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调查:孩子幼儿园被欺负 八成家长支持以暴治暴--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

孩子在幼儿园被打,Most of the parents how to deal with?Recently a 90 words only/Opposed to strike back after the child was playing"To post",Revealed the mind of the children parents.
4月2日,本地一家论坛上一则《“别个打你你就还手”这样教伢对不对?》的帖子发表,帖子仅90字,作者“cxgsx0005 ”对教孩子还手的家长很不齿,他“真心劝这些家长,孩子是在不断的挫折中积累长大的,不要教孩子这些不好的东西!”不想这则短帖引发了近一个月的大讨论,点击率过万,有近300位父母参与了讨论,其中大部分强烈反对作者的观点。
4月2日,A local story on the BBS["Another hit you you strike back"So teach Ya right?]The post is published,Post only 90 words,The author"cxgsx0005 "Strike back of parents to teach children is beneath contempt,he"Sincerely advise the parents,Children grew up in continuous setbacks accumulation,Don't teach children these bad things!"Don't want this short post triggered debate for nearly a month,Click past thousands,Nearly 300 parents participated in the discussion,Most strongly against the author's point of view.
记者翻看近300位家长的回帖,At the same time interviewed 35 children parents find out,support"People don't make me,I'm not the prisoner,If people attack me,I will be the prisoner"Eighty percent of parents.
家住汉口同馨花园,One of 3 armour hospital work Mr. Tsai is determined in the gym"Strike back to send".
蔡先生表示,My daughter started kindergarten,Always be the same boy in the class bully,When the school is always crying to go home."I said to her,Received the bullying must strike back."The next day,Daughter came home a cry again,And say dozen don't win the other party."I encouraged her to,Dozen don't win just bite!"The next day,Mr CAI, please come to office by the teacher,Daughter said to the students out of the blood,The other parents.Mr. CAI ascend a door apology carrying bags of gifts,Paid for the treatment for nearly one thousand yuan.Back to home,Mr CAI has praised the child.
如今,Mr. CAI child is 6 years old,Is about to graduate from kindergarten,For three years,His daughter haven't been to other kindergarten intentionally bully.is"Once bitten qiankun".
个例 alone
记者在新桥幼儿园/Kindergarten t bridge watch two days,Look at children is how to resolve the dispute.
记者总结大概有三种情况.The first is to grab the toys,The majority of children not rob,Will choose to play something else,Does not turn into each other.
第二种在玩闹过程中,Has been hurt,Or beat,Children shouted the teacher.
第三种是两个孩子发生争执,By ripping up the ear or gets the head,Then evolved into each other,At this time next to the homecoming to report to the teacher.
记者观察后,The greatest result is,Children will not bear grudges,Kumite each other's children,After a few minutes can play happily together again.
直击 Seem to have
幼教专家/Newbridge, the kindergarten"The fourth famous wuchang district"Qin Li and deputy director Xu Maoli said,Children between the hitting each other,Is a normal thing.In the process,Can train children to solve problems and social intercourse ability,And parents taught children be dozen must get it back,Impose adult world outlook to the world of children,This treatment method simple and crude,Very bad for children to grow up.
但如果涉及到安全问题,Parents will need to stop in time.For love to children,If in the kindergarten,Parents and schools need to coordinate together,Find out the sticking point of the child,To avoid such incidents from happening again.If not in kindergarten,Is the child's parents shall promptly notify the other party,Such as teaching repeatedly not to listen to,Should let the child no longer plays with it.
如果孩子性格较软弱,Hard to get out of the often being bullied"pas".Xu Maoli advice,You can talk with your children together to role-play,Help him deal with this kind of problem.Teach him to performance of an air of confidence,Standing straight,Looked deceives people's eyes.Said with a loud voice;"Stop it,I don't like you hit me,I tell you,Can't hit me in the future!"And strut their stuff away.
部分家长也给出了自己的处理方法,Such as urging child, don't cry in front of the person bullying him,Showed a very strong way,Scare the attacker;Children stay with a friend,He is not to be bullied by others;Talk to other parents of the children,Maybe their children may also bullied at school,Take a look at what people's good strategies.
支招 action
湖北今天律师事务所律师付军表示,If it is in the kindergarten,First attacker's guardian responsible for lack of care need to assume responsibility,The second kindergarten education management lack of protection responsibility also need,To undertake a certain compensation,In addition to this,Kindergarten tend to give children buy accident insurance,Insurance can pay some expenses.If not in the kindergarten,The child guardian of both parties responsibility,Hit people party primarily responsible,Credited to party time,Because they didn't lead to the happening of the accident with is because of poor supervision.
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