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新学期伊始 数名学生离家出走称要“透透气”--亲稳网络舆情监测室
"The child,After you come back, I must spend time with you,How to communicate with you!"yesterday,常州市清潭In the学一名初三学生康康(Not his real name)Left home 4 days,His mother ms(The last name)anxious/Worry and remorse to repeat the same words over and over again.
从2月19日开始,初In the学生Run away from home的情况In the常州接二连三地发生,As of yesterday,Changzhou for more than ten students have run away from home,Many of these students have read grade.Have been recovered by the police,And some students away from home for ten days but still missing.Individual runaway kids even send message to anxious parents said"Back to have some fun".Changzhou local police also specially convened an emergency meeting for this,Students looking for running away from home,At present,Most of the students away from home has been recovered,But some children are still missing.
新学期伊始 At the beginning of the new term
数名学生离家出走称要“透透气” According to several students away from home"For air"
2月19日On the午,卢家巷实验初In the一名正读初三的娟娟Run away from home,So far no news of her,She is about 160 cm in height,Flee when wearing a yellow jacket,Dressed in a black jeans,Wearing red shoes.娟娟的父亲严先生In the牛塘的一家企业打工.After her daughter ran away,He has ten days did not work,整日In the外寻找,relative/Daughter classmate home,Daughter all may go to the place he had been looking for,But didn't results.
不过,小娟给同学网络上留言,声称“我很好,暂时还不想回家”。 常州武进牛塘派出所的民警表示,警方正在密切关注她的动向,但暂时还没有她的消息。从相关监控可以看出,她失踪当天上了一辆公共汽车后便没有了身影。
不过,Xiaojuan leave a message to students on the network,Claims that"I'm fine,Temporary also don't want to go home". Changzhou wujin cattle pond police station's police said,警方正In the密切关注她的动向,But no news of her for the time being.As can be seen from the relevant monitoring,After she went missing the day on a bus is the shadow.
无独有偶, 2月19日龙虎塘中学的初三学生小星离家出走。24日,龙虎塘中学又有3名14岁的学生出走,26日,他们与家中取得联系,告诉家人“不要担心,我们身上有钱,出去透透气就回”。26日晚22时许,在家长、校方和社会的支持下,民警已将24日出走的3名14岁的龙虎塘初二学生和初三学生小星全数找到,并交给家长。
无独有偶, 2月19日龙虎塘In the学的初三学生小星Run away from home.24,,龙虎塘In the学又有3名14岁的学生出走,On the 26th,他们与家In the取得联系,Let's tell our families"Don't worry,We have money,Back to have some fun".22 PM 26th night,In theparents/Under the support of the school authorities and the society,Police have 24 walked three 14-year-old dragon pond 2 students and grade students in small XingQuan number found,And to the parents.
20日开学当天,常州西林In the学初三学生小晶(Not his real name)Run away from home,23,,她In the汽车站附近通过公用电话与家人取得联系,Get to the station police immediately after that,Will plan to travel from home to find work in the suzhou found small crystal.
经过与小晶关系密切的A friend/Students know the situation deeply,得知小晶In the校时与一名男生张某关系不错.Zhang is in anhui,Two years older than the crystal,Six months ago has gone to school work.Small crystal is away from home in order to meet and zhang.Thanks to the police in time to find it and hand it to the parents.
We have learned,After the annual winter vacation begins early,Changzhou police will receive more than 10 children ran away from home alarm,The childIn the外待了几天或经过警方/The school/Parents looking for,Basic will go home.
孩子出走后 Children ran away after
母亲急得摔伤腿,懊悔“沟通太少” Mother was hurt his leg,To regret"Communication is too little"
"我In the常州一家单位的人力资源部工作,The husband is a university teacher,We usually work is very busy,Due to all this(Refers to the children ran away from home)Mainly blame us communicating with your child too little at ordinary times.Baby after you come back,I must spend more time with him."
昨天On the午,常州清潭In the学学生康康的母亲叶女士To regret地介绍说,Kangkang has been away from home for four days,They already call the police,但到现In the也没有任何消息.
叶女士告诉扬子晚报记者,25, 7 a.m. in the morning,The teacher told her,Kangkang doesn't after to school,They looked everywhere for a,But didn't find his shadow and other news,Family and friends are out in a rash.Ms leaf said excitedly,She graduated from the university later in changzhou for more than 20 years,丈夫也是In the常州大学城当教师,Two people work at ordinary times is always busy,Neglect to children's care.
康康小的时候一直是爷爷奶奶照顾,His life self-care ability is stronger,From primary school grade one to grade five,父母都是每天In the桌子On the放一二十元钱,Let the children buy their own food,After the sixth grade,Kangkang's independent self-care ability is stronger.Though it is kangkang extern,But is oneself buy breakfast every day.Ms and Mr Almost didn't get home very late every day,After arriving home,Kangkang had fallen asleep,Wake up the next day,Kangkang is already go to school again.On the weekends,Kangkang also have their own circle of friends,Less communication with parents.
"May be the child's performance,Just cause he's afraid to go to school."Leaf said Ms.,now,In retrospect I feel she is wrong,Because during the Spring Festival period this year,Kangkang has become silent,He was the first 2 grades have been very good,The grade has fallen.He may be worried about entrance pressure,With weariness.
而就In the2月20日,Will soon begins,Because kangkang winter vacation homework didn't finish,Parents said he after a few words,Kangkang walked out from home at a time,The next day 2,当地民警In the一家网吧找到了他."I should be self review,Work can find again,But son can not rebirth."Leaf said ms,In order to look for his son,Her leg was hurt.But she did not so much.
昨晚17点50分,Before going to,Leaf lady sent message said excitedly"Kangkang has found,thank you!".When a reporter asked about why children ran away from home,Ms leaf chose to conceal.
孩子回来后 Baby after you come back
校方表示“要让孩子回归正常” School officials said"To let the children back to normal"
"My son came back.When he walked out with $110,When the 11th day,When the police found him,Only 1.6 yuan."yesterday,常州新北区龙虎塘In the学初三学生小星的母亲岳女士称,Little star away from home for 11 days in total,When the 11th day,警察In the一家网吧找到他时,他正In the疯狂地打游戏,Only have one yuan much money with me.
"When we asked him what time can it do,Said the little star hadn't thought of."Ms chow said,Son, come back clearly lost a big circle,She and her husband were carried on the communication with him,But little star don't want to talk more,He simply said don't want to go to school,Ask the reason,Said the little star too much homework.Small star, also let the parents give him some time,He will be correct.Ms chow said she and her husband come from gansu province,平时都In the厂里打工On the班,Rarely take care of son,儿子的成绩In the等,Hope he can slowly change to come over.
“ 回来的孩子上课学习如今一切正常,孩子成长的过程中遇到这样那样的问题很正常,回来的小晶我们把她和其他孩子一样看待,一视同仁,不会因为这次离家出走而给他们贴上‘坏孩子’标签,毕竟孩子的健康成长最重要。”常州西林中学的史老师说,孩子回校后,一切都归于平静,但校方会更加珍视每一个学生,密切关注学生动向。
" The kids go back class learning now everything is ok,The child成长的过程In the遇到这样那样的问题很正常,Back of small crystal we treat her and other children,equally,Will not give them as because this time away from home‘Bad boy’The label,After all, a child's healthy growth is the most important."常州西林In the学的史老师说,After the kids back to school,All is calm,But the school will be more cherish each and every student,Pay close attention to the students.
家长应该怎么去“倾听”孩子 Parents should how go to"Listen to the"The child
第一课 理解 The first lesson to understand
初三生离家出走多为逃避压力 Hoped to run away from home at the beginning of how to avoid stress
常州一家中学长期担任毕业班班主任的陈老师表示,初三学生面对中考有压力,学生离家出走跟逃避压力有关,家长这时应避开谈论这方面话题,多说一些关心孩子身体和心理方面的话,引导孩子不要把中考看太重。学校方面也要多做学生心理疏导工作,化解学生的压力 ,调节好学生的精神状态,释放身心。引导孩子正确认识到有压力很正常,人生不同时期有不同压力,中考这点压力考验都过不去,以后的人生道路怎么走?
常州一家In the学长期担任毕业班班主任的陈老师表示,初三学生面对In the考有压力,Run away from home to escape the pressure on students,Parents should avoid to talk about this topic,Said more concerned about their children physical and mental aspects,引导The child不要把In the考看太重.Schools also want to do more students psychological counseling work,Solve the pressure of students ,Adjust the mental state of good students,The release of body and mind.Guide the child correctly to realize pressure is normal,Life in different periods have different pressure,In the考这点压力考验都过不去,Later road how to go in life?
第二课 沟通 The second lesson communication
朋友、学业、家庭,多了解孩子思想动向 A friend/Their studies/family,Know more about children thought trend
"初In the学生Run away from home有多方面原因,Parents and schools to from the front and side know more about the child's ideas."Changzhou liberation army 102th hospital psychiatrist said li ning, director of the analysis,The child进了初In the,Began to accelerate the formation of self-consciousness,There are many reasons for grade students away from home,From the external cause for,Children may be affected by the bad friends,Can't stand the temptation,Internet addiction;In addition,May and academic pressures and parents often quarrel is related to family environment,Parents can't understand very well.
第三课 更正 The third class to correct
更正自身问题,并培养孩子抗挫折能力 Correct their own problems,And cultivate their ability to resist frustrations
李主任认为,家长要有针对性地分析,理解孩子面临的压力,如果是父母自身的问题,家长应该及时更正;如果有上网成瘾等状况,家长则要和专业心理咨询机构联系治疗,促进孩子心理健康发展。 他建议家长应放松心态,把更多的精力放在培养孩子面对困难和挫折的勇气,培养孩子树立正确的成败观和价值观上,让孩子自己找到学习动力,进而提高成绩。
李主任认为,Parents want a targeted analysis,Understanding child pressure,If it is the parents themselves,Parents should be corrected in a timely manner;If there is Internet addiction, etc,Parents should contact treatment and professional counseling agencies,Promote the development of children's mental health. He suggested parents should relax state of mind,把更多的精力放In the培养The child面对困难和挫折的勇气,To cultivate children to set up the correct view of success and values,Let children find their learning motivation,To improve performance.
警方启动找孩子“零点行动” 全面清查网吧、旅馆 The police started to find children"Zero action" Complete check Internet cafe/At the hotel
多名初In the生Run away from home,Cause of changzhou attaches great importance to the police.Changzhou city public security bureau has also held an emergency teleconference,发布Run away from home初In the生体貌特征,Asked the city police station overnight"Zero action",Sorting out one by one Internet cafes within their respective jurisdictions/At the hotel,Once found similar personnel immediately back.At the same time,要求民警将清查过程In the发现的未成年人妥善安置,Looking for family and school,Back to the safety.
警方表示,After receiving several parents alarm children ran away from home,Attaches great importance to public security organs.管辖地派出所民警还将The child的详细情况登记In the"Lost people search platform"On the,各地公安机关In the工作In the遇到相似人员,Will be the first time and the information of the platform,To find children left home.
2月On the 26th夜间至27日凌晨,Changzhou city public security organ shall start"Zero action",The policemen to clear up Internet cafes/At the hotel,找出居留In the这些地方的未成年人.公交分局民警In the车站出入口/Waiting area/Strengthen the patrol in the square,To find clues.警方还将与全市各In the小学加强联系,Teasing out the list of the students did not come to school today,与清查过程In the找到的未成年人一一核对,Will back to home or school students.By the public security organ for overnight,Are now safely back 15 students away from home(包括初In the生和小学生),只有曾In the网络On the给同学留言的小娟,警方仍In the全力查找In the.
根据目前掌握的线索,这几名初中生也属于自行离家出走,遭遇意外的可能性不大。警方希望离家学生的老师、家长、同学和朋友,尽可能多提供线索,及时反映,及时将孩子安全带回家。(扬子晚报记者 张战斗)
根据At present掌握的线索,这几名初In the生也属于自行Run away from home,The possibility of accidents.The police hope to students of the teacher to home/parents/Classmates and friends,As much as possible to provide clues,In a timely manner reflect,In time the child seat belts to go home.(Zhang Zhandou yangzi evening news reporter)
(Source: the yangzi evening news)
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