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2月26日,Many netizens said to reporters,鹰潭市多所In the小学In the开学第一天就强制学生到指定书店Buy coach book after class,Students if not to buy,The teacher will stinginess,Many parents forced,Can only be"To foot the bill".


 投诉:学校强制学生到指定书店购买辅导书 投诉:School students to the store to buy coach book


"我小孩In the鹰潭一小读书,He told me that come back from school yesterday,The teacher asked them to‘Three special bookstore’Buy some extracurricular coach book,And said that after the assignment many are those who coach book above,Do not buy no."Net friend"Strong-arm reaction"Told reporters,This forced the students to buy books for school, he is very hate,But for the sake of children reading,Also worry that children don't buy books by the teacher,So were forced to"To foot the bill".


"Strong-arm reaction"said,Later he ask for it,鹰潭市还有多所In the小学都要求学生到那家"Three special bookstore"Buy a book.Yesterday he went to help children see that bookstore to buy books packed,Was crowded with students and their parents to buy books,He squeezed an hour to buy a book.


"Three special store what is the background?Incredibly so many schools require students to go to the bookstore to buy books,Even the copybook going what they buy.""Yingtan city education department should also supervise,How to reduce more students to buy so many homework and auxiliary materials.""I think it is a disguised form of kidnapping!"……采访In the,Several parents complained to reporters,This compulsory school students buy books behavior is a hard sell,Hope that relevant departments to tube of a tube.


 说法:学校称未强制学生购买辅导书 可能是教师个人行为 said法:Not forcing students buy school said coach book may be teacher personal behavior


26日上午,Aiming at the condition of the parents to reflect,Yingtan city reporter contacted the first primary school.A staff is introduced according to the principal's office,Ying is not compulsory for the students to the first primary school"Three special bookstore"Buy coach book after class,Said the parents say is probably the individual behavior of individual teachers,Has nothing to do with school.


当记者追问学校方面是否掌握相关情况时,The staff always take the fifth,Just say they will report to school.


进展:鹰潭市教育局表示将介入调查 progress:Yingtan city education bureau said it would investigate


随后,Reporters will feedback this situation to yingtan city bureau of education.

  “目前我们还没有接到类似投诉。根据相关规定,中小学的课本教材都是由教育主管部门统一配备发放的,各中小学不得以任何形式和理由强制学生购买或订阅所谓的课外辅导材料。”鹰潭市教育局办公室一名工作人员表示,针对学校家长所反映的情况,他们将进行核实调查。如情况属实,不管是学校行为,还是教师个人行为,都将进行严肃处理。(记者 叶新阔)

"At present we haven't received similar complaints.According to relevant regulations,In the小学的课本教材都是由教育主管部门统一配备发放的,各In the小学不得以任何形式和理由强制学生购买或订阅所谓的课外辅导材料."Yingtan city bureau of education's office said a staff member,In view of the school is reflected by the parents,They will verify the investigation.If that is the case,Whether it's behaviour in school,Or the teacher individual behavior,Will be serious processing.(Reporter leaves the new rich)
