The reporter Zhang Guo YuanChunLin)
(中国青年报 张国 原春琳)
(The China youth daily Zhang Guo YuanChunLin)
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